Christina Journey of Recovery from Childhood Sexual Abuse

Episode 9 February 03, 2022 00:27:08
Christina Journey of Recovery from Childhood Sexual Abuse
Rachel on Recovery
Christina Journey of Recovery from Childhood Sexual Abuse

Feb 03 2022 | 00:27:08


Hosted By

Rachel Stone

Show Notes

Christina tells her story of childhood sexual abuse and being a recoverying alcoholic.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:03.000 Hi, this is Rachel and recovery. We've got a special guest today, 2 00:00:03.000 --> 00:00:08.509 Christina. She's gonna tell us a little bit about herself. Hi, Rachel, 3 00:00:09.150 --> 00:00:14.029 my name is Christina. I am thirty three years old, high work 4 00:00:14.150 --> 00:00:21.460 in real estate. I am single. I live with my two year old 5 00:00:22.100 --> 00:00:34.100 dog, and is my baby right now. Hobbies that have just probably reading, 6 00:00:34.259 --> 00:00:40.810 anything outdoorsy, and it seems that lately my biggest hobby has been working 7 00:00:41.090 --> 00:00:46.170 on my recovery. So that take up USO Santal and that I'm right now. 8 00:00:47.170 --> 00:00:53.719 Okay, so Christina is a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. We're going 9 00:00:53.799 --> 00:01:00.039 to ask her some questions about her recovery program and she's gonna answer them to 10 00:01:00.200 --> 00:01:03.989 the best of her abilities. So question one, what things have you done 11 00:01:04.349 --> 00:01:14.510 for your recovery of being sexually abused? So the past couple years I have 12 00:01:15.750 --> 00:01:23.180 done quite a bit. Prior to that I really didn't do much and then 13 00:01:23.180 --> 00:01:29.140 I really started seeing the way it was affecting me in my life and especially 14 00:01:29.180 --> 00:01:34.010 over the last year, I really got into committing to therapy. I see 15 00:01:34.010 --> 00:01:42.689 a therapist once a month and recently I started doing amdr therapy, which has 16 00:01:42.730 --> 00:01:51.799 been intense, but really great. I've read books, talk to other people, 17 00:01:52.079 --> 00:02:00.120 Meditation, Yoga. I think the biggest thing recently that I did was 18 00:02:00.280 --> 00:02:07.789 going to retreat or survivors of childhood sexual abuse and meeting other people that had 19 00:02:07.830 --> 00:02:14.789 gone through that and just meeting the staff there and people that are trained to 20 00:02:16.020 --> 00:02:20.939 help people like this, because it's just been something that most of my life 21 00:02:20.939 --> 00:02:27.139 I've avoided and that has really that. That really changed the way I saw 22 00:02:27.259 --> 00:02:34.810 Maarica very recently. Okay, what has been the most helpful? The most 23 00:02:34.889 --> 00:02:43.610 helpful probably connecting with other survivors, and that was really important for me because 24 00:02:43.650 --> 00:02:47.639 I spent so much time in denial from the fact that it happened to me 25 00:02:51.360 --> 00:02:53.840 and that I really didn't talk about it much. And I've pulled a couple 26 00:02:53.960 --> 00:02:59.990 people throughout my life, but nobody that had really experienced it or could offer, 27 00:03:00.509 --> 00:03:05.310 you know, their own experience, and so I felt very alone with 28 00:03:05.509 --> 00:03:07.669 it a lot of the time. So just connecting with other people and having 29 00:03:07.710 --> 00:03:14.860 a support group that I was stayed connected with and, you know, we 30 00:03:14.939 --> 00:03:17.939 can bounce things off each other and keep each other updated on our progress, 31 00:03:19.419 --> 00:03:24.500 has really been beneficial for me. I think that's the most selful how did 32 00:03:24.539 --> 00:03:35.650 your family respond? Not Well. So only one person in my family knows 33 00:03:36.530 --> 00:03:40.879 and my sexual abuse happened actually with a family member, and I think that's 34 00:03:40.919 --> 00:03:50.479 why it made it such an uncomfortable conversation to have. And through my recovery 35 00:03:50.560 --> 00:03:54.639 work I've planned on telling the rest of my family. That point has not 36 00:03:54.990 --> 00:03:59.469 been reached yet where I feel like it's the time to do it, but 37 00:04:00.789 --> 00:04:08.389 previously I did tell a family member and I think that they were in shock 38 00:04:09.030 --> 00:04:14.259 and you know, I get my denial honest in my family. Everybody in 39 00:04:14.340 --> 00:04:20.139 my family does not acknowledge their emotions anything uncomfortable. We're just going to sweep 40 00:04:20.139 --> 00:04:25.610 it under the rug. And that's basically what happened. Is I was told, 41 00:04:25.610 --> 00:04:28.769 okay, I will do what you need to do to get through this, 42 00:04:29.449 --> 00:04:32.769 but we're not going to talk about it again, and we sure have 43 00:04:32.930 --> 00:04:42.759 it. It's just been something I've had to tiptoe around and recently that's something 44 00:04:42.800 --> 00:04:45.600 I figured out that I'm not comfortable doing for the rest of my life. 45 00:04:45.759 --> 00:04:50.759 So it wasn't well received. That was about ten years ago, so I'm 46 00:04:50.800 --> 00:04:55.389 hoping, you know, the next time I go about this it goes a 47 00:04:55.389 --> 00:05:02.990 little bit better. That can be so disheartening. It was, and I 48 00:05:03.310 --> 00:05:09.259 think that's why I avoided doing any work for a long time, because the 49 00:05:10.139 --> 00:05:13.540 response I got, you know, when I finally like, as survivors, 50 00:05:13.579 --> 00:05:17.459 it's such a big deal to finally confide in somebody about it, because we're 51 00:05:17.459 --> 00:05:23.370 so protective of the secret and we finally get to this point where we're like, 52 00:05:23.410 --> 00:05:26.050 okay, I'm going to tell this person and they're going to finally help 53 00:05:26.170 --> 00:05:29.649 me, and you know, it's just this big relief we're supposed to be 54 00:05:30.329 --> 00:05:35.000 and so when it turns out really negatively, it's it's like, oh well, 55 00:05:35.519 --> 00:05:39.600 I shouldn't have done that, I should just, you know, keep 56 00:05:39.639 --> 00:05:42.439 it back inside, just signal I do what I was doing because that was 57 00:05:42.639 --> 00:05:47.000 better. And I don't, you know, this person, I don't think 58 00:05:47.040 --> 00:05:53.629 did it intentionally. I think they weren't able to deal with it. She 59 00:05:53.709 --> 00:05:58.310 doesn't, you know, make it any less hurtful, but I understand everyone 60 00:05:58.350 --> 00:06:05.860 deals with things in their own way. How did your community respond? So, 61 00:06:08.339 --> 00:06:12.060 as far as community, the only people that I've really told have been 62 00:06:13.459 --> 00:06:18.449 really close friends and depending on how close they were, you know, that 63 00:06:19.810 --> 00:06:27.529 determined the level of detail that I shared with them. But all of my 64 00:06:27.689 --> 00:06:32.639 close friends that I've told about it have been so supportive. The first person 65 00:06:32.680 --> 00:06:39.879 I ever told was my best friend and I remember going to her house and 66 00:06:39.959 --> 00:06:43.199 I'm thinking in my head like I can't believe I'm going to tell somebody, 67 00:06:45.800 --> 00:06:48.430 and I shared this with her and she was so supportive, so understanding. 68 00:06:48.709 --> 00:06:58.589 She actually ended up sharing with me that she had gone through a similar experience 69 00:06:58.629 --> 00:07:03.300 as far as having, you know, childhood sexual abuse happened to her as 70 00:07:03.379 --> 00:07:09.420 well, and I really felt good about that. And anyone else that I've 71 00:07:09.459 --> 00:07:14.459 told has been very supportive. But I'm very particular about who I choose to 72 00:07:14.579 --> 00:07:17.449 tell as well. So, you know, I make sure I have a 73 00:07:17.569 --> 00:07:24.889 good relationship with them because I don't want that scenario to happen again where it's 74 00:07:24.930 --> 00:07:28.649 like a negative response. So I'm very I'm very aware of who I'm telling. 