Pete Singer with Grace on Spiritual Abuse Part 2

August 11, 2022 00:33:24
Pete Singer with Grace on Spiritual Abuse Part 2
Rachel on Recovery
Pete Singer with Grace on Spiritual Abuse Part 2

Aug 11 2022 | 00:33:24


Hosted By

Rachel Stone

Show Notes

Pete Singer with Executive Director of GRACE (Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment) dealing with prevention, intervention and recovery of abuse inside the church.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.720 --> 00:00:04.440 Hey guys, we're back with Pete Singer with the rest of his journey with 2 00:00:04.839 --> 00:00:19.039 grace and his experience with spiritual abuse. Okay, Um, what are some 3 00:00:19.160 --> 00:00:29.320 scriptures used to abuse? I think just about every scripture in the Bible can 4 00:00:29.399 --> 00:00:35.240 be twisted and abused and in so doing can be used to hurt people, 5 00:00:35.280 --> 00:00:42.560 to abuse people, to silence people. Um. And so it's very important 6 00:00:42.759 --> 00:00:47.640 that we are open to all of scripture and whenever anyone quotes the scripture, 7 00:00:49.520 --> 00:00:52.880 to look for context, to look for true meaning, to watch is this 8 00:00:52.960 --> 00:00:59.520 a self serving interpretation, and to dig deeper and if something about it just 9 00:00:59.600 --> 00:01:04.640 doesn't ring true or feels off, trust your gut and consult with somebody else 10 00:01:04.680 --> 00:01:11.159 too, um, go to another faith leader who might have a different take 11 00:01:11.200 --> 00:01:15.599 on what forgiveness means, who might have a different take on what corporal punishment 12 00:01:15.280 --> 00:01:21.000 means and whether or not we're required to do corporal punishment of kids today. 13 00:01:21.120 --> 00:01:25.480 Um. And so it would be really important if it if it doesn't feel 14 00:01:25.599 --> 00:01:32.799 quite right, don't just accept one person's word that it is. Seek counsel. 15 00:01:33.599 --> 00:01:38.000 There is strength in a multitude of counselors. There's wisdom and a multitude 16 00:01:38.000 --> 00:01:42.760 of counselors get their opinions on. Is this a valid way to interpret this 17 00:01:44.159 --> 00:01:47.519 passage? Is there some other way that it may be interpreted? Does this 18 00:01:47.560 --> 00:01:52.840 seem off to you? But a couple of things that I've seen frequently misused. 19 00:01:53.239 --> 00:01:59.079 Almost any corporal punishment passage I've seen misused Um and I've seen it misused 20 00:01:59.079 --> 00:02:05.120 both when it comes to to Um corporal punishment passages related to children or corporal 21 00:02:05.120 --> 00:02:09.800 punishment passages related to adults. And just of interesting note, there are far 22 00:02:09.960 --> 00:02:16.960 more scripture versus that appear to order corporal punishment of adults than appear to possibly 23 00:02:17.039 --> 00:02:23.560 order corporal punishment of children. Um. So any passage of scripture that talks 24 00:02:23.599 --> 00:02:34.520 about corporal punishment can be twisted and misused. Any scripture unforgiveness, on repentance, 25 00:02:34.639 --> 00:02:39.520 on conflict resolution, can be twisted and misused. Many passages of scripture 26 00:02:39.560 --> 00:02:46.159 that talk about conflict resolution are talking about conflict resolution between people of relatively equal 27 00:02:46.159 --> 00:02:54.879 power. Yes, and if we take conflict resolution strategies that are intended for 28 00:02:55.000 --> 00:03:01.879 people of relatively equal power and insist that they be applied when that power is 29 00:03:02.000 --> 00:03:07.759 not equal, we have taken that scripture out of context. We have misused 30 00:03:07.800 --> 00:03:14.120 it, misinterpreted it, misapplied it and in so doing can cause great harm 31 00:03:14.199 --> 00:03:20.000 