Latest Episodes

Toward a More Trauma-Informed Church: Equipping Faith Communities by Pete Singer Part 3
Pete Singer joined GRACE as the Executive Director on January 1, 2021. He has 30 years’ experience working with trauma, abuse, and mental health...

Toward a More Trauma-Informed Church: Equipping Faith Communities by Pete Singer Part 2
Pete Singer joined GRACE as the Executive Director on January 1, 2021. He has 30 years’ experience working with trauma, abuse, and mental health...

Toward a More Trauma-Informed Church: Equipping Faith Communities by Pete Singer Part 1
Pete Singer joined GRACE as the Executive Director on January 1, 2021. He has 30 years’ experience working with trauma, abuse, and mental health...

Tia Levings on Spiritual Abuse
I’m Tia Levings, a writer, creator, guest expert, and content specialist. I shine light on the abuses of Christian fundamentalism and offer contextual insight...

Danielle Sebastian's Journey as a Spouse of a Survivor of Childhood Sexual Abuse
Danielle's story is about her difficulties getting into a healthy relationship with her husband after he disclosed his sexual abuse history. Her story highlights...

TJ Journey of Recovery with a Borderline Mother and Childhood Abuse Part 2
I wish my healing journey started a lot sooner and I wish I would have known that I was more valuable as a human...