75 00:07:29.250 --> 00:07:35.879 Fair enough. was there any re victimization or victim blaming? Yes, 76 00:07:38.040 --> 00:07:45.110 whenever I shared with my family, or the one family member about the abuse, 77 00:07:46.110 --> 00:07:50.910 it was a lot of victim blaming or, you know, saying, 78 00:07:50.949 --> 00:07:55.269 well, why didn't you say anything before? Are you telling me the truth? 79 00:07:55.870 --> 00:07:59.339 You know, what did you do want? And so it's, you 80 00:07:59.500 --> 00:08:03.660 know, a survivor's worst nightmare for somebody to say, well, what did 81 00:08:03.699 --> 00:08:11.899 you do? You know, and we have to understand it takes this a 82 00:08:11.939 --> 00:08:15.689 long time to understand that it wasn't our fault, and so when someone says 83 00:08:15.730 --> 00:08:22.490 that to you, it sets you back. So so there was and I've 84 00:08:22.529 --> 00:08:26.730 had to work through that as well to understand that their response has nothing to 85 00:08:26.810 --> 00:08:31.720 do with me. That's so true, and it's such a difficult thing to 86 00:08:35.000 --> 00:08:41.000 work through anyways, and then that just compounds it drastically. It's almost worse 87 00:08:41.159 --> 00:08:46.149 than the abuse itself, when sometimes it is. Yeah, that's a good 88 00:08:46.230 --> 00:08:52.350 point, because I remember even in therapy I was, you know, going 89 00:08:52.429 --> 00:08:56.500 through these events and the events directly really to the abuse. I remember I 90 00:08:56.620 --> 00:09:01.019 really didn't get that emotional about and then when I was talking about that instance, 91 00:09:01.019 --> 00:09:05.139 you know, I got really emotional about it, and it did. 92 00:09:05.220 --> 00:09:11.049 It felt worse than the actual abuse because you're like expecting that to go better, 93 00:09:11.529 --> 00:09:13.409 you're expecting it to have it, but it does. It see opposite. 94 00:09:16.809 --> 00:09:28.799 How has this impacted your career? I don't know that it has impacted 95 00:09:28.960 --> 00:09:37.519 my career, surprisingly in a negative way. I've learned to be extremely independent 96 00:09:39.590 --> 00:09:50.110 and a very hard worker because I I sometimes escape through that. So work 97 00:09:50.269 --> 00:09:56.460 is distraction for me and if I'm working, I'm not thinking and I have, 98 00:09:58.580 --> 00:10:03.259 I've always done well as far as work goes and, you know, 99 00:10:03.419 --> 00:10:07.370 have that perfectionist mentality, and I think a lot of survivors do, where 100 00:10:07.370 --> 00:10:11.129 it's like, you know, that control and if everything's perfect, then okay, 101 00:10:13.649 --> 00:10:18.610 which in a lot of situations has worked to my advantage, and so 102 00:10:20.649 --> 00:10:24.840 I do think that that has been of gloss of my career. You know, 103 00:10:24.879 --> 00:10:28.120 of course, the negative of that is it's allowed me to be distracted 104 00:10:28.279 --> 00:10:33.399 for a long time without working on these issues. But, you know, 105 00:10:33.480 --> 00:10:37.549 I finally got to a point where I was ready to do that. How 106 00:10:37.629 --> 00:10:52.779 has this impacted your dating life? My dating life has been very I don't 107 00:10:52.820 --> 00:11:00.659 want to say rocky, but it's very close there. It's hard for me 108 00:11:00.700 --> 00:11:07.889 to get close to people because of this. It makes me very uncomfortable to 109 00:11:07.970 --> 00:11:15.090 be in a stable relationship. So I've had experiences where I've been in a 110 00:11:15.210 --> 00:11:22.000 lot of long term relationships but I wasn't able to just stay in them and, 111 00:11:24.120 --> 00:11:26.440 you know, back to me be being very avoided and like to, 112 00:11:26.799 --> 00:11:31.950 you know, live in denial. I would get these relationships and then whenever 113 00:11:33.149 --> 00:11:39.429 things were world serious and stable, I wanted to run. That's kind of 114 00:11:39.669 --> 00:11:46.460 my my Goto move is to get away from the situation and not discuss things, 115 00:11:46.580 --> 00:11:50.860 not work things out. It's like, you know, just escape. 