to people. When we understand, and scripture even does recognize that, when 32 00:03:20.039 --> 00:03:30.199 there is a power differential dynamics change. Almost any scripture that talks about authority, 33 00:03:31.800 --> 00:03:38.639 whether it's the authority of parents the authority of Church leaders, can be 34 00:03:39.240 --> 00:03:45.919 twisted and used to justify abuse. You have to do what I say because 35 00:03:45.960 --> 00:03:49.680 God has placed me an authority over you. And see this scripture passage says 36 00:03:50.240 --> 00:03:54.240 you need to obey me because I'm your pastor your elder, your parents, 37 00:03:54.360 --> 00:04:02.000 your whatever it might be. Any scripture passage that talks about leaders who have 38 00:04:02.280 --> 00:04:10.840 sinned can be misused. You can't remove me from ministry for this. Look, 39 00:04:11.680 --> 00:04:15.160 David stayed the king after what he did with Bathsheba, and that was 40 00:04:15.600 --> 00:04:18.720 murder. Even if we don't acknowledge that it was rape, we can at 41 00:04:18.800 --> 00:04:23.759 least acknowledge that there was murder. And you know what I've done, I 42 00:04:23.759 --> 00:04:27.560 don't think is as bad as murder. So since David was left in his 43 00:04:27.639 --> 00:04:30.800 position of authority, I can be left in my position of authority. Right 44 00:04:32.000 --> 00:04:43.839 and Um, we see that ability to misuse and twist that scripture two justify 45 00:04:43.920 --> 00:04:49.240 abuse, to push in action against abuse, to silence victims by saying nothing's 46 00:04:49.279 --> 00:04:54.759 gonna Happen. Look, David was left in power, nothing happened. All 47 00:04:54.800 --> 00:04:57.680 these other people were left in power, nothing happened. This is how the 48 00:04:57.759 --> 00:05:00.240 church is going to deal with it. So you may as well keep your 49 00:05:00.240 --> 00:05:11.160 mouth shut because nothing's gonna Happen. The story of Mary and Joseph. I've 50 00:05:11.199 --> 00:05:23.000 heard a person on the radio proclaim Mary was probably fourteen when she first had 51 00:05:23.040 --> 00:05:30.519 sex with Joseph and that seemed to be okay. Mary was a teenager when 52 00:05:30.519 --> 00:05:38.160 the Holy Spirit came on her and that seemed to be okay. So why 53 00:05:38.160 --> 00:05:43.759 are you complaining about me touching you? You're sixteen, you're older than she 54 00:05:43.959 --> 00:05:54.959 was. Scriptures that talk about well, if you don't cry out, then 55 00:05:55.000 --> 00:06:09.000 you were complicit can be misused and weaponized. Scripture that addresses sex sexuality can 56 00:06:09.040 --> 00:06:17.279 be weaponized if your church believes that homosexuality is a sin and we're talking same 57 00:06:17.319 --> 00:06:30.319 sex abuse. Often the victim will not have control over their bodily responses. 58 00:06:31.079 --> 00:06:34.759 The body does what it does, just like if you clap your hands in 59 00:06:34.800 --> 00:06:38.800 front of somebody's face, they're going to blink whether they want to or not. 60 00:06:41.720 --> 00:06:48.639 The body responds whether it wants to or not, and that means sometimes 61 00:06:48.680 --> 00:06:58.160 a person will have a physical reaction to the abuse and then the perpetrator can 62 00:06:58.199 --> 00:07:04.879 say, well, you had this physical reaction, obviously you enjoyed it. 63 00:07:06.120 --> 00:07:10.720 You had this physical reaction, obviously you are a participant. Do you really 64 00:07:10.720 --> 00:07:13.000 want to know the church? I want to let the church know that you 65 00:07:13.040 --> 00:07:15.040 had an affair with me. Do you really want to let the church know 66 00:07:15.160 --> 00:07:21.519 that you're gay, because you know we're the same sex, same gender, 67 00:07:23.000 --> 00:07:26.920 and