Kimberly's Journey of Recovery from Childhood Sexual Abuse

Episode 10 February 10, 2022 00:14:55
Kimberly's Journey of Recovery from Childhood Sexual Abuse
Rachel on Recovery
Kimberly's Journey of Recovery from Childhood Sexual Abuse

Feb 10 2022 | 00:14:55


Hosted By

Rachel Stone

Show Notes

Kimbery tells her story of being sexually abuse multiply time through out childhood and steps she has taken to recover from sexual abuse.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:03.080 Hi, this is Rachel, and recovery got a special guest with US named 2 00:00:03.080 --> 00:00:08.869 Kimberly. She's here to tell us about her surviving sexual abuse as a child. 3 00:00:08.869 --> 00:00:12.830 Right now she's going to tell us a little bit about herself. Hi, 4 00:00:13.029 --> 00:00:16.870 my name is Kimberly. I'm a thirty eight year old mom of two 5 00:00:17.789 --> 00:00:24.859 and I am excited to be here and share my experience. Here's some of 6 00:00:24.940 --> 00:00:31.859 the questions we're going to ask Kimberly. What things have you done for recovery 7 00:00:32.060 --> 00:00:40.009 of being sexually abused? I have mostly just done counseling. I had a 8 00:00:40.210 --> 00:00:46.210 group that I join not long after my experience, the first time that my 9 00:00:46.369 --> 00:00:53.079 mom put me into as a little girl, and then I went to a 10 00:00:53.240 --> 00:01:00.119 counselor probably in my early S, and then I have started seeing a new 11 00:01:00.200 --> 00:01:07.310 counselor now and other support groups that I've done. What have you done that's 12 00:01:07.310 --> 00:01:11.670 been the most helpful? Honestly, the counseling has been the most helpful, 13 00:01:12.430 --> 00:01:19.500 just being able to talk to somebody and mostly you work through the issues yourself 14 00:01:19.579 --> 00:01:23.459 and they're just there to listen. I find that to have been really helpful. 15 00:01:26.659 --> 00:01:33.530 How did your family respond? My family responded. That's pretty complicated, 16 00:01:33.650 --> 00:01:40.170 as I'm sure most people who have experienced that knows that most of the time 17 00:01:41.049 --> 00:01:45.650 the family is not very supportive. I my immediate family, my mom and 18 00:01:45.730 --> 00:01:52.040 Dad. They were very believing and supported me and got me into a support 19 00:01:52.079 --> 00:01:57.879 group whenever I was six and and that was great. The biggest problem was 20 00:01:57.920 --> 00:02:05.909 the extended family generally. They seem to have leaned more towards supporting my abuser 21 00:02:06.629 --> 00:02:15.580 then me, and that kind of set me up for my later the later 22 00:02:15.699 --> 00:02:23.460 issues that I had with abuse from other people. So how did your community 23 00:02:23.620 --> 00:02:29.740 respond? For the most part, I would think the only community that would 24 00:02:29.740 --> 00:02:35.050 have been the issue. I know the church that we went to the first 25 00:02:35.050 --> 00:02:42.129 time I experienced abuse kind of treated me like a lever and we eventually just 26 00:02:42.250 --> 00:02:47.280 start stopped going because people just kind of viewed me different, like I was 27 00:02:47.400 --> 00:02:54.680 going to accuse them of something or it was a very strange experience. WAS 28 00:02:54.759 --> 00:03:00.389 THERE A re victimization? Are Victim Blaming you? Yes, so the first 29 00:03:00.430 --> 00:03:06.830 time that it happened to me I was around six years old and for the 30 00:03:06.909 --> 00:03:10.270 most part I healed pretty well from that. I don't know if it was 31 00:03:10.349 --> 00:03:14.500 being so young or if it was a support group that my mom put me 32 00:03:14.539 --> 00:03:23.620 in. But as time went on I would experience my family basically still letting 33 00:03:23.620 --> 00:03:30.250 their kids play with my abuser and they would be very egg shelly around me. 34 00:03:31.210 --> 00:03:37.250 And so the second time that it happened to me, my aunt's husband, 35 00:03:38.449 --> 00:03:43.960 I did not tell anybody and I just kind of went through it on 36 00:03:44.080 --> 00:03:47.120 my own from the time that I was about twelve until I was eighteen, 37 00:03:49.199 --> 00:03:57.229 and then I I was groomed so well during that process that I didn't it 38 00:03:57.349 --> 00:04:01.469 didn't occur to me whenever I entered into an American into a marriage with a 39 00:04:02.629 --> 00:04:10.699 sexual abuser as well. How has this impacted your career? For the most 40 00:04:10.819 --> 00:04:15.180 part it hasn't really affected my career necessarily. I've been very lucky that I 41 00:04:15.300 --> 00:04:23.540 have a good job and everything, but I do I do wonder sometimes about 42 00:04:23.899 --> 00:04:30.250 who I might have been if it weren't for the sexual abuse. Perhaps it 43 00:04:30.329 --> 00:04:33.810 I don't know, perhaps I might have been somebody different, but for the 44 00:04:33.930 --> 00:04:41.600 most part, career wise, I've been pretty lucky. How is this impacted 45 00:04:41.720 --> 00:04:46.199 your dating life? My dating life, I am pretty skeptical of most people. 