116 00:11:52.419 --> 00:11:56.019 And so for a long time I didn't understand why I was doing that and 117 00:11:56.220 --> 00:12:03.409 I had a lot of relationships that a I would either leave or be they 118 00:12:03.490 --> 00:12:09.370 were not healthy relationships. I wasn't getting treated well and I would stay in 119 00:12:09.450 --> 00:12:16.960 those too long. So those were my two relationship patterns. And just in 120 00:12:18.039 --> 00:12:22.200 the last year when I started really working on these things, I took a 121 00:12:22.240 --> 00:12:26.639 year off of dating. Night just gotten out of a relationship that was not 122 00:12:26.879 --> 00:12:31.990 good for me. He was not treating me well and I finally got out 123 00:12:31.990 --> 00:12:33.909 of that, started doing therapy and took the whole year off of dating and 124 00:12:37.149 --> 00:12:41.429 I've just now started getting back into it and I feel much more confident, 125 00:12:41.470 --> 00:12:50.899 much more secure in what I want and how I feel and just working on 126 00:12:52.019 --> 00:12:58.139 these issues, especially like sexual issues, because I know people that experience this 127 00:12:58.220 --> 00:13:03.649 type of abuse. How you know, long lasting sexual issues, and that's 128 00:13:03.730 --> 00:13:07.129 been something that I've been working on the last year. So I feel better 129 00:13:07.450 --> 00:13:13.759 going into dating now than I ever have before because I know these issues that 130 00:13:13.840 --> 00:13:16.399 I can work on. But there's a part of me that's, you know, 131 00:13:16.639 --> 00:13:20.600 ears dated that it took me so long to finally figure that out. 132 00:13:24.879 --> 00:13:31.470 Um, yeah, no, that can be frustrating, just especially the older 133 00:13:31.509 --> 00:13:37.750 you get, the more frustrating it can become. Yeah, and I just, 134 00:13:37.269 --> 00:13:39.149 you know, sometimes when I'm working on the stuff, I'm like, 135 00:13:39.230 --> 00:13:43.220 man, I wish I had done the work, you know, five, 136 00:13:43.379 --> 00:13:46.659 ten years ago, but there's also that side of me that understands that I 137 00:13:46.899 --> 00:13:52.659 wasn't ready to do it. You know, all those experiences brought me to 138 00:13:52.620 --> 00:14:00.289 where I am today, where I'm able to work on it, and that's 139 00:14:00.450 --> 00:14:03.610 that's just the way life goes. How do you think this has impacted your 140 00:14:03.649 --> 00:14:16.960 finances? I don't know that it has impacted my finances. I have always 141 00:14:16.080 --> 00:14:24.789 been pretty good with money, again, with the control thing, and and 142 00:14:24.990 --> 00:14:28.909 I have like anxiety surrounding money in general. So I'm always, you know, 143 00:14:30.110 --> 00:14:33.389 afraid of not going to that I'm not going to be able to be 144 00:14:33.549 --> 00:14:35.549 independent if I don't have my own money. So I've always worked really hard, 145 00:14:35.629 --> 00:14:41.500 always try to save money so I can take care of myself, which 146 00:14:41.500 --> 00:14:48.620 has been a good thing. So I don't think this is directly affected finances. 147 00:14:48.580 --> 00:14:56.649 How how has this impacted your overall long term health? HMM, long 148 00:14:56.730 --> 00:15:05.490 term health. So mentally, I, you know, have struggled with, 149 00:15:05.850 --> 00:15:09.200 you know, depression and anxiety on and off because of this, and of 150 00:15:09.360 --> 00:15:16.960 course that affects my physical health, just feeling, you know, a lot 151 00:15:16.039 --> 00:15:24.309 of times just exhausted, and I know it's a common theme with survivors that 152 00:15:24.950 --> 00:15:30.350 they have like stomach issues. So you know, I've gone through periods of 153 00:15:30.389 --> 00:15:33.710 time