Latest Episodes
Kristi E. Mollner, MS, RDN, CCTS-I on Trauma Informed Nutrition
Kristi E. Mollner, MS, RDN, CCTS works in with Trauma informed Nutruiton.
Violet Li Healing with Tai Chi
Master Violet Li (Founder of Tai Chi & Qigong for Health and 12th Generation Chen Inheritor and a disciple of Grandmaster Chen...
Perry Power Journey of Recovery from Childhood Sexual abuse
Perry Power has written a book on Breaking the Silents. He also has a non-profit for male survivors of incest called the Andy Project...
Ashley Easter's Journey of Recovery from Cult Trauma
Ashley Easter is Cult Survivor who has write several short ebooks, produce television show and has her own nonprofit Courage 365. Intuition Work:
Zach Hiner with Snap
Executive Director Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests SNAP, the largest, oldest and most active support group for women and men wounded by...
Boz with Bozlawpa Works in Trauma Related Lawsuits
Boz is an Attorney that help victims of Sexual Abuse Attorney. He is the founder Grace (Godly Response to Abuse in Christian Environment)