46 00:04:46.480 --> 00:04:53.350 I am very guarded. I'm not necessarily afraid to date, but it 47 00:04:53.589 --> 00:05:02.870 is hard for me to form a real secure attachment to people. How has 48 00:05:02.949 --> 00:05:09.860 just impacted your your previous marriage? Well, as I said before, I 49 00:05:09.939 --> 00:05:15.699 did enter into a marriage with somebody who sexually abused me. For the most 50 00:05:15.779 --> 00:05:20.180 part, I stayed in the marriage for about sixteen years, but it left 51 00:05:20.339 --> 00:05:27.209 me with a lot of a lot of stuff that I had to recover from 52 00:05:27.250 --> 00:05:32.009 afterwards because for the most part I didn't even realize that I was being sexually 53 00:05:32.050 --> 00:05:41.680 abused through my marriage. I just kind of what experience things with my body, 54 00:05:43.079 --> 00:05:50.389 like pain during any sort of intercourse with my ex, and those things 55 00:05:50.509 --> 00:05:56.269 kind of just started adding up towards the end and I realized that there was 56 00:05:56.430 --> 00:06:00.230 just something fundamentally wrong with what was going on, and it wasn't until a 57 00:06:00.430 --> 00:06:05.180 couple of years after the divorce that I really started realizing how bad it was. 58 00:06:08.339 --> 00:06:13.660 How is this affected your parenting? My parenting, I am I would 59 00:06:13.699 --> 00:06:18.250 not say I'm overly protective, but because I don't want them to be scared 60 00:06:18.329 --> 00:06:24.329 of people, but I do I watch the people around my children like a 61 00:06:24.490 --> 00:06:32.079 hawk whenever I can. I look for any sort of personality changes with people 62 00:06:32.160 --> 00:06:36.040 that they're around and because that was one of the biggest things. That was 63 00:06:36.160 --> 00:06:41.600 confusing to me when I was experiencing stuff. I always I was like, 64 00:06:42.040 --> 00:06:46.319 well, how did people not know? And then so now I'm like extra 65 00:06:46.399 --> 00:06:50.589 vigilant to just try to pay attention to anything that might change in their demeanor 66 00:06:50.709 --> 00:06:57.829 around certain people. How has this impacted your finances? Not Too much, 67 00:06:58.589 --> 00:07:04.259 other than the the thinking that maybe something could have been different without that. 68 00:07:04.540 --> 00:07:11.980 But as far as I feel, my finances haven't really suffered necessarily from it. 69 00:07:12.139 --> 00:07:17.329 I mean, I do have moments where I feel a little down or 70 00:07:17.370 --> 00:07:24.170 something, but it doesn't really affect anything long term. Okay, I mean, 71 00:07:24.250 --> 00:07:28.290 I'm have you taken in account the cost account on saying ours that been 72 00:07:28.370 --> 00:07:31.120 covered by your job? Pretty well, fortunately that is covered by my insurance. 73 00:07:31.279 --> 00:07:42.120 So how has this impacted your overhall long term health? I don't know. 74 00:07:42.279 --> 00:07:47.870 I do definitely have issues with going up and down in my weight and 75 00:07:48.069 --> 00:07:54.870 that obviously is not real great for my health, but I would not say 76 00:07:55.110 --> 00:08:00.139 I my mental health. I mean it's not too bad. I do have 77 00:08:00.379 --> 00:08:05.620 moments of anxiety and such, but overall I don't think my physical health is 78 00:08:05.819 --> 00:08:16.850 too too affected by it. Okay, how has this impacted your impacted your 79 00:08:16.930 --> 00:08:24.610 social life. My social life, I I don't make a lot of friendships, 80 00:08:24.449 --> 00:08:31.839 so I probably spend most of my time alone or with a very good 81 00:08:31.920 --> 00:08:39.240 friend of mine or with Rachel. But yeah, I wouldn't say I make 82 00:08:39.360 --> 00:08:46.269 very, very many connections with people unless I can I feel like I can 83 00:08:46.350 --> 00:09:01.740 really trust them. So okay. How has this impacted your overall long term 84 00:09:01.820 --> 00:09:09.539 mental health? I would say Daytoday I do pretty good, but long term 85 00:09:09.659 --> 00:09:16.370 there's definitely some things that I'm never going to fully heal from. I'm always 86 00:09:16.409 --> 00:09:20.049 going to have just a little bit of anxiety that's going to pop up here 87 00:09:20.090 --> 00:09:24.799 and there. I mean, I'm really doing the work to to heal and 88 00:09:28.000 --> 00:09:33.679 feel, I don't know, some semblance of normalcy, but it's really the 89 00:09:33.799 --> 00:09:37.399 abuse is all I've ever known. So I don't know. I don't know 90 00:09:37.590 --> 00:09:43.509 what the medium is between people who haven't been like that and people who have. 91 00:09:43.950 --> 00:09:52.980 So overall I feel like I'm I'm