rights it's not like nauseous for no reason, and this these weird, 154 00:15:33.830 --> 00:15:39.419 like physical symptoms that I've always had all my life but never could really attribute 155 00:15:39.460 --> 00:15:46.340 them to anything. And just as I'm reading in about the effects of I've 156 00:15:46.419 --> 00:15:50.009 used on your physical health, they're all starting to make sense to me now. 157 00:15:52.250 --> 00:15:56.769 So I've been lucky to not have anything, you know, majorly wrong 158 00:15:56.809 --> 00:16:00.809 with my physical health. I've always tried to say, you know, in 159 00:16:02.289 --> 00:16:07.159 pretty healthy shape and eating well and things like that. So I've been glad 160 00:16:07.240 --> 00:16:11.720 that nothing serious has happened. But I have had, you know, times 161 00:16:11.759 --> 00:16:15.480 where it's frustrating because that you feel not a hundred percent physically, but there's 162 00:16:15.480 --> 00:16:23.990 nothing really diagnosable about you, so that that can be frustrating. I know 163 00:16:25.110 --> 00:16:32.070 that you struggled with alcoholism before. How has that connected to your health and 164 00:16:33.179 --> 00:16:38.019 it's long term effects? Yeah, so that's something that I completely left out 165 00:16:38.019 --> 00:16:45.179 of this whole story. And I have been in recovery from absince use for 166 00:16:45.059 --> 00:16:55.370 eleven years. I got clean when I was twenty one and so luckily I 167 00:16:55.490 --> 00:17:00.639 haven't had any long term health effects from that. I Bove. You know, 168 00:17:00.799 --> 00:17:08.079 I'm for sure that my drug and alcohol used very my tweenage years was 169 00:17:08.160 --> 00:17:15.029 a very adaptive hoping mechanism for me. You know, it was killing me, 170 00:17:15.230 --> 00:17:19.750 but that was the way that I was protecting myself. You know, 171 00:17:19.829 --> 00:17:25.349 if I was Numb, I didn't think about it, didn't have to feel 172 00:17:25.349 --> 00:17:27.910 any emotions, and that's the way I like it. So you know, 173 00:17:29.029 --> 00:17:33.259 that worked for me for a number of years. Of course, there were 174 00:17:33.299 --> 00:17:38.859 a whole slew of negative consequences that came along with that until I finally got 175 00:17:38.940 --> 00:17:44.970 clean. And actually right after I got clean was the first time I ended 176 00:17:45.009 --> 00:17:48.210 up telling someone because it was so difficult for me to keep that inside when 177 00:17:48.210 --> 00:17:52.009 I didn't have dugs or alcohol to Nem it. It was almost to the 178 00:17:52.089 --> 00:17:56.210 point of like, I have to tell somebody this, for I'm going to 179 00:17:56.250 --> 00:18:03.759 end up using again, and so for my health and mental health, I 180 00:18:03.839 --> 00:18:07.720 didn't want to continue the way I was going and so I did end up 181 00:18:07.759 --> 00:18:15.029 telling, you know, my best friend at that point and and I've had 182 00:18:15.069 --> 00:18:18.869 a support group through that as well, which has been super important for me 183 00:18:18.990 --> 00:18:23.750 and so helpful. You know, even if I wasn't directly working on this 184 00:18:23.990 --> 00:18:30.700 issue, just having that support group of people was was what I really needed 185 00:18:30.819 --> 00:18:36.099 at that time my life and still need today way. So yeah, with 186 00:18:36.259 --> 00:18:40.859 that I'm glad that I didn't have any long term physical issues from that, 187 00:18:41.059 --> 00:18:45.250 because I very well could have. Definitely did not take care of my body 188 00:18:45.289 --> 00:18:55.960 for a long time. How has this impacted your social life? Social Life, 189 00:18:55.960 --> 00:19:06.599 I don't know. I think that I've always been a very I don't 190 00:19:06.599 --> 00:19:08.640 know if they vary. Not Anymore, but when I was growing up and 191 00:19:08.759 --> 00:19:15.470 when I was a kid, I was very shy, very reserved, and 192 00:19:15.670 --> 00:19:19.670 so it was I was always more on the quiet side and so it was 193 00:19:19.710 --> 00:19:22.710 difficult for me to meet people, as difficult for me to trust people. 