Meredith Foster on Sex Trafficking with Tigerlili Resources

November 10, 2022 00:30:16
Meredith Foster on  Sex Trafficking with Tigerlili Resources
Rachel on Recovery
Meredith Foster on Sex Trafficking with Tigerlili Resources

Nov 10 2022 | 00:30:16


Hosted By

Rachel Stone

Show Notes

Meredith Foster

Founder/ CEO

Traffick Stop. REAL NEWS: Sex Trafficking

View Full Transcript

Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:01.120 --> 00:00:04.200 Hi, this is Jean Marc Cover. We've got a special guest, Meredith. 2 00:00:04.240 --> 00:00:08.119 She's from Tiger Lily Resources and she's going to tell us a little bit 3 00:00:08.160 --> 00:00:13.039 about herself and then she's gonna answer some questions for us. Hello Rachel. 4 00:00:13.119 --> 00:00:16.640 Yes, my name is Meredith and I am a founder of Tiger Lily Resources. 5 00:00:16.719 --> 00:00:22.440 We are a St. Louis based nonprofit ministry soon to be expanding nationally. 6 00:00:23.000 --> 00:00:30.079 UM started doing ministry work back and started doing sex trafficking outreach and fighting 7 00:00:30.120 --> 00:00:35.840 that in and uh, we have grown definitely in ways that I could have 8 00:00:35.880 --> 00:00:40.719 never imagined. And we are up against the fight of our lives really with 9 00:00:40.880 --> 00:00:45.520 some serious evil that a lot of people just can't even imagine. Fair enough, 10 00:00:45.799 --> 00:00:53.479 UM, so how did you get into stopping sex trafficking? Well, 11 00:00:53.520 --> 00:01:00.240 I am a survivor, and I honestly did not connect myself to that for 12 00:01:00.320 --> 00:01:04.519 probably about five years after I got out of the life. UM, I 13 00:01:04.560 --> 00:01:08.519 was in a I was at a friend's house and we were watching a documentary 14 00:01:10.120 --> 00:01:12.599 which I highly recommend if you were interested in knowing more about sex trafficking. 15 00:01:12.640 --> 00:01:19.239 It's nefarious merchant of souls and it's put on by exodus cry there are another 16 00:01:19.439 --> 00:01:23.640 ministry that's out of Kansas City, Missouri that is a global abolitionist for fighting 17 00:01:23.680 --> 00:01:30.040 human trafficking. They're absolutely amazing. But I was watching a documentary and uh, 18 00:01:30.359 --> 00:01:33.799 they'd go all around the world highlighting what it looks like in various countries, 19 00:01:34.159 --> 00:01:38.920 and they landed in America and they told the story of a girl Annie 20 00:01:38.359 --> 00:01:42.560 that was in Vegas. And when she told her story, that's when I 21 00:01:42.680 --> 00:01:48.599 connected that, Oh my gosh, that was my life. And it just 22 00:01:48.680 --> 00:01:52.319 hit me like a freight training. And Uh, I knew I had already 23 00:01:52.319 --> 00:01:57.840 been in ministry, but we were serving single moms because I kind of walked 24 00:01:57.879 --> 00:02:01.480 myself into the life as a suddenly single mom. I was married and with 25 00:02:01.519 --> 00:02:07.519 my son's father for thirteen years, and uh became suddenly single and my world 26 00:02:07.599 --> 00:02:12.919 came totally crashing down around me and totally wiped out all of my self worth 27 00:02:13.360 --> 00:02:15.080 and I was in just the darkest place in my life. So I walked 28 00:02:15.159 --> 00:02:22.159 into it um and then it quickly took me into it further. Uh So 29 00:02:22.560 --> 00:02:27.879 when I started the ministry, I intentionally was serving single moms because I didn't 30 00:02:27.919 --> 00:02:30.800 want them to get to a point where they felt like that's all they had, 31 00:02:31.719 --> 00:02:35.039 and I knew that if I was going through that, that there was 32 00:02:35.080 --> 00:02:38.000 thousands of other moms that were So that's what we were focused on. But 33 00:02:38.039 --> 00:02:43.560 it wasn't until I saw that movie that the Lord totally wrecked me and dealt 34 00:02:43.599 --> 00:02:47.000 with me and basically was like, Okay, are you ready? And I 35 00:02:47.120 --> 00:02:52.000 was like, am I ready? I didn't say no, but I was, 36 00:02:52.080 --> 00:02:53.800 I questioned, and I was like, what do you mean? Am 37 00:02:53.800 --> 00:02:55.919 I ready? Like that's my story. Nobody knows that I made it through 38 00:02:55.919 --> 00:02:59.439 that. And he was like, yeah, but I didn't save you for 39 00:02:59.479 --> 00:03:02.080 you to play. It's safe. Are you ready? And that was the 40 00:03:02.159 --> 00:03:07.560 start of my yes to him and fighting human trafficking since then and it's been 41 00:03:07.599 --> 00:03:14.280 absolutely amazing and I will never stop doing it. Um. What are some 42 00:03:15.280 --> 00:03:19.439 what? What are things that are most common misconceptions when it comes to sex 43 00:03:19.479 --> 00:03:25.360 trafficking? They did a great job in marketing and marketing the deception. Um. 44 00:03:25.400 --> 00:03:32.680 They always coin the victims as the younger, helpless white girls who are 45 00:03:32.759 --> 00:03:38.680 non English speaking. Um that are you know, either taken from a country 46 00:03:38.759 --> 00:03:44.240 brought here or they're chained up and abducted. UM. That happens, sure, 47 00:03:44.520 --> 00:03:50.520 but the general practice I guess is a very slow, slow process. 