pretty good most days. To other 92 00:09:52.019 --> 00:09:56.779 victims out there, what advice would you want to give them? Definitely get 93 00:09:56.820 --> 00:10:01.340 into counseling, even if you feel like you're totally fine, because the entire 94 00:10:01.340 --> 00:10:05.019 time through my marriage I thought I was great. I didn't I didn't know 95 00:10:05.259 --> 00:10:13.289 anything was wrong. So if you have experienced that at all, definitely do 96 00:10:13.490 --> 00:10:20.289 counseling, because there is stuff that's that's still affecting what you do and how 97 00:10:20.370 --> 00:10:28.759 you think about things. My biggest my biggest bit of advice is to the 98 00:10:28.840 --> 00:10:33.919 people around the people who have suffered from that, the families, like, 99 00:10:33.159 --> 00:10:41.750 don't pretend like it didn't happen. Be there, because the people who are 100 00:10:41.789 --> 00:10:50.179 affected by sexual abuse, they need to know that they're supported more than anything 101 00:10:50.340 --> 00:10:58.340 really. What was your grooming process? The grooming process, it's really complicated. 102 00:11:01.379 --> 00:11:03.490 I mean, you feel they make you feel really good, they make 103 00:11:03.570 --> 00:11:11.250 you feel special. I it's a very strange feeling to still have like positive 104 00:11:11.330 --> 00:11:20.879 thoughts towards the person, knowing that they took something from you that you're never 105 00:11:20.919 --> 00:11:31.480 going to get back. I I still lean toward protecting that person or or 106 00:11:31.720 --> 00:11:37.669 trying to keep their anonimity safe and everything, and it's it's a very weird 107 00:11:37.789 --> 00:11:41.870 experience because the grooming process, it just kind of sticks with you your entire 108 00:11:43.029 --> 00:11:50.379 life and it affects the way that you respond to other people. I'm very 109 00:11:50.460 --> 00:11:54.580 much so the type of person that just gives people the benefit of the doubt. 110 00:11:54.659 --> 00:12:00.539 No matter what, and sometimes it's at the expense of myself. I'm 111 00:12:00.580 --> 00:12:05.850 really working on not necessarily being that way. I don't want to lose my 112 00:12:05.970 --> 00:12:11.850 kindness and everything, but I do know that I have let people take advantage 113 00:12:11.889 --> 00:12:18.279 of me because I don't want to hurt their feelings or and I know that 114 00:12:18.360 --> 00:12:24.320 that was from the grooming process that my from the abuse that I experienced during 115 00:12:24.360 --> 00:12:31.549 my adolescence. How has this impacted your faith? I did, I had 116 00:12:31.710 --> 00:12:39.950 the questions, like everybody, on whether how God could let this happen to 117 00:12:39.149 --> 00:12:48.940 me or or if there was a god, why, why did this happen 118 00:12:50.100 --> 00:12:56.299 have to happen to me? But I would not say that it really affected 119 00:12:56.379 --> 00:13:03.289 my faith necessarily. There's a lot of other reasons on my standing with faith, 120 00:13:03.529 --> 00:13:11.129 but I don't know that the sexual abuse played a hand necessarily in how 121 00:13:11.210 --> 00:13:16.720 I view the world of religion and everything. Okay, anything else you would 122 00:13:16.720 --> 00:13:24.679 like to add? Just mostly the that it's really important to support your family 123 00:13:24.799 --> 00:13:35.309 members that have experienced sexual abuse and and for the people who have experienced that 124 00:13:35.429 --> 00:13:39.029 abuse. I mean it's okay to to never talk to those people again. 125 00:13:39.149 --> 00:13:43.740 You don't owe them anything. You can just completely cut them out of your 126 00:13:43.779 --> 00:13:50.100 life and the people who support them. I mean it's okay to cut them 127 00:13:50.139 --> 00:13:54.580 out of your life too. You need to have people around you that make 128 00:13:54.659 --> 00:14:03.570 you feel better and you should never feel guilty for being around somebody or talking 129 00:14:03.649 --> 00:14:09.649 about whatever has happened to you and however you want to talk to people about 130 00:14:09.690 --> 00:14:13.639 it, because the number one thing is that you need to have people around 131 00:14:13.720 --> 00:14:22.759 you that lift you up and keep you supported. All right, I think 132 00:14:22.799 --> 00:14:30.110 that's it. Thank you, Kimberally, for coming on our show and tune 133 00:14:30.149 --> 00:14:37.389 in next week on Thursday, and we'll have another special guest on our show. 134 00:14:37.269 --> 00:14:41.659 And thanks for listening. As always, you can always follow us on 135 00:14:41.740 --> 00:14:48.019 facebook or twitter or Instagram, and then always reach out on ww reach on 136 00:14:48.100 --> 00:14:50.460 recovery if you have any questions or if you want to be on the show. 137 00:14:50.700 --> Thanks.

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