you had that physical response, so clearly you're gay. Do you really 68 00:07:26.959 --> 00:07:33.240 want them to know that? And when these are just twisted lies by the 69 00:07:33.279 --> 00:07:44.000 perpetrator and their weaponizing scripture passages that talk about public confession, when you combine 70 00:07:44.079 --> 00:07:53.240 that with not knowing the difference between that that a power differential makes you are 71 00:07:53.319 --> 00:08:00.360 then compelling a victim to confess their role in their own abuse, which is 72 00:08:00.439 --> 00:08:07.600 hideous. And the perpetrator can twist that scripture, can use it as a 73 00:08:07.839 --> 00:08:11.720 threat. You're going to have to confess in front of the entire congregation for 74 00:08:11.800 --> 00:08:18.319 what you did. So these are just a few examples of concepts that are 75 00:08:18.319 --> 00:08:24.480 in scripture. There are too many individual verses to list, but concepts that 76 00:08:24.480 --> 00:08:30.000 are in scripture that can be twisted and misused, and that again goes back 77 00:08:30.040 --> 00:08:33.840 to highlight why we have to preach about these things, because if you preach 78 00:08:33.879 --> 00:08:41.000 about these things, it will be harder to deceive the person. Yes, 79 00:08:41.519 --> 00:08:46.120 I feel like that's something that needs to be done in churches, but most 80 00:08:46.200 --> 00:08:56.720 churches refused to talk on these topics. Unfortunately, we're afraid to M I 81 00:08:56.759 --> 00:09:03.639 mean they're dark. I Um. Let's get one more question in Um. 82 00:09:03.720 --> 00:09:07.399 When we see recordings of abuse in the Bible, such as lat and his 83 00:09:07.519 --> 00:09:15.399 daughters, which people, which most people in mental health would I would see 84 00:09:15.399 --> 00:09:20.679 as the first record of a form of victim blaming, are even David and 85 00:09:20.720 --> 00:09:26.480 Bathsheba. I think we've talked about that a little bit. How how should 86 00:09:26.559 --> 00:09:37.639 we as Christians respond to these scriptures, as Christians to the world? I 87 00:09:37.679 --> 00:09:43.200 think first we need to acknowledge that these are very difficult Um, don't invent 88 00:09:43.360 --> 00:09:48.759 a pat answer that sounds good. To try and avoid having to wrestle through 89 00:09:48.799 --> 00:09:54.639 the implications of the story, to try and to avoid having to wrestle through 90 00:09:54.679 --> 00:10:01.000 the implications of the passage. Those are very difficult. Yeah, very difficult 91 00:10:01.000 --> 00:10:05.559 passages to wrestle through and I'm going to admit that I haven't been able to 92 00:10:05.559 --> 00:10:15.039 wrestle through all of them and I can't. If I were God, David 93 00:10:15.159 --> 00:10:24.480 would not still have been king. I don't know. I cannot understand why 94 00:10:24.519 --> 00:10:33.919 God let David still be king. I don't get that. We need to 95 00:10:33.960 --> 00:10:39.679 be able to acknowledge I don't get that to not try and come up with 96 00:10:39.759 --> 00:10:48.120 some super spiritual sounding explanation to cover up the fact that that just might not 97 00:10:48.200 --> 00:10:54.320 make much sense to our minds and that it's okay. When I look at 98 00:10:54.360 --> 00:11:00.559 scripture, I see people questioning God and I often see God being okay with 99 00:11:00.600 --> 00:11:09.320 that. I trust that God. So this is for me. I'm not 100 00:11:09.320 --> 00:11:13.519 trying to force US on anyone. I personally trust that that God knows what 101 00:11:13.600 --> 00:11:20.279 he's doing, that God knows what God has in mind. But I don't 102 00:11:20.320 --> 00:11:26.960 get it. Um, so don't just invent an answer to remove the need 103 00:11:28.080 --> 00:11:37.799 to wrestle through a very difficult passage