48 00:03:51.120 --> 00:03:54.919 Um. It's definitely traffickers knowing how to build trust and build relationships with their 49 00:03:55.000 --> 00:04:00.759 victims over time, and they're very patient because they know how lucrative that one 50 00:04:00.840 --> 00:04:04.759 victim is. They really take their time. So, yes, abductions do 51 00:04:04.879 --> 00:04:10.400 happen, but all in all, it's a very slow process of a relationship. 52 00:04:12.000 --> 00:04:16.199 What are something what are some signs to notice that a child is becoming 53 00:04:16.199 --> 00:04:24.720 a target for sex trafficking. Um. Definitely, the phones and their hands 54 00:04:25.079 --> 00:04:30.759 play a huge role today. Um. We start giving kids phones, you 55 00:04:30.800 --> 00:04:33.720 know, the second they start mumbling words to kind of occupy them, and 56 00:04:33.759 --> 00:04:39.639 so they know phones better than most adults do. Um. So it's like 57 00:04:39.759 --> 00:04:43.279 second nature for a twelve thirteen year old to just have her phone or his 58 00:04:43.360 --> 00:04:47.079 phone. Doesn't doesn't differentiate between boys and girls. Um, the more on 59 00:04:47.120 --> 00:04:51.920 social media that they are, um, you know, even innocent postings of 60 00:04:53.360 --> 00:04:57.079 you know, a cheer competition or a soccer game or anything like that, 61 00:04:57.720 --> 00:05:00.680 or if it's a comment from a child of you know, oh me and 62 00:05:00.720 --> 00:05:03.439 my mom got into a fight today and I'm just so tired of her. 63 00:05:04.040 --> 00:05:09.600 Um. There's trolls that go around on social media and look for posts like 64 00:05:09.639 --> 00:05:13.920 that, and they try to be friend um those children and a lot of 65 00:05:13.959 --> 00:05:17.800 times they'll pose as another child UM or just somebody that gives them attention and 66 00:05:17.839 --> 00:05:23.079 gives them, um, you know, validation. So pay attention to the 67 00:05:23.160 --> 00:05:26.600 devices in their hands, what apps are they on, who are they talking 68 00:05:26.639 --> 00:05:29.839 to. You might know their friends face to face and that's great, but 69 00:05:30.040 --> 00:05:32.199 they have a lot more friends in the palm of their hands, and that's 70 00:05:32.360 --> 00:05:36.319 a lot of times that's the fishing line. That's where they get them from. 71 00:05:36.360 --> 00:05:41.519 So keep an eye on that. Keep an eye on if children get 72 00:05:41.560 --> 00:05:44.720 new friends. And then and I want to say, like children maybe like 73 00:05:44.759 --> 00:05:48.959 pre teen or young teen um miners and they start disappearing, you know, 74 00:05:49.040 --> 00:05:55.480 for hours and hours at a time, come home with different new clothes or 75 00:05:55.560 --> 00:06:00.319 new items, knew another phone, things like that. Just be very servant 76 00:06:00.360 --> 00:06:09.240 of who they're talking to and what their possessions are. UM. What are 77 00:06:09.319 --> 00:06:15.399 some of the aftermaths you see in recovering from sex trafficking. A lot of 78 00:06:15.439 --> 00:06:19.959 trauma, UM, a lot of distrust UM. Definitely in the fight or 79 00:06:19.959 --> 00:06:27.959 flight or freeze mode UM, emptiness, brokenness, UM. There's just so 80 00:06:28.040 --> 00:06:31.360 much healing there's just layers and layers of trauma that go along with trafficking. 81 00:06:31.399 --> 00:06:38.279 It's not just the act of the sexual violence, but it's absolutely emotional and 82 00:06:38.399 --> 00:06:43.680 verbal and in substance a lot. You can't do this um sober so the 83 00:06:43.680 --> 00:06:47.120 traffickers will introduce them to alcohol and drugs. Um. So there's just layers 84 00:06:47.160 --> 00:06:53.079 upon layers upon layers of healing that need to happen. And uh, definitely 85 00:06:53.120 --> 00:06:57.360 a broken heart above all things, so broken trust, broken heart and a 86 00:06:57.360 --> 00:07:02.360 lot of trauma. Let's support systems are in place for those recovering from being 87 00:07:02.399 --> 00:07:09.959 trafficked. Um, there's some I would, in my opinion, definitely not 88 00:07:10.079 --> 00:07:15.279 enough. Um, we are getting better, We're getting uh more, I 89 00:07:15.279 --> 00:07:17.319 guess well versed of services that are needed. UM. But you know, 90 00:07:17.399 --> 00:07:23.040 there's the front line is always law enforcement or health care. That's the first 91 00:07:23.079 --> 00:07:27.240 place that they might come across somebody that needs help or that is hurt. 92 00:07:27.720 --> 00:07:30.560 UM. So it's very important for them to know the signs of what they're 93 00:07:30.600 --> 00:07:32.759 looking for, um, because they could have them right in front of them 94 00:07:32.759 --> 00:07:36.279 and not even have a clue, and then that person just slips away when 95 00:07:36.279 --> 00:07:42.759 they could have intercepted them. Um. There are you know, programs that 96 00:07:42.800 --> 00:07:46.720 are specifically for traffic victims, but there are very few and far between. 