194 00:19:23.619 --> 00:19:32.740 And you know, through having a support group and just being clean and learning 195 00:19:32.859 --> 00:19:37.380 how to, you know, live without drugs. I started building some of 196 00:19:37.460 --> 00:19:42.410 those social skills that I never had before, but I'm still still to this 197 00:19:42.529 --> 00:19:51.450 day, I find it hard to fully trust people. Socially, I've done 198 00:19:51.450 --> 00:19:55.920 much better. I'm, like, a lot more outgoing now. Don't have 199 00:19:56.240 --> 00:19:59.519 as much of a problem meeting people, but I do, you have a 200 00:19:59.759 --> 00:20:07.039 problem getting close to people because you know, especially if your abuser is somebody 201 00:20:07.230 --> 00:20:10.190 in your family, that you were, you know, supposed to trust and 202 00:20:10.990 --> 00:20:17.230 have that connection and be able to depend on them, and then they do 203 00:20:17.470 --> 00:20:22.700 something to you like that, it makes you learn that you can't be trusted. 204 00:20:22.700 --> 00:20:29.339 So that's very hard to break and it's been something that I've continued to 205 00:20:29.420 --> 00:20:33.660 work on and just keeping good people in my life has really helped with that. 206 00:20:36.609 --> 00:20:41.289 How is this affected your long term mental health? Long term mental health, 207 00:20:41.329 --> 00:20:48.890 I mean, like I mentioned earlier, I've been diagnosed with depression and 208 00:20:48.009 --> 00:20:57.119 anxiety and really just started working on that last year. You know, I 209 00:20:57.240 --> 00:21:03.240 decided to start taking medication for that, which is really helped, and for 210 00:21:03.319 --> 00:21:07.109 a long time I put that off and didn't want to to accept that that 211 00:21:07.869 --> 00:21:11.950 that was something that I need to do, because then I would have to 212 00:21:11.029 --> 00:21:14.829 accept that I was depressed. And if I was depressed, I have to 213 00:21:14.869 --> 00:21:18.549 accept that I had this abuse happen. So it's, you know, just 214 00:21:18.700 --> 00:21:22.579 this long line of denial for me. But once I really start working on 215 00:21:22.700 --> 00:21:26.900 that, it's gotten a lot up better. But there's definitely days were, 216 00:21:29.019 --> 00:21:32.779 you know, if I'm working on something tough or something stressful in my life, 217 00:21:33.210 --> 00:21:38.529 Thursdays I just wanted the lay about all day and I've had to work 218 00:21:38.609 --> 00:21:44.890 hard to get away from that because it can suck you in quick so I 219 00:21:45.049 --> 00:21:48.880 know that that that is an impact that it has had on me, just 220 00:21:49.039 --> 00:21:56.640 having that struggle with depression. To other victims out there, what advice would 221 00:21:56.680 --> 00:22:06.829 you want to give them? My advice would be not to run away from 222 00:22:06.910 --> 00:22:15.819 it. That that has been, you know, the thing that has gotten 223 00:22:15.819 --> 00:22:18.740 in my way the most where I just didn't want to face it. And 224 00:22:19.220 --> 00:22:23.339 when I started facing it and nating out for help and doing the work, 225 00:22:25.220 --> 00:22:30.609 it got better. And I know that, you know, survivors have a 226 00:22:30.690 --> 00:22:37.130 lot of shame surrounding their abuse and in you know, there's just this mentality 227 00:22:37.210 --> 00:22:45.440 of don't talk about it and and if we just start accepting our truth and 228 00:22:47.000 --> 00:22:52.960 and speaking about it, even if it's scary. You know, we don't 229 00:22:52.960 --> 00:22:56.200 have to go shout it from the rooftops or anything like that, but it 230 00:22:56.359 --> 00:23:07.869 just telling one person. We don't have to carry it by ourselves. What 231 00:23:07.109 --> 00:23:18.259 was the grooming process for you? I