and let it be safe to question, 104 00:11:39.519 --> 00:11:46.879 let it be safe to struggle, let it be safe to not understand, 105 00:11:50.759 --> 00:12:00.080 acknowledge the difficulty and preach about it, like I was saying, be for 106 00:12:00.279 --> 00:12:03.360 we have to preach about it. And going back even to the story of 107 00:12:03.440 --> 00:12:09.519 David and Bathsheba, I don't get why David stayed into power. But you 108 00:12:09.559 --> 00:12:16.679 know what I do get? I do get that when David was confronted by 109 00:12:16.720 --> 00:12:24.639 the Prophet, the Prophet did not come to David and say, David, 110 00:12:26.440 --> 00:12:31.879 you and Bathsheba sinned. The Prophet came to David and said, David, 111 00:12:33.080 --> 00:12:48.279 you're the man. Bathsheba's never criticized for her role. It is only David. 112 00:12:48.879 --> 00:12:52.639 So yes, I'm going to acknowledge there are some parts of the story 113 00:12:52.679 --> 00:12:58.840 that I don't get. I'm also going to say to me that is one 114 00:12:58.879 --> 00:13:03.879 of the clearest examples of don't you dare blame the victim. God doesn't blame 115 00:13:03.919 --> 00:13:11.919 the victim. Don't you dare blame the victim either. And so we have 116 00:13:11.039 --> 00:13:16.120 to wrestle through these. You can't come up with just some pad answer. 117 00:13:16.879 --> 00:13:22.600 But even in a passage that's difficult, there may be some important truth that 118 00:13:22.679 --> 00:13:31.919 we can pull out, that we can identify. Yeah, I think about 119 00:13:31.960 --> 00:13:37.759 a lot and his daughters, as being a survivor of incested myself, Um, 120 00:13:37.759 --> 00:13:41.840 and how they blame the I feel like in a lot of ways they 121 00:13:43.080 --> 00:13:48.600 I mean, if you read the way that it's written from like a psychological 122 00:13:48.799 --> 00:13:56.320 or mental health a role, you'll see that it's written as if it was 123 00:13:56.360 --> 00:14:03.600 written by the abuser himself. Because they got him drunk, they were responsible. 124 00:14:05.720 --> 00:14:11.600 But if you really think about it, that's what an abuser would say. 125 00:14:13.519 --> 00:14:20.279 MM HMM. Yeah, and let's look at the broader context as well. 126 00:14:20.399 --> 00:14:28.440 Right, this is a lot who, when a mob comes to his 127 00:14:28.519 --> 00:14:31.600 house, shoves his kids outside and says here, do what you want with 128 00:14:31.679 --> 00:14:39.840 them exactly. So now we can see not just one incident, but we 129 00:14:39.879 --> 00:14:45.360 can see a pattern here. And nobody's saying that that was because he was 130 00:14:45.440 --> 00:14:56.360 drunk. And so maybe there's a little more to the story than just yeah, 131 00:14:56.399 --> 00:15:05.440 they got him drunk. Yes, and but I think it's important to 132 00:15:09.399 --> 00:15:18.279 acknowledge that's a hard passage. That is a passage that can be abused to 133 00:15:18.720 --> 00:15:26.000 seriously wound a survivor, can be weaponized. I don't believe that was the 134 00:15:26.039 --> 00:15:31.879 intent of the scripture, but it can easily. I don't think it was 135 00:15:31.960 --> 00:15:39.679 either, but it's one of the easiest passages to weaponize and people have been 136 00:15:39.840 --> 00:15:52.960 seriously hurt by that twisting. I wish that I had a pat answer for 137 00:15:52.240 --> 00:16:07.159 these passages that I don't get, these passages that to me, I say, 138 00:16:07.159 --> 00:16:12.440 why is that in the Bible? In my view of God, God 139 00:16:12.480 --> 00:16:17.240 knows what's going to happen in the future. That's my view of God. 140 00:16:18.840 --> 00:16:22.240 So that means, and it's also my view, that God inspired scripture. 141 00:16:23.879 --> 00:16:29.720 So when God inspired that to be written, he knew it would be misused. 