97 00:07:46.279 --> 00:07:50.199 UM. Again, they are growing in number, not quickly enough, UM, 98 00:07:50.279 --> 00:07:54.519 and not in depth enough, but they're getting better. So a lot 99 00:07:54.560 --> 00:07:59.839 of times we'll find services that are blended blended services. So you might have 100 00:08:00.040 --> 00:08:07.120 a recovery substance abuse recovery program that also integrates trafficking healing and trauma traumacare UM. 101 00:08:07.160 --> 00:08:13.439 You might have a domestic violence shelter that is integrated trafficking UM. But 102 00:08:13.480 --> 00:08:18.040 it's very important to be able to have a list, a good, strong, 103 00:08:18.240 --> 00:08:22.600 vetted list of programs that are specifically for the needs of human trafficking victims, 104 00:08:22.600 --> 00:08:28.800 because they're just so different than just a domestic violence or just substance abuse. 105 00:08:28.839 --> 00:08:31.800 I'm not demeaning them by any means, but if you add all of 106 00:08:31.839 --> 00:08:35.759 those complexities together, it's just a whole different ball game of program that's needed. 107 00:08:37.320 --> 00:08:43.759 No, I can totally see that. UM. What are things you 108 00:08:43.759 --> 00:08:46.879 would like to see put in place for software designers to help prevent sex trafficking? 109 00:08:48.679 --> 00:08:58.720 UM? Better First, the one the things that are in place already. 110 00:08:58.600 --> 00:09:03.440 I'll give an example, and I hope it's okay to name names because 111 00:09:03.480 --> 00:09:07.519 this is one of the biggest perpetrators is Facebook. Um. They have community 112 00:09:07.559 --> 00:09:13.279 standards, which is in one aspect it's okay, but it's on the other 113 00:09:13.320 --> 00:09:18.679 hand, it is not beneficial completely to stopping and guarding the youth that are 114 00:09:18.679 --> 00:09:24.159 being exploited on that platform. UM. I would like to see better, 115 00:09:26.600 --> 00:09:28.960 and this would have to kind of I don't know how this could happen, 116 00:09:28.960 --> 00:09:33.159 but it would almost have to come from a personal a person actually manning the 117 00:09:33.559 --> 00:09:39.399 visual not just an algorithm, not just bots, but something that can intercept 118 00:09:39.639 --> 00:09:45.440 visuals of younger faces, UM, younger pictures. UM. There's just so 119 00:09:45.519 --> 00:09:54.360 much child um sexual abuse material and even like soft kitty porn kind of soft 120 00:09:54.799 --> 00:09:58.840 um that float around on platforms like that that are just let let through because 121 00:09:58.879 --> 00:10:05.039 they don't violate community standards, which is unreal to me. UM. But 122 00:10:05.120 --> 00:10:09.799 if you and I've had personal experience with this. I was on a post 123 00:10:09.840 --> 00:10:13.679 one day that was just it was a Christian uh, kind of a funny 124 00:10:13.759 --> 00:10:16.840 meme kind of a group, and it was a Christian based group, so 125 00:10:16.879 --> 00:10:20.879 it was very lighthearted, very uplifting, nothing derogatory on this page. And 126 00:10:20.919 --> 00:10:26.320 I was happening to scroll through the comment section, and I saw a thumbnail 127 00:10:26.879 --> 00:10:30.159 comment that had a little picture in a link, and in the picture it 128 00:10:30.279 --> 00:10:35.399 was a younger Asian girl, very provocative, and I was like, let 129 00:10:35.399 --> 00:10:37.440 me, you know, everything about that just red flag to me. So 130 00:10:37.480 --> 00:10:41.000 I clicked on it and it was a link out of webs out of Facebook 131 00:10:41.039 --> 00:10:46.080 into another website that was literally porn. Then it was on this So I 132 00:10:46.080 --> 00:10:50.639 reported it to there the admin of that page, Hey, flagged this, 133 00:10:50.759 --> 00:10:54.639 take it off UM. So it's just people's eyes on their catching things. 