Dr. Stephany Powell Ed.E on Sex trafficking Part 1

July 21, 2022 00:22:24
Dr. Stephany Powell Ed.E on Sex trafficking Part 1
Rachel on Recovery
Dr. Stephany Powell Ed.E on Sex trafficking Part 1

Jul 21 2022 | 00:22:24


Hosted By

Rachel Stone

Show Notes

Dr. Stephany Powell is the Vice President and Director of Law Enforcement Training and Survivor Services at National Center on Sexual Exploitation and has worked in this feild for over 30 years.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.240 --> 00:00:04.400 Hi, Rachel and recovery. We've got a special guest, Dr Stephanie Palein. 2 00:00:04.440 --> 00:00:06.879 She's gonna tell us a little bit about herself and then she's gonna ask 3 00:00:06.879 --> 00:00:12.160 some questions about sex trafficking and her work that she's done with that. Hi, 4 00:00:12.279 --> 00:00:16.480 Stephanie, tell us a little bit about yourself. Hi, thank you 5 00:00:16.519 --> 00:00:19.600 so much for having me on the show today. Um, a little bit 6 00:00:19.640 --> 00:00:24.640 about myself. I am a thirty year veteran of the Los Angeles Police Department. 7 00:00:25.320 --> 00:00:31.559 Um, in my last portion of uh of being on the police department, 8 00:00:31.800 --> 00:00:35.799 I was the officer in charge of a vice unit. So I ran 9 00:00:35.840 --> 00:00:39.679 a vice unit for L A P D. Um, from there I became 10 00:00:39.719 --> 00:00:45.359 the executive director of an organization that assisted victims of human trafficking, and now 11 00:00:45.600 --> 00:00:51.240 I am Vice President and director of law enforcement, training and survivors services for 12 00:00:51.320 --> 00:00:57.600 the National Center on Sexual Exploitation. Awesome, Um. So here are some 13 00:00:57.679 --> 00:01:02.880 questions. How did you get into stopping sex trafficking? Oh, my goodness, 14 00:01:03.399 --> 00:01:07.079 Um, it was. It was really by accident. Um, what 15 00:01:07.280 --> 00:01:12.159 happened? I was running the vice unit and I was arresting people for prostitution 16 00:01:14.120 --> 00:01:17.319 and then, you know, I have a personality where, you know, 17 00:01:18.040 --> 00:01:22.239 I'm talking people to death on their way to the station, only because I 18 00:01:22.280 --> 00:01:26.799 love and I'm interested in people. And what I noticed was I had the 19 00:01:26.840 --> 00:01:33.239 impression, just like everybody else, that though everyone in prostitution um desires to 20 00:01:33.359 --> 00:01:38.120 be there. But in talking to some of the people that I was arresting 21 00:01:38.159 --> 00:01:44.400 for prostitution, because, keep in mind, I left L APD in Um, 22 00:01:44.560 --> 00:01:48.439 they it was some of them, it was pimp driven, and what 23 00:01:48.560 --> 00:01:55.599 I noticed was that there were services that were needed. So I got together 24 00:01:55.640 --> 00:02:00.000 with a nonprofit organization Um. At that time it was called the merry man, 25 00:02:00.000 --> 00:02:04.159 a gland project in L A. It's now that it's Um. Now 26 00:02:04.280 --> 00:02:07.959 journey out, but Um. I said, Hey, if I ever run 27 00:02:07.000 --> 00:02:14.080 into anybody who needs services that I am not, you know, arresting, 28 00:02:14.199 --> 00:02:16.599 or even if I arrest them, Hey, can I give them your information? 29 00:02:16.719 --> 00:02:22.560 And they said yes, and so from there, once I retired, 30 00:02:23.039 --> 00:02:28.639 they had an executive director's spot open and that's how I got into the advocacy 31 00:02:29.039 --> 00:02:35.879 of Um, helping victims of human trafficking. Um, what are some of 32 00:02:35.919 --> 00:02:40.199 the signs to notice that a child is becoming a target for sex trafficking? 