142 00:16:33.879 --> 00:16:48.320 I don't understand that and I think it's okay to not understand at least 143 00:16:48.320 --> 00:16:52.639 I hope it is, because there's a lot of things I don't understand. 144 00:16:53.120 --> 00:16:56.879 I think there's a lot of things that a lot of people don't understand, 145 00:16:56.320 --> 00:17:06.200 whether they acknowledge that or not. M personally, Um, I think with 146 00:17:06.279 --> 00:17:12.960 that scripture I've learned is that when we read the Bible as a whole, 147 00:17:14.640 --> 00:17:19.279 we have to remember who the author is and the facts are there, but 148 00:17:19.519 --> 00:17:25.960 we have to analyze that from a different perspective and realize, you know, 149 00:17:26.920 --> 00:17:34.359 the people that right history in general are, you know, people who think 150 00:17:34.400 --> 00:17:51.799 they conquer. Yes, the author's personality and perspective comes through and culture is 151 00:17:52.400 --> 00:18:00.359 the culture of the day is reflected in the scripture and we have to look 152 00:18:00.400 --> 00:18:06.359 at a passage with those things in mind. If we and we have to 153 00:18:06.480 --> 00:18:14.680 look at what is what literary form is it taking? You know, for 154 00:18:14.680 --> 00:18:21.880 for example, there's there's a proverb that says, yeah, go ahead beat 155 00:18:21.920 --> 00:18:26.279 your kid, it's not going to kill him if he bleeds. I don't 156 00:18:26.279 --> 00:18:33.000 think the vast majority of people would say, Oh, therefore it is okay 157 00:18:33.000 --> 00:18:38.440 to beat your kid till they bleed. So we have to understand the culture 158 00:18:38.559 --> 00:18:45.720 in which a scripture was written. We have to also understand, um, 159 00:18:45.799 --> 00:18:53.640 that that particular passage often is is even viewed as Sardonic humor of an an 160 00:18:53.680 --> 00:19:02.720 extreme statement that's intentionally extreme. Okay, we need to look at passages like 161 00:19:02.839 --> 00:19:10.079 the passage with a lot with awareness that it's a different culture and we need 162 00:19:10.160 --> 00:19:15.039 to understand that culture to try and tease out some of the truth and to 163 00:19:15.119 --> 00:19:26.559 try and understand part of that story. I would have to agree. Um, 164 00:19:26.559 --> 00:19:30.160 I think we have time for one short question. How do you feel 165 00:19:30.160 --> 00:19:40.160 the church could do better with helping sexual abuse victims? So my opinion on 166 00:19:40.240 --> 00:19:48.960 the number one most important thing that the church needs to do to be able 167 00:19:49.039 --> 00:20:00.079 to effectively help and support survivors the number one most important thing. M has 168 00:20:00.079 --> 00:20:15.440 asked the survivors number one most important thing. Beyond that, some thoughts that 169 00:20:15.519 --> 00:20:22.920 may go into that. Once you have asked the survivors. Any plan for 170 00:20:23.160 --> 00:20:37.880 caring for survivors include survivors. I've had cancer, Um stage four cancer with 171 00:20:38.000 --> 00:20:44.960 a bad prognosis, and I have no evidence of disease now, and that's 172 00:20:45.000 --> 00:20:52.519 great and I thank God for that. But if you haven't had cancer, 173 00:20:55.599 --> 00:21:02.599 you don't know what it's like to have cancer and think you might die from 174 00:21:02.599 --> 00:21:07.319 it. You don't know what it's like to be afraid that you're not going 175 00:21:07.400 --> 00:21:11.839 to be there for your kids as they grow up, that you're not going 176 00:21:11.920 --> 00:21:18.160 to be there for your wife and you're gonna leave her alone. You only 177 00:21:19.200 --> 00:21:27.480 know these things if you've experienced it. Once you've experienced it, I might 178 