don't know, it's not something that 232 00:23:18.299 --> 00:23:26.099 I've thought a lot about. And I read that question, you know, 233 00:23:26.210 --> 00:23:32.170 whenever you hit had sent it to me and I was telling myself I'm to 234 00:23:32.210 --> 00:23:38.089 think about that later and then I just didn't. But but you know, 235 00:23:38.410 --> 00:23:42.079 it's just not something that I've really thought about. I mean, I'm sure 236 00:23:42.240 --> 00:23:49.000 that you know at some point the abuse that started with just like small things, 237 00:23:51.839 --> 00:23:53.559 you know, it like just kind of testing the waters and seeing, 238 00:23:53.920 --> 00:23:57.230 you know, is this going to be okay, it's something that they're gonna 239 00:23:57.470 --> 00:24:03.869 you know, let me do and and then getting worse from there. But 240 00:24:06.869 --> 00:24:12.380 but aside from that, I don't know how was just impacted your faith. 241 00:24:15.779 --> 00:24:26.130 I've always been a pretty spiritual person. I don't know if I've ever been 242 00:24:26.569 --> 00:24:40.559 really religious, but but I have always believed in something and but there's been 243 00:24:40.599 --> 00:24:44.920 times where I've been very angry at that something, you know, that I 244 00:24:45.519 --> 00:24:47.880 think, well, why did this have to happen to me and I have 245 00:24:48.079 --> 00:24:51.400 these thoughts of you know, there's other people in the world that have never 246 00:24:51.440 --> 00:24:55.829 had to experience this or understand what it's like to go through it, and 247 00:24:56.109 --> 00:24:57.829 it's, you know, it's easy to slip into that pity of like, 248 00:24:57.950 --> 00:25:03.109 you know, why me? Why this? Want, you know, what's 249 00:25:03.150 --> 00:25:08.220 the point? But I've tried to stay out of that and stay more in 250 00:25:08.339 --> 00:25:15.259 the gray's food I have for being able to recover and get better. And 251 00:25:15.420 --> 00:25:18.180 that's the way I feel today. You know, tomorrow or next week I 252 00:25:18.220 --> 00:25:22.890 could feel completely different and be back in that why, I mean mentality. 253 00:25:23.609 --> 00:25:29.609 But but today it's been okay, and I think you know, especially whenever 254 00:25:29.650 --> 00:25:33.410 I was in a much darker place in my life, whenever I was using 255 00:25:33.450 --> 00:25:37.400 drugs and alcohol during this you know, I hadn't told anybody, you know, 256 00:25:37.519 --> 00:25:41.680 or even back when it was still happening and I was using drugs and 257 00:25:41.880 --> 00:25:48.079 it just felt very hopeless, very dark. So during those times I definitely 258 00:25:48.200 --> 00:25:52.990 struggled with my faith. Today I feel like I have a more solid foundation 259 00:25:53.150 --> 00:26:00.470 and I've been at peace with it much more. Okay, Christina, just 260 00:26:00.630 --> 00:26:04.460 anything else you would like to tell tell us before we wrap this up? 261 00:26:07.859 --> 00:26:11.700 I just want to thank you for doing this podcast and I think it's great 262 00:26:11.740 --> 00:26:18.220 that people are talking about it, sharing their stories, sharing their experience and 263 00:26:18.500 --> 00:26:23.890 just letting people know that other people have gone through this and people aren't alone 264 00:26:26.049 --> 00:26:33.519 their self out there. There's support out there and recovery is possible. All 265 00:26:33.519 --> 00:26:37.519 right, guys, thanks for listening. Tune in next Thursday for our next 266 00:26:37.559 --> 00:26:44.519 show and always you can always follow us on facebook, twitter, Linkedin or 267 00:26:44.640 --> 00:26:51.910 Instagram, and you can always visit our website at www Rachel and recoverycom and 268 00:26:52.349 --> 00:26:56.670 always listen to us on any of our podcast platforms with its spotify, apple, 269 00:26:57.430 --> 00:27:04.259 Google, tune in or audible. Thanks for listening. Thanks.

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