33 00:02:42.479 --> 00:02:46.439 You know, I give the signs, but I caution people to know that 34 00:02:46.560 --> 00:02:51.520 some of the signs that I'm probably gonna give you are also going to be 35 00:02:52.520 --> 00:02:57.000 things that you see in rebellious teenagers. Right. So one of the things 36 00:02:57.039 --> 00:03:02.159 that I think is very important to notice is that Um a victim of human 37 00:03:02.159 --> 00:03:07.240 trafficking, especially if they're a minor, because adults can be victims of trafficking 38 00:03:07.280 --> 00:03:12.879 as well, but as a minor a lot of times you're not. They're 39 00:03:12.919 --> 00:03:15.840 going to be a little cautious of letting you know who they're hanging out with, 40 00:03:15.159 --> 00:03:19.919 who their friends are, Um, and you see that in rebellious teenagers 41 00:03:19.960 --> 00:03:23.520 as well, right. So, who their friends are, if you're noticing 42 00:03:23.599 --> 00:03:30.240 some unusual tattooing that might have a crown, or Um might have some turn 43 00:03:30.599 --> 00:03:38.199 type of ownership involved, or where you may see Um uh dollar sign, 44 00:03:38.319 --> 00:03:44.240 something that has to do with money, um seeing them with new things that 45 00:03:44.400 --> 00:03:49.000 you know are too expensive for them to have bought, and then a change 46 00:03:49.039 --> 00:03:55.039 in behavior and that they are distancing themselves from you, or they are absent 47 00:03:55.199 --> 00:04:00.400 from school, or they're coming home lane or they're not coming at home at 48 00:04:00.439 --> 00:04:03.800 all. So some of the things that you might see, and with an 49 00:04:03.840 --> 00:04:10.199 average you know, teenager, are also signs that you need to be paying 50 00:04:10.240 --> 00:04:15.800 attention to when we talk about minor victims of human trafficking. So all that 51 00:04:15.920 --> 00:04:20.920 to say, anytime you see either one, do not be afraid to ask 52 00:04:21.000 --> 00:04:27.319 the questions to find out what's going on with them, and also looking at 53 00:04:27.360 --> 00:04:32.639 their social media sites to see if there's some strange activity there as well. 54 00:04:32.680 --> 00:04:36.079 Are they talking to people that you don't know? Are they talking to adults 55 00:04:36.160 --> 00:04:42.879 that you don't know? So sometimes, unfortunately, teenagers, I'm sorry, 56 00:04:42.920 --> 00:04:46.000 but moms and dad, you're gonna have to play detective. Don't be afraid 57 00:04:46.040 --> 00:04:51.360 to do that, um one. Are some most common misconceptions when it comes 58 00:04:51.360 --> 00:04:58.399 to sex trafficking. I make some of the misconceptions, Um that people have 59 00:04:59.120 --> 00:05:06.120 is one that everyone who is in prostitution are victims of human trafficking, and 60 00:05:06.160 --> 00:05:13.240 that is not true. Victims are human trafficking or in prostitution because there's been 61 00:05:13.279 --> 00:05:19.279 some type of force, fraud or coercion. Sometimes, simply put, is 62 00:05:19.360 --> 00:05:27.439 that it is Um pimp driven prostitution, and so I think the myth is 63 00:05:27.439 --> 00:05:31.160 is that everyone who is in prostitution are victims of human trafficking. However, 64 00:05:31.279 --> 00:05:36.360 having said that if it is a minor who is in prostitution, by their 65 00:05:36.439 --> 00:05:42.959 age alone, they are considered to be a human trafficking victim. Okay, 66 00:05:43.120 --> 00:05:48.000 that's good to know. Um, what are some of the after Matthew see 67 00:05:48.279 --> 00:05:55.040 and recovering from sex trafficking? Oh, that, you know, I side 68 00:05:55.399 --> 00:06:00.000 because, you know, just when I think about it and, Um, 69 00:06:00.079 --> 00:06:08.120 speaking to the survivors, either adults or or miners, it's, you know, 70 00:06:09.000 --> 00:06:14.759 a lot of pieces of their lives have just been dismantled and so them 71 00:06:14.879 --> 00:06:20.480 needing to put those pieces back together, Um, them needing the support from 72 00:06:20.519 --> 00:06:26.959 those that are closest to them to understand, because there's still this stigma of 73 00:06:26.959 --> 00:06:31.839 of prostitution, right. And so I think the important thing is that, 74 00:06:31.879 --> 00:06:38.120 if you're dealing with a survivor of human trafficking, you need to walk alongside 75 00:06:38.160 --> 00:06:44.680 them, meaning they have some idea of what they need in order to put 76 00:06:44.720 --> 00:06:50.000 their lives together, and what they need is your support and helping them put 77 00:06:50.040 --> 00:06:57.040 their lives together, as opposed to someone constantly telling them what they need to 78 00:06:57.079 --> 00:07:00.759 do. Does that make sense? Yeah, no, it makes perfect sense. 