00:21:27.519 --> 00:21:33.039 listen to you more and I might allow you to talk to me about it 179 00:21:33.079 --> 00:21:41.519 more. For some odd reason we don't get how that applies with other forms 180 00:21:41.519 --> 00:21:48.359 of trauma, including abuse. Yes, we have a responsibility, whether we 181 00:21:48.480 --> 00:21:56.039 have endured abuse or not, but don't overlook the fact that somebody who has 182 00:21:56.079 --> 00:22:03.359 not experienced abuse will never understand abuse to the degree that somebody who has experienced 183 00:22:03.359 --> 00:22:11.759 abuse understands it. So in figuring out how to help survivors and in helping 184 00:22:11.799 --> 00:22:23.000 survivors, the role of survivors is central. I think there also needs to 185 00:22:23.119 --> 00:22:30.599 be a recognition that this is the job of the church and not something that 186 00:22:30.640 --> 00:22:37.400 we are afraid of. When I got cancer, the leaders of the Church 187 00:22:37.880 --> 00:22:44.920 all came over to my house and prayed over me. The pastor then said, 188 00:22:45.319 --> 00:22:48.960 will it be okay if, in Church on Sunday we take just fifteen 189 00:22:48.960 --> 00:22:52.759 minutes at the start of the service to pray over you and your family? 190 00:22:52.720 --> 00:22:56.559 Small Church of about seventy people at the time, and we said yes, 191 00:22:57.279 --> 00:23:02.079 that will be fine. So we get there, we take the first fifteen 192 00:23:02.119 --> 00:23:06.119 minutes to pray over me, to pray over my family, and then the 193 00:23:06.160 --> 00:23:11.920 pastor says, you know what, we're just going to ditch the sermon today 194 00:23:11.000 --> 00:23:15.240 and we're going to take the entire church service to pray over you and your 195 00:23:15.279 --> 00:23:22.960 family. And after the church service one of our friends comes up to us 196 00:23:22.960 --> 00:23:29.839 and says, I know this is gonna Sound Weird, can I do your 197 00:23:29.960 --> 00:23:38.240 laundry? And for the next year, every Saturday we put our dirty clothes 198 00:23:38.240 --> 00:23:47.160 out on the porch and every Sunday they were returned clean and folded. It 199 00:23:47.359 --> 00:23:52.480 was months before we had to buy a meal because of all the people bringing 200 00:23:52.559 --> 00:24:00.279 us meals and all the people giving us gift cards. Why do we, 201 00:24:00.359 --> 00:24:03.440 as a church, see that that's our role when somebody has cancer and we 202 00:24:03.480 --> 00:24:11.480 don't see that that's our role when somebody's experienced abuse? So change our perception 203 00:24:12.359 --> 00:24:18.880 to recognize that this is caring for somebody who is hurting, just like we 204 00:24:18.880 --> 00:24:22.599 would care for a person who has cancered, just like we would care for 205 00:24:22.640 --> 00:24:30.720 a person going through another form of of trauma. They don't get a lesser 206 00:24:30.839 --> 00:24:41.720 response just because it's abuse. They get that same care and love. Collaboration 207 00:24:41.920 --> 00:24:51.359 between mental health, health care and spiritual care is absolutely essential. It's not 208 00:24:51.480 --> 00:24:57.839 just about spiritual care. Spiritual care is essential as it fits with where the 209 00:24:57.880 --> 00:25:07.519 person is at m because abuse causes a deep spiritual wound, but abuse also 210 00:25:07.559 --> 00:25:15.000 causes a huge physical wound and abuse causes a huge emotional and psychological wound, 211 00:25:15.599 --> 00:25:22.799 and we must allow the specialists in those areas to do their work. When 212 00:25:22.799 --> 00:25:29.200 I had cancer, I went to an oncologist, I didn't go to a 213 00:25:29.240 --> 00:25:41.799 foot doctor. So we collaborate with these other supports that are needed. I 214 00:25:41.839 --> 