134 00:10:54.840 --> 00:11:01.080 But I also reported it to Facebook um administrative team, and they responded back 135 00:11:01.120 --> 00:11:05.080 maybe two days later and said that they did not remove the post because it 136 00:11:05.120 --> 00:11:09.120 didn't violate community standards. While at the same time, I was trying to 137 00:11:09.120 --> 00:11:13.399 get a paid ad that I was paying for to put on Facebook that was 138 00:11:13.440 --> 00:11:18.960 marketing anti human trafficking efforts, and they responded to me and said that it 139 00:11:18.000 --> 00:11:22.200 was too sensitive of content and they wouldn't allow my ad to go on. 140 00:11:24.279 --> 00:11:30.960 So we're dropping the ball. We won't catch the people doing it because they 141 00:11:30.960 --> 00:11:35.240 can get through Facebook standards the them That's okay. I mean, I do 142 00:11:35.279 --> 00:11:39.240 swim lessons. I do swim lessons and I have a picture of me with 143 00:11:39.279 --> 00:11:45.679 a dolphin, and they told me that I couldn't have that post because they 144 00:11:45.720 --> 00:11:56.120 thought I was selling animals. Yeah, I'm selling let me all these I 145 00:11:56.120 --> 00:12:01.639 mean, there's literally groups that are on Facebook that are called like generic names 146 00:12:01.679 --> 00:12:05.200 like kid models, child models. And you go on these groups and some 147 00:12:05.240 --> 00:12:09.039 of them are a little you know, actual words thrown in. They're not 148 00:12:09.039 --> 00:12:13.759 nothing like vulgar or anything. Right, So you go on this and you, 149 00:12:13.759 --> 00:12:16.080 you know, for the the uneducated, I it would look like, 150 00:12:16.080 --> 00:12:20.360 oh, look at these cute little kid models. No, when you look 151 00:12:20.399 --> 00:12:22.639 at them, they're not cute little kid models. And when you look at 152 00:12:22.679 --> 00:12:28.679 the comments section, you can see all of the uh forty six year old 153 00:12:28.720 --> 00:12:33.080 dirty men that are commenting on how cute those little babies are so, and 154 00:12:33.080 --> 00:12:39.159 that doesn't violate stamples. Yeah, yeah, no, I they definitely need 155 00:12:39.159 --> 00:12:43.679 to do a better job of that. And honestly, like and I don't, 156 00:12:43.720 --> 00:12:46.840 I mean, I think probably Facebook is probably the worst example um of 157 00:12:46.960 --> 00:12:50.200 things that are allowed. Were probably the best example of things that are allowed, 158 00:12:50.360 --> 00:12:54.720 but the worst example as far as like anybody in the general population trying 159 00:12:54.759 --> 00:12:58.879 to take their own efforts to report and to say hey, look this is 160 00:12:58.919 --> 00:13:01.960 happening. They won't get down. So, UM, well, I thought 161 00:13:01.960 --> 00:13:09.919 if somebody could create started to create a software that could like facial recognistfition child 162 00:13:09.039 --> 00:13:13.279 stuff, that would be great. And if it already exists, I'd love 163 00:13:13.320 --> 00:13:18.039 to know. Okay, um, because I know, I mean, I 164 00:13:18.080 --> 00:13:20.159 know they've had a lot of issues with corn Hub and stuff as well. 165 00:13:20.679 --> 00:13:28.600 Yeah, fans, only our only fans, however, it's only fans. 166 00:13:28.759 --> 00:13:33.600 Yeah. What are things you would like to see put in community to help 167 00:13:33.679 --> 00:13:41.320 prevent sex trafficking? Um? Awareness and education. Um, the more people 168 00:13:41.360 --> 00:13:43.879 know, the better you can. You know, once you learn of something, 169 00:13:43.919 --> 00:13:46.440 you can't unlearn it. Once you see it, you can't unsee it. 170 00:13:48.080 --> 00:13:54.679 And it's just it's pretty awesome to see after time. Um, you 171 00:13:54.720 --> 00:13:56.919 know, like I said, we've been doing this since so to see the 172 00:13:58.000 --> 00:14:03.000 people that we have connected with an edge caated them on the topic, how 173 00:14:03.039 --> 00:14:05.600 their eyes open up to it and they start spotting things, and you know, 174 00:14:05.720 --> 00:14:09.600 it's better to question then it is to say nothing. So if it 175 00:14:09.799 --> 00:14:13.159 is nothing, at least you questioned it. You know. So if you 176 00:14:13.200 --> 00:14:18.679 see something something as simple as you know, I was an example, I 177 00:14:18.720 --> 00:14:22.360 was at a gas station, and there was a girl who was clearly in 178 00:14:22.399 --> 00:14:26.080 my eyes, I knew that she was if not traffic, she was definitely 179 00:14:26.120 --> 00:14:31.600 being exploited. Most likely she was being trafficked. But just a simple question 180 00:14:31.759 --> 00:14:35.960 of are you okay? Instead of hey, how are you? Hey? 181 00:14:35.960 --> 00:14:39.600 How are you? As that passing question that nobody really wants the answer to 182 00:14:39.679 --> 00:14:41.480 anyway, and people can brush it off all on fine, you know, 183 00:14:41.519 --> 00:14:46.600 and keep on walking. But that I to I are you okay? That's 184 00:14:46.639 --> 00:14:48.919 not a normal question to ask, So that can definitely open up a door, 185 00:14:50.679 --> 00:14:52.240 um for the victim to