79 00:07:02.040 --> 00:07:05.560 Yeah, oftentimes people want to tell them what they need to do next. 80 00:07:06.800 --> 00:07:12.360 What they really need from people, especially those closest to them, is 81 00:07:12.399 --> 00:07:15.560 just to help them get there. And helping them get there maybe helping them 82 00:07:15.639 --> 00:07:21.079 find a job, having a place to live, being able to get maybe 83 00:07:21.199 --> 00:07:27.399 an education that they missed during the time that they were trafficed and, most 84 00:07:27.439 --> 00:07:34.279 important, believe them and give them room that when they want to talk about 85 00:07:34.319 --> 00:07:41.319 it, they're going to talk about it. Fair enough, I can see 86 00:07:41.360 --> 00:07:46.759 that could be really helpful. Um, what's just what support systems are in 87 00:07:46.879 --> 00:07:54.759 place for those recovering from being trafficked? There are numerous organizations that are age 88 00:07:54.759 --> 00:07:59.120 appropriate. They are out there to help victims of trafficking. So again, 89 00:07:59.600 --> 00:08:03.120 in my might be that they may need a place to live, it might 90 00:08:03.199 --> 00:08:07.959 be that Um uh law enforce. There are some law enforcement agencies that work 91 00:08:09.079 --> 00:08:13.279 very closely with nonprofit organizations, and I know Um and I still get them 92 00:08:13.279 --> 00:08:18.360 today, where I will get calls from M L A P D or from 93 00:08:18.360 --> 00:08:22.079 the sheriff's department in which they are trying to find services for a victim of 94 00:08:22.160 --> 00:08:28.759 trafficking, and sometimes that service maybe that their trafficker, a PEMP, has 95 00:08:28.800 --> 00:08:33.519 brought them down from let's say, Um Seattle, Washington, and now they 96 00:08:33.559 --> 00:08:37.039 need to get back home to their family. So there are services that are 97 00:08:37.080 --> 00:08:39.879 out there that will help people get back home, that will help them with 98 00:08:39.960 --> 00:08:46.840 things like education, help them with things like places to live Um and also 99 00:08:46.919 --> 00:08:52.320 help them find jobs and, even more importantly, help them with their Um, 100 00:08:52.320 --> 00:08:58.399 with the arrest records that they might have incurred during their Um, their 101 00:08:58.480 --> 00:09:05.080 trafficking. Are there any that help with like the mental health aspect of the 102 00:09:05.159 --> 00:09:11.480 aftermath of the PTSD they may have? Yes, so you will find organizations 103 00:09:11.080 --> 00:09:18.039 Um that have either contracted out or they have therapists working within their organization Um 104 00:09:18.159 --> 00:09:24.000 that will be able to help them, and I would say viable organizations, 105 00:09:24.039 --> 00:09:28.759 which there are quite a few, are trauma informed and as a part of 106 00:09:28.799 --> 00:09:37.519 being trauma informed, they know the importance that counseling plays and so therefore they 107 00:09:37.600 --> 00:09:43.080 will offer therapy either in house or they will have the resources to be able 108 00:09:43.200 --> 00:09:54.360 to Um, UH, send people to fair enough Um. What things, 109 00:09:54.639 --> 00:10:00.120 Um, would you like to see put in place, Um, for for 110 00:10:00.279 --> 00:10:07.320 engineers to help prevent sex trafficking? You know, I love this question because 111 00:10:07.480 --> 00:10:18.320 oftentimes traffickers will um either use social media in order to advertise the people that 112 00:10:18.399 --> 00:10:24.960 they are selling, or they will force those that are being sold to put 113 00:10:24.000 --> 00:10:31.000 themselves on social media sites. So what I say is is that, Um, 114 00:10:31.039 --> 00:10:37.039 careful monitoring is really important on these sites. If it doesn't look right, 115 00:10:37.080 --> 00:10:41.600 it probably isn't right, and then also, Um, coming up with 116 00:10:41.840 --> 00:10:52.440 some bulletproof way to enforce age verification policies. So those would, I would 117 00:10:52.480 --> 00:10:56.279 say, would be two things that I could think of off the top of 118 00:10:56.320 --> 00:11:01.440 my head that would be incredibly helpful, UM, for social media on Internet 119 00:11:01.519 --> 00:11:07.320 to do. Um, what are things you would like to see put in 120 00:11:07.320 --> 00:11:13.960 place in the community to help perfect sex trafficking? I think it's really important, 121 00:11:13.240 --> 00:11:20.399 um, for the community to really understand that it doesn't matter what community 122 00:11:20.600 --> 00:11:26.120 you are in. Human trafficking takes place everywhere. It may not be as 123 00:11:26.240 --> 00:11:31.279 visible because people will say, why don't have a prostitution track in my city? 124 00:11:31.559 --> 00:11:37.279 Yeah, but you have hotels and the Internet goes everywhere, and so, 125 00:11:37.639 --> 00:11:46.720 Um, I think uh, it's very important to continue to uh make 126 00:11:46.759 --> 00:11:50.720 communities aware, to make our young people aware, because, again, they 127 00:11:50.840 --> 00:11:56.559 use the Internet and Um, pimps are good pimps, traffickers are good for 128 00:11:56.639 --> 00:12:01.159 recruiting off of the Internet, and so, Um, I think awareness needs 129 00:12:01.200 --> 00:12:09.879 to really continue. Awareness and paying attention to Um laws that are being implemented. 130 00:12:11.960 --> 00:12:18.039 Okay, what are some long term impacts you have seen of survivors of 131 00:12:18.080 --> 00:12:26.679 sex trafficking? I've seen post traumatic stress this order. I've seen where, 132 00:12:26.559 --> 00:12:33.279 Um, I'm talking to a twenty three year old that may have been traffic 133 00:12:33.360 --> 00:12:37.879 since the age of thirteen and there's an arrested development where, even though they 134 00:12:37.919 --> 00:12:43.639 are physically twenty three, I'm talking still talking to that thirteen year old. 135 00:12:43.679 --> 00:12:50.559 So you see it in terms of Um, their decision making. Um, 136 00:12:50.639 --> 00:12:56.600 you may see them as being very compulsive. Um, you will see that 137 00:12:56.679 --> 00:13:03.399 they will have high scores when it comes to adverse childhood experiences, experienced tests, 138 00:13:05.000 --> 00:13:09.279 um. So those are some of the long term effects of it, 139 00:13:09.600 --> 00:13:16.720 and not to mention, Um, the trauma that happens as a result. 140 00:13:16.840 --> 00:13:22.120 So, although I am telling you these things that are long term, they're 141 00:13:22.159 --> 00:13:30.159 also they also can be reversible, because I've seen these same people be so 142 00:13:30.679 --> 00:13:39.080 high in their ability to overcome their adversity. So it's not something where it 143 00:13:39.200 --> 00:13:43.799 cannot be reversed. But these are some of the things that I have seen 144 00:13:43.960 --> 00:13:50.559 in terms of long term effects that just need to be addressed. Okay, 145 00:13:50.759 --> 00:13:56.240 Um, because I mean I know because I do a lot of research with 146 00:13:56.639 --> 00:14:01.240 childhood sexual abuse in general, and it has a very long term effect on 147 00:14:01.279 --> 00:14:05.679 their marriages and on their relationships, even after the math. And I would 148 00:14:05.799 --> 00:14:09.720 feel like some of those same treats, even though a lot of them come 149 00:14:09.799 --> 00:14:15.000 from inside the family. I mean it's a little different when it comes from 150 00:14:15.000 --> 00:14:18.919 outside the family, but to be traffic trafficed, that's a whole different ball 151 00:14:20.000 --> 00:14:24.039 game. But what's interesting about that is those things that you just name, 152 00:14:24.600 --> 00:14:28.600 the same thing happens. Not Knowing how to be in relationships, right, 153 00:14:28.639 --> 00:14:35.320 because all you know is that relationships to you people have had to pay for. 154 00:14:35.879 --> 00:14:41.320 So does someone really love me just for me and not to mention you 155 00:14:41.360 --> 00:14:48.000 know, there's statistics out there that show victims of human trafficking were, unfortunately, 156 00:14:48.799 --> 00:14:56.480 victims of childhood sexual abuse. Yeah, I mean there's a huge quarrel, 157 00:14:56.480 --> 00:15:01.519 lily right. So it's so it ends up being unfortunate really the same 158 00:15:01.600 --> 00:15:05.600 person that you and I are talking about and because of their abuse, it 159 00:15:05.759 --> 00:15:09.279 just makes, uh, what has happened to them a risk factor and vulnerable 160 00:15:09.799 --> 00:15:13.559 to a Predator who wants to sell them. Right. It's kind of like, 161 00:15:13.600 --> 00:15:16.120 well, you've been doing it so long with your uncle, why not 162 00:15:16.240 --> 00:15:20.879 do it, you know, and get paid for it? That's what the 163 00:15:20.960 --> 00:15:24.679 predators or the traffickers say to them. So you, yes, you do 164 00:15:24.759 --> 00:15:28.960 see the same effect. But then, as you also know, Um, 165 00:15:28.279 --> 00:15:35.000 when people recognize that, unfortunately, this damage has been done to them, 166 00:15:35.080 --> 00:15:39.120 you know they will go into counseling, they will be aware and hopefully they 167 00:15:39.159 --> 00:15:43.519 get the help that they need in order to get through this, because it 168 00:15:43.720 --> 00:15:48.639 is there. So exactly, it is exactly the same. Okay, because 169 00:15:48.679 --> 00:15:52.519 I was curious about that because I know some of the sex trafficking happens with 170 00:15:52.639 --> 00:16:00.519 parents and that sort of thing. Absolutely absolutely, and that is and I 171 00:16:00.559 --> 00:16:07.639 and again, you are really bringing out and asking the right questions that some 172 00:16:07.679 --> 00:16:12.440 people just don't talk about. And so when you talk about familial trafficking, 173 00:16:14.240 --> 00:16:22.519 it is absolutely happening and the survivors of that are are saying, Hey, 174 00:16:22.399 --> 00:16:30.080 I was trafficked by my grandfather, but that needs to be talked about more 175 00:16:30.200 --> 00:16:33.840 so, you know, that needs to be talked about just as often as 176 00:16:33.840 --> 00:16:38.000 we're talking about people that have been trafficked either by a stranger or a boyfriend. 177 00:16:38.320 --> 00:16:45.080 I have ran across victims that, as young as that will tell me. 178 00:16:45.159 --> 00:16:48.879 Hey, you know, they're twenty three now now, but when they 179 00:16:48.879 --> 00:16:52.279 were five years old, their grandfather was pimping them out to the neighborhood. 180 00:16:53.080 --> 00:17:00.080 Um, I was looking at stats that showed anywhere between three and four be 181 00:17:00.279 --> 00:17:07.599 four percent, and what they found that that that was more of what was 182 00:17:08.279 --> 00:17:12.559 where they were being sold on the internet or their pictures were being sold or 183 00:17:12.599 --> 00:17:18.640 traded on the Internet. So it is an issue that absolutely needs to be 184 00:17:18.680 --> 00:17:26.559 addressed and people need to understand that, unfortunately, people will sell their children 185 00:17:26.799 --> 00:17:32.000 for the purposes of sex, to make money off of them, to pay 186 00:17:32.000 --> 00:17:36.079 off a gambling a debt or to pay off the rent, you know. 187 00:17:36.319 --> 00:17:40.920 I mean it's one of those awful things that nobody wants to talk about, 188 00:17:41.400 --> 00:17:45.720 but we need to talk about it because it is happening to people, unfortunately. 189 00:17:47.000 --> 00:17:52.119 Yeah, I do have one question. Um, it's kind of on 190 00:17:52.160 --> 00:17:55.720 a similar darkness. How many of them come back a life, you know, 191 00:17:56.480 --> 00:18:03.920 after sex trafficking, versus that don't make it it meaning? Um, 192 00:18:03.000 --> 00:18:07.279 so if you could just clarify, like they just don't, you know, 193 00:18:07.480 --> 00:18:11.279 their kidnappers or you know, the people in charge of them just kill them 194 00:18:11.400 --> 00:18:18.359 or, Um, they end up murdered. I don't have the exact statistics 195 00:18:18.480 --> 00:18:22.480 on on that, but let me say this that victims are human trafficking. 196 00:18:22.480 --> 00:18:26.960 There's a very small percentage, and I know that that's been out there, 197 00:18:27.000 --> 00:18:30.839 that the guy in the white man drives up and kidnaps people. I'm not 198 00:18:30.920 --> 00:18:36.759 saying that that doesn't happen, but it's probably one to two. Nine Times 199 00:18:36.759 --> 00:18:41.839 on a ten, a victim of human trafficking knows there um their trafficker. 200 00:18:42.000 --> 00:18:49.680 Either it's somebody that has befriended a runaway um or someone that's coming to their 201 00:18:49.759 --> 00:18:57.680 life as a boyfriend or girlfriend Um, and so that appears to be more 202 00:18:57.720 --> 00:19:03.920 common then it being an absolute stranger that has kidnapped them off the street. 203 00:19:03.240 --> 00:19:10.599 But here's the thing that people do need to understand that it is incredibly violent 204 00:19:11.319 --> 00:19:18.720 and that there are those that die at the hands of their pimps or traffickers. 205 00:19:18.759 --> 00:19:25.680 That that is um unfortunately, can be a common occurrence. And if 206 00:19:25.680 --> 00:19:32.960 it's not so much dying, I can guarantee you that they can be Um 207 00:19:33.119 --> 00:19:38.240 physically harmed, uh, in terms of being thrown out of cars, are 208 00:19:38.359 --> 00:19:44.480 being beaten as a result of not bringing in enough money, or Um not 209 00:19:44.640 --> 00:19:52.119 showing respect. So there is an extreme violent nature to this. And when 210 00:19:52.119 --> 00:19:56.759 we talk statistics, you will have and and and. So statistics have to 211 00:19:56.799 --> 00:19:59.960 be reported, right, so it's going to either be reported by a hospital. 212 00:20:00.000 --> 00:20:04.519 It always going to be reported by the police. If that victim does 213 00:20:04.599 --> 00:20:08.960 not make a police report, nobody knows that she was a victim of that 214 00:20:10.079 --> 00:20:14.000 type of abuse. If she doesn't go to the hospital, we don't know. 215 00:20:14.599 --> 00:20:18.319 So the stats that are out there just kind of give us an idea, 216 00:20:18.240 --> 00:20:22.839 but it doesn't give us a true idea because it's not adding in those 217 00:20:22.880 --> 00:20:27.799 that don't report. But what we do know is that there's a very violent 218 00:20:29.160 --> 00:20:33.240 nature to all of this. That's, you know, I figured there would 219 00:20:33.319 --> 00:20:37.920 be, but I mean it's always nice to ask somebody that is in the 220 00:20:37.960 --> 00:20:42.559 business. Yeah, absolutely, Um, because I mean I think of domestic 221 00:20:42.559 --> 00:20:47.920 abuse survivors and I think they say if you you know, if women leave, 222 00:20:48.119 --> 00:20:52.200 there's a five out of six chance she's not coming back alive. So 223 00:20:52.960 --> 00:20:56.279 yeah, so I figured I don't want I wouldn't know what the data would 224 00:20:56.319 --> 00:21:00.960 be on that, but I mean it oh, when somebody starts a peach 225 00:21:02.000 --> 00:21:04.839 in you like that, they don't value your life. Oh yeah, no, 226 00:21:06.400 --> 00:21:11.319 the only way that your your life, would be of some value is 227 00:21:11.359 --> 00:21:18.359 that the person makes money off of your life. Right, so they need 228 00:21:18.400 --> 00:21:34.480 you alive to make money. Yes, very true, as as dark as 229 00:21:34.559 --> 00:21:45.440 that is, Um Ah fe, I just think it's just so horrific of 230 00:21:45.519 --> 00:21:57.880 how people will use others for financial gain. Yeah, no, Um, 231 00:21:57.920 --> 00:22:04.920 I mean that's just it's a scary world that we live in. Okay, 232 00:22:06.039 --> 00:22:11.279 yes, Um, all right, and I think that's it, guys. 233 00:22:11.640 --> 00:22:15.720 I see you, guys, next Thursday. Listen to us on your favorite 234 00:22:15.759 --> 00:22:21.279 podcast or social media platform and, as always, uh, if you have 235 00:22:21.279 --> 00:22:22.039 any questions.

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