00:25:48.039 would encourage, when the church has the capacity to make care of survivors, 215 00:25:48.079 --> 00:25:53.200 a dedicated ministry. We've got a youth group. There are probably more survivors 216 00:25:53.200 --> 00:25:57.759 in your church than there are youth. We've got a ministry to shut INS. 217 00:25:59.759 --> 00:26:02.960 There are probably more survivors in your church than there are shed INS. 218 00:26:04.799 --> 00:26:11.599 A dedicated ministry to survivors. Not just a survivor who is in an immediate 219 00:26:11.640 --> 00:26:19.480 crisis, absolutely a survivor who is in an immediate crisis, but two survivors, 220 00:26:21.640 --> 00:26:30.480 because at least a quarter of your church is survivors. Consult. Recognize 221 00:26:30.480 --> 00:26:33.119 that you don't have all the answers. No one church does, no one 222 00:26:33.200 --> 00:26:41.200 individual death. So consult. Look at what other groups have for tools, 223 00:26:41.200 --> 00:26:45.799 whether it's grace, whether it's the zero abuse project, whether it's freedom for 224 00:26:45.839 --> 00:26:52.000 the captives. Um Sacred spaces is an organization that focuses on the Jewish faith 225 00:26:52.039 --> 00:26:59.720 community and has unbelievable resources available. So see what organizations have resources available. 226 00:27:00.079 --> 00:27:04.839 Some of the resources that are there from groups such as freedom for the captives. 227 00:27:06.599 --> 00:27:11.880 They have devotionals that are specifically geared towards survivors. And we have to 228 00:27:11.920 --> 00:27:17.640 be careful because some devotionals that are out there that are for devotionals for survivors 229 00:27:17.640 --> 00:27:21.599 are devotionals to try and make you forgive the person right away, whether you're 230 00:27:21.640 --> 00:27:25.799 ready to or not. devotionals to try and force a redemptive narrative, whether 231 00:27:26.440 --> 00:27:29.640 Um, that's there or not, or whether you're at the point of that. 232 00:27:30.960 --> 00:27:33.759 So we have to be careful. But a devotional that is able to 233 00:27:33.799 --> 00:27:45.559 walk through this, this difficult time of questioning with a survivor good theology, 234 00:27:45.960 --> 00:27:52.000 theology that does not blame a victim, theology that recognizes the role of power, 235 00:27:52.839 --> 00:28:00.039 theology that recognizes how our identity in Christ compels us to this work, 236 00:28:00.160 --> 00:28:03.839 that it is not an afterthought, but it is central to who we are 237 00:28:03.880 --> 00:28:08.839 in Christ and it is central to the heart of God. We have to 238 00:28:08.880 --> 00:28:15.720 tie it to our identity. We have to be willing to spend money on 239 00:28:15.759 --> 00:28:26.559 it. We have to hold leaders accountable not just for whether or not they 240 00:28:26.720 --> 00:28:30.960 abused or covered up abuse, but also for whether or not they adequately care 241 00:28:30.319 --> 00:28:37.720 for survivors. We have to recognize that everyone in the church plays a role 242 00:28:38.279 --> 00:28:48.279 in supporting survivors. We have to preach about it and we have to understand 243 00:28:48.960 --> 00:28:57.319 trauma informed practice and the principles that that this involves. Trauma informed practice, 244 00:28:57.359 --> 00:29:03.079 we have to see how are we going to in our church or our ministry, 245 00:29:03.200 --> 00:29:11.079 our faith community, how are we going to apply six key principles safety? 246 00:29:11.400 --> 00:29:17.000 How are we going to apply physical safety, psychological safety, spiritual safety? 247 00:29:18.680 --> 00:29:23.640 How are we going to apply trustworthiness and transparency? And we look at 248 00:29:23.680 --> 00:29:30.759 trustworthiness not as something we do to get people to trust us, but we 249 00:29:30.799 --> 00:29:36.440 look at trustworthiness is something that we do simply because we're called to be trustworthy. 