possibly feel safe enough to be like, you 186 00:14:52.279 --> 00:14:54.799 know what, I'm not okay and I could do some help if they're able 187 00:14:54.840 --> 00:14:58.679 to say that. Um. So, just being mindful of their surroundings, 188 00:14:58.799 --> 00:15:03.279 of your surroundings. Um, they're always they always have eyes on them. 189 00:15:03.399 --> 00:15:07.399 Um. But yeah, just better awareness in the community and what to look 190 00:15:07.440 --> 00:15:15.200 for is very important. What are some long term impacts you have seen survivors 191 00:15:15.200 --> 00:15:20.039 of sex trafficking. It stays with them for years. Um. They might 192 00:15:20.080 --> 00:15:24.200 heal from it, they might get stronger from it, but it it rises 193 00:15:24.279 --> 00:15:28.639 up and the memories stick with them and the memories taunt them. Um. 194 00:15:28.759 --> 00:15:31.519 We've had. Some of our girls that have been out of the life now 195 00:15:31.600 --> 00:15:35.759 for you know, four years, have moved on. But every once in 196 00:15:35.799 --> 00:15:41.559 a while, you know, that wave of memory comes back and it it's 197 00:15:41.679 --> 00:15:46.759 pretty paralyzing. Sometimes even on their best days, it's still kind of lingers 198 00:15:46.159 --> 00:15:52.759 in the background. So, UM, it's just definitely lifelong healing. Um. 199 00:15:52.759 --> 00:15:56.840 It's probably the worst living hell that anybody can live through, So it 200 00:15:56.919 --> 00:16:02.960 doesn't go away quickly. It's definitely long term. Okay, UM, what 201 00:16:03.120 --> 00:16:07.480 percentage of those who are captured in sex traff and come back alive? We 202 00:16:07.519 --> 00:16:11.320 have no idea. I have no idea what those numbers are. Um, 203 00:16:11.360 --> 00:16:17.679 the numbers that we can even go off of our so honestly, they're they're 204 00:16:17.720 --> 00:16:22.440 irrelevant. Um. The stats are nowhere near what the reality really is because 205 00:16:22.519 --> 00:16:26.440 the only stats that we get are what's actually reported, UM, what's actually 206 00:16:26.480 --> 00:16:30.879 caught. UM. You know, you might see those news stories of the 207 00:16:30.879 --> 00:16:34.799 big bust that they do. I know Florida is so good at doing them. 208 00:16:36.120 --> 00:16:41.799 UM in Polk County. I've been following Sheriff Grady since seen after they 209 00:16:41.799 --> 00:16:47.399 do gigantic busts every year, so that gets reported. But there's so much 210 00:16:47.799 --> 00:16:52.559 on the lower level of like rural um trafficking, and that has a completely 211 00:16:52.600 --> 00:16:57.720 different look than what would be like regular like suburbia. Um rural trafficking is 212 00:16:57.720 --> 00:17:03.480 a lot of family, the family, and that hardly ever gets spoken of 213 00:17:03.600 --> 00:17:07.160 because in small towns, everybody knows everybody, so that story can't get around, 214 00:17:07.920 --> 00:17:11.440 you know. And then also we don't hear the stories of like the 215 00:17:11.480 --> 00:17:15.920 super high end you know, you know, politician, elite, even local 216 00:17:15.920 --> 00:17:18.440 politician and elite. We don't hear those stories. You know, those are 217 00:17:18.480 --> 00:17:26.119 ones that are um given to the elite position people as a gift or a 218 00:17:26.200 --> 00:17:30.799 bribe. You know it's it's a gift and turns into a bribe, and 219 00:17:30.839 --> 00:17:33.839 you don't hear those stories. Um, So we will never know how many 220 00:17:33.920 --> 00:17:37.839 are dead or alive, but I can promise you there's probably a lot more 221 00:17:37.920 --> 00:17:45.039 dead than alive, especially when you look at just the numbers alone of the 222 00:17:45.400 --> 00:17:51.079 annual count for missing children. Children just don't go missing, they don't just 223 00:17:51.279 --> 00:17:55.599 disappear. So when you see those numbers, and you know, how many 224 00:17:55.640 --> 00:17:59.599 amber alerts do you get? You know, when they had the faces on 225 00:17:59.640 --> 00:18:02.759 the milk cartans, how often did you see those? When you're at Walmart 226 00:18:03.079 --> 00:18:06.240 and you have the board of the missing faces. How many of those get 227 00:18:06.240 --> 00:18:10.720 found? You know, so that number, it's it's astronomical and we'll never 228 00:18:10.759 --> 00:18:17.519 know. Okay, how much of it is parents selling their children's first as 229 00:18:17.599 --> 00:18:23.200 children and young people being kidnapped. Honestly, in the rural setting, it's 230 00:18:23.960 --> 00:18:26.799 that is much more prevalent. It might not always be parents, but family 231 00:18:26.799 --> 00:18:30.200 members UM. And it could just even be you know, a circumstance of 232 00:18:30.839 --> 00:18:34.200 you know, it could be looked at as sexual abuse, UM. But 233 00:18:34.319 --> 00:18:40.880 in essence it's trafficking and trafficking in children UM is very different than trafficking of 234 00:18:40.920 --> 00:18:45.759 adults. So trafficking in children, UM, there's an element in trafficking and 235 00:18:45.799 --> 00:18:49.839 force, fraud or coercion of adults, that's what they have to prove that 236 00:18:49.880 --> 00:18:53.240 they were forced into it. Um, there was fraudulent you know, activity 237 00:18:53.319 --> 00:18:56.359 or whatever. They come and work here and you'll get this and that never 238 00:18:56.400 --> 00:19:00.960 happens. Coersion, manipulation. If you don't do this, this will happen. 239 00:19:00.519 --> 00:19:04.960 UM. But with children, those elements they don't apply. So a 240 00:19:04.960 --> 00:19:10.640 lot of times that could just come that can look like sexual abuse or familiar 241 00:19:10.720 --> 00:19:17.319 sexual abuse. But there was an instance of these uncles that were trafficking their 242 00:19:17.359 --> 00:19:22.000 eight year old niece out in the country and they were basically trading her to 243 00:19:22.119 --> 00:19:27.799 be able to get beer and cigarettes. So that is anything that's a value, 244 00:19:27.920 --> 00:19:32.000 a trade of any kind of value, whether it is a material item, 245 00:19:32.079 --> 00:19:37.960 money, or work, that's trafficking. So um, yeah, that 246 00:19:37.200 --> 00:19:44.400 that probably happens a lot more um than actual abduction. But there was a 247 00:19:44.400 --> 00:19:48.559 stint for a little while um down in Atlanta, I want to say, 248 00:19:48.559 --> 00:19:56.319 probably in twenty nineteen that there was a huge wave of children being abducted, 249 00:19:56.400 --> 00:20:00.400 like people like kids would be. I heard of a story of at these 250 00:20:00.400 --> 00:20:03.240 two fourteen year olds that were out on a date at the movie theater and 251 00:20:03.319 --> 00:20:07.440 both of them got taken. Because we're being taken out of front yards. 252 00:20:07.920 --> 00:20:17.279 Um, that happens, but usually the parent or family element is just easier 253 00:20:18.319 --> 00:20:22.400 under the very under the radar, so that happens a lot more often. 254 00:20:23.079 --> 00:20:30.960 Okay, Um, what advice would you want to give survivors? Mm? 255 00:20:32.039 --> 00:20:37.839 Hm, You're loved and you're not broken. What they did to you doesn't 256 00:20:37.880 --> 00:20:44.039 define you at all and it's not your fault and God made you perfectly and 257 00:20:44.480 --> 00:20:48.519 he can get you through this. And there are people that are out there 258 00:20:48.559 --> 00:20:52.079 that I want to help you, that want to see you be the best 259 00:20:52.200 --> 00:20:55.680 version of you that you can be, that just want to love you for 260 00:20:55.680 --> 00:21:00.400 the sake of loving you, and you're not broken. Okay, Um, 261 00:21:00.440 --> 00:21:06.279 what advice would you like to give their family and friends who want to be 262 00:21:06.400 --> 00:21:12.759 supportive? Be patient, be very patient. You wanna you know, when 263 00:21:12.799 --> 00:21:17.480 you get them home and you know you want to you want to see them, 264 00:21:17.960 --> 00:21:21.079 You want to see them, want to get better, and sometimes they 265 00:21:21.079 --> 00:21:26.119 don't know how to want that. Sometimes the want to go back is so 266 00:21:26.240 --> 00:21:30.519 much safer and comfortable because they know what to expect than it is to go 267 00:21:30.640 --> 00:21:34.319 forward and heal. That's a lot of work and they don't know what that 268 00:21:34.480 --> 00:21:40.279 is, so they'll retreat. So patients is huge. Um, you know 269 00:21:40.319 --> 00:21:44.480 a lot of times family members, you know, it will let me back 270 00:21:44.519 --> 00:21:47.759 up a little bit life cycle of somebody who's been in the life, whether 271 00:21:47.839 --> 00:21:52.799 it starts out as child trafficking that leaves a forever scar. Like I said, 272 00:21:52.880 --> 00:21:56.319 So they could be trafficked as a child, come out and fall back 273 00:21:56.359 --> 00:22:03.319 into it because that's what they know. So it's it's a crazy cycle and 274 00:22:03.599 --> 00:22:06.480 a lot of times they'll come in and out, you know, five, 275 00:22:06.720 --> 00:22:11.720 six, seven times before they're one, before they're done, or two the 276 00:22:11.799 --> 00:22:18.240 game is done with them and they don't come out. So patience is huge. 277 00:22:18.480 --> 00:22:26.119 Patience and love and prayer, prayer moves mountains. I could not agree 278 00:22:26.160 --> 00:22:30.079 more. Um, what do you do for self care in your line of 279 00:22:30.119 --> 00:22:38.720 work? I seek Jesus completely. I refreshed myself constantly. UM. I 280 00:22:38.759 --> 00:22:44.480 have a very very strong relationship with my father, and UM, I just 281 00:22:44.640 --> 00:22:48.400 I made I made kind of a rule for myself that I protect my peace. 