250 00:29:36.680 --> 00:29:40.680 It's not a tool to get people to trust us. We're just called 251 00:29:40.720 --> 00:29:48.480 to be trustworthy, worthy of trust. Nobody owes US Trust. It's only 252 00:29:48.519 --> 00:29:55.960 about us being called to act in a way that is worthy of trust. 253 00:29:56.279 --> 00:30:03.720 And then we have transparency. Transparency that is determined by what information we share, 254 00:30:03.240 --> 00:30:11.240 how that information is shared and when that information is shared. Peer Support, 255 00:30:12.680 --> 00:30:22.680 that we recognize the central role that must be played by survivors in any 256 00:30:22.759 --> 00:30:30.720 strategy that we develop, because nobody will know what is needed more than survivors. 257 00:30:33.200 --> 00:30:41.559 So stop and listen to what the survivors have to say. Collaboration and 258 00:30:41.680 --> 00:30:48.920 mutuality, that we work together, we work together with survivors. We work 259 00:30:48.000 --> 00:30:52.799 together on our team. It's not just one person making the decisions, but 260 00:30:52.880 --> 00:30:59.119 our team is working together and we collaborate outside of our group. The pastor 261 00:30:59.200 --> 00:31:04.200 collaborates with the therapist. If everyone's open to that, we collaborate outside of 262 00:31:04.240 --> 00:31:11.000 our group. The fifth principle is empowerment, voice and choice. We recognize 263 00:31:11.000 --> 00:31:18.480 that abuse strips power and silences voices and we are called to walk alongside people 264 00:31:18.519 --> 00:31:23.960 as they take back some of that power, as they find their voice, 265 00:31:26.240 --> 00:31:33.039 and then humility in the face of the historical, cultural and gender factors that 266 00:31:33.079 --> 00:31:44.319 cannot be separated from trauma. We have to take those principles into account when 267 00:31:44.359 --> 00:31:53.400 we are considering how to support survivors. Grace actually has done a series of 268 00:31:53.480 --> 00:31:59.920 podcasts. Are Our final of the six part series is next week looking at 269 00:32:00.119 --> 00:32:07.440 how each of these six principles applies within the church and it looks at the 270 00:32:07.440 --> 00:32:13.359 scripture that supports each of those principles and it practically looks at how do we 271 00:32:13.440 --> 00:32:21.079 create safety, how can we be trustworthy, how compears support, how do 272 00:32:21.160 --> 00:32:25.519 we collaborate? How do we help people find their voice and be empowered? 273 00:32:25.559 --> 00:32:30.839 And then next week is how do we have humility in the face of the 274 00:32:30.880 --> 00:32:34.759 cultural, historical and gender factors, and you can find each of those programs, 275 00:32:34.759 --> 00:32:40.960 reach an hour long, on our youtube page. Um Pete will be 276 00:32:42.000 --> 00:32:45.640 back next week and tell us the rest of the rest on grace and his 277 00:32:45.720 --> 00:32:54.240 experience with spiritual abuse. Um Pete, thanks for being here. Um thanks 278 00:32:54.279 --> 00:33:00.960 for having me. It's been an honor. MM HMM. Alright, guys, 279 00:33:01.079 --> 00:33:05.640 thanks for listening. Uh Pete's gonna be back next week. I always 280 00:33:05.640 --> 00:33:09.960 follow this on your favorite platform for social media or on podcast, and if 281 00:33:09.960 --> 00:33:13.480 you have any questions, I want to reach out or learn more about Rachel 282 00:33:13.519 --> 00:33:16.440 and recovery, always go to Rachel and recovery Dot Com. Thanks for listening. 283 00:33:19.039 --> 00:33:22.680 Tune in next week at ten am on Thursday.

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