282 00:22:49.559 --> 00:22:52.880 So, you know, dealing in this it's very emotionally draining. Um, 283 00:22:52.920 --> 00:22:57.400 we have to be like their emotionals there obviously, like their emotional equilibrium. 284 00:22:57.440 --> 00:23:00.279 So when they're having their high highs or low lows, we have to 285 00:23:00.319 --> 00:23:06.079 be that balance. That's very draining. So you know, a lot of 286 00:23:06.119 --> 00:23:11.640 rest, good food, exercise, and a lot of prayer and just and 287 00:23:11.759 --> 00:23:18.640 intentionally choosing to be in his presence brings me peace and it brings me back 288 00:23:18.720 --> 00:23:23.319 to like that firm foundation and it gives me strength. Um, how has 289 00:23:23.400 --> 00:23:30.920 doing this work impacted your faith? Exponentially? Grown it completely? Me saying 290 00:23:30.000 --> 00:23:34.319 yes to him I could have never imagined what our ministry would have looked like 291 00:23:36.240 --> 00:23:37.759 on on my own. I could not do this on my own. Nothing 292 00:23:37.799 --> 00:23:44.160 about this ministry is mine. It's completely his. And just surrendering that to 293 00:23:44.279 --> 00:23:48.839 him every day and watching what he does within it is just mind blowing on 294 00:23:49.000 --> 00:23:56.480 inspiring. It literally brings such a boldness to me of who he is and 295 00:23:56.519 --> 00:24:00.240 what he's done in my life and what he's done in these survivors lives that 296 00:24:00.279 --> 00:24:03.799 I have so much confidence in him. I know who he is, and 297 00:24:03.839 --> 00:24:07.400 I know what he does, I know what he's capable of doing. And 298 00:24:07.440 --> 00:24:11.240 I had a I had a revelation the other day of you know the verse 299 00:24:11.319 --> 00:24:12.759 that people love to say, Oh, if you have faith the size of 300 00:24:12.759 --> 00:24:18.880 a mustard seed, it can move mountains, which is true. But if 301 00:24:18.920 --> 00:24:23.039 you have faith the size of a mountain, imagine what that'll do. You 302 00:24:23.079 --> 00:24:26.440 know what I'm like, Are we living our lives with a mustard seed? 303 00:24:26.440 --> 00:24:29.079 Are we living our lives with a mountain? I want to live on that 304 00:24:29.119 --> 00:24:32.599 mountain and see what he's going to do. So, yeah, it has 305 00:24:32.839 --> 00:24:37.519 exponentially grown my faith in him. Okay, is there anything else you would 306 00:24:37.519 --> 00:24:41.519 like to add that we haven't asked? H Yeah, we are UM. 307 00:24:41.759 --> 00:24:49.039 We're starting to do a national UM project expansion. UM. We started here 308 00:24:49.079 --> 00:24:52.599 in the St. Louis area. UM. We were very very feet on 309 00:24:52.599 --> 00:24:57.160 the street and working with the girls that were UM out on the street or 310 00:24:57.319 --> 00:25:02.920 they were referred to us through law enforcement at the jails or hospitals or other 311 00:25:03.039 --> 00:25:06.799 organizations. UM. We did that for about two and a half three years 312 00:25:06.880 --> 00:25:12.480 and it was pretty powerful. And we have a safe house right now UM 313 00:25:12.519 --> 00:25:17.119 that is about forty five minutes outside of the St. Louis area. UM 314 00:25:17.160 --> 00:25:22.039 that will be back in operation soon. We've got aseptic issue that has to 315 00:25:22.079 --> 00:25:26.160 be taken care of and it is a very very higdhe all our ticket and 316 00:25:26.279 --> 00:25:30.039 ticket done UM. So once that's repaired, then we can get the house 317 00:25:30.079 --> 00:25:34.920 back open again. UM. But we are preparing to expand UM. A 318 00:25:34.960 --> 00:25:38.839 couple of really cool things that are happening in that expansion UM. One of 319 00:25:38.839 --> 00:25:45.799 our board members she developed she's been a nurse for over forty years and she 320 00:25:45.000 --> 00:25:52.119 just had gone in to get her Bachelors of Science degree and her project for 321 00:25:52.200 --> 00:25:57.720 her graduations. She created this observational assessment tool and it was based off of 322 00:25:57.759 --> 00:26:03.720 our outreach pro room is called the Scarlet line. And that is from the 323 00:26:03.759 --> 00:26:07.279 story of Rehab. And I'll give the little snippet of the story of Rehab 324 00:26:07.319 --> 00:26:08.880 for those who don't know it. Uh, this is from the Bible. 325 00:26:10.359 --> 00:26:14.759 From the Walls of Jericho. Rehab was a prostitute and her home was in 326 00:26:14.920 --> 00:26:21.640 the walls of Jericho, and the she housed spies that were coming in to 327 00:26:21.720 --> 00:26:25.440 check out over the wall to see if they could take over Jericho to win 328 00:26:25.480 --> 00:26:30.240 the Promised Land. And she protected these spies and they were from the other 329 00:26:30.240 --> 00:26:32.920 team, right, So the spies told her, well, for you doing 330 00:26:32.960 --> 00:26:36.279 that, for you risking yourself, you know we want to protect you. 331 00:26:36.599 --> 00:26:40.640 So if you hang this scarlet line out of your window, when these walls 332 00:26:40.680 --> 00:26:44.559 fall down, you know we'll protect this because of the scarlet line. So 333 00:26:44.640 --> 00:26:47.960 you bring anybody inside of your home that you want to protect. If there's 334 00:26:47.960 --> 00:26:51.000 anybody outside, the blood is on their hands. We're not going to protect 335 00:26:51.000 --> 00:26:52.759 them. If they're in the walls of your house, we will. We'll 336 00:26:52.759 --> 00:26:56.319 spare them. So she hung the wall out, the walls fell down, 337 00:26:56.559 --> 00:27:00.240 her house was spared, and she was redeemed from a prostitute, and she 338 00:27:00.400 --> 00:27:04.519 was put into the lineage of Jesus, which is really cool. I can 339 00:27:04.559 --> 00:27:11.000 talk about a story redemption. So UM our outreach is called the Scarlet Line, 340 00:27:11.119 --> 00:27:15.400 their line to redemption, and our home is called the House of Rehab. 341 00:27:15.119 --> 00:27:22.160 Uh. So we started doing that and her assessment tool is called the 342 00:27:22.200 --> 00:27:26.279 Scarlet Scale, and that tool is for emergency rooms or urgent cares that when 343 00:27:26.319 --> 00:27:32.599 they come in contact with somebody that just you know, their senses kick that 344 00:27:32.720 --> 00:27:34.799 we need to be checking and see if this is somebody who could potentially be 345 00:27:36.160 --> 00:27:41.640 trafficked. They have observational set of things that they can look through. If 346 00:27:41.640 --> 00:27:44.680 they score a certain point, then they go to the next section, which 347 00:27:44.720 --> 00:27:48.440 is more of a light Q and A. So the potential victim has no 348 00:27:48.519 --> 00:27:51.920 idea that they're being questioned for, you know, to find out if they're 349 00:27:51.920 --> 00:27:55.480 a victim or not UM and then it progresses. If they get to a 350 00:27:55.480 --> 00:27:59.039 certain point scale, they get connected with a caseworker who can then help them 351 00:27:59.039 --> 00:28:03.240 get connected to the upper services for for healing and to be able to get 352 00:28:03.240 --> 00:28:06.039 out of the life. So that is huge. It's being vetted right now 353 00:28:06.920 --> 00:28:08.599 and once that gets approved, which it will, I know it will. 354 00:28:10.240 --> 00:28:15.240 UH, that's going to be going into a huge medical databases called EPIC and 355 00:28:15.279 --> 00:28:18.559 that is the largest medical databased like software records in the country, so they're 356 00:28:18.559 --> 00:28:22.960 gonna be building that into that system UM. So that's pretty amazing to be 357 00:28:23.000 --> 00:28:27.640 able to help the hospitals the front lines be able to identify much better, 358 00:28:27.720 --> 00:28:32.720 but the more also UM expanding to different states. I was on a different 359 00:28:32.759 --> 00:28:37.680 podcast back in August and it was the Malka Show, and she has a 360 00:28:37.799 --> 00:28:41.240 huge following and the show was great, and I've gotten a lot of people 361 00:28:41.240 --> 00:28:45.359 reach out to me from across the country from that show and they have wanted 362 00:28:45.440 --> 00:28:48.920 to know what they could do in their area to be more active, to 363 00:28:48.960 --> 00:28:53.039 be more aware, to pull resources together. So we are teaming up with 364 00:28:53.119 --> 00:28:59.519 them and we are starting Operation Ambush and so we're going to be our first 365 00:28:59.519 --> 00:29:03.279 state that we're starting to partner with, Indiana, and then I have somebody 366 00:29:03.279 --> 00:29:07.920 in New York that has reached out in somebody in California, in Oklahoma, 367 00:29:07.240 --> 00:29:12.920 so that's pretty exciting. So just we're making UH an intentional expansion of services 368 00:29:14.000 --> 00:29:19.240 across the country, and we're intentionally reaching out to other faith based UM programs 369 00:29:19.519 --> 00:29:26.240 because we all speak the same language and it's just much stronger to connect with 370 00:29:26.359 --> 00:29:33.000 other organizations that do follow that same path. So we're making the largest faith 371 00:29:33.039 --> 00:29:40.519 based, Christ centered service directory specifically for traffic victims. So okay, I 372 00:29:41.640 --> 00:29:45.880 think that's it. UM, thank you bring me on our show. I 373 00:29:45.880 --> 00:29:51.920 think we're gonna wrap up here. Thanks guys for listening. Uh, Rachel 374 00:29:51.960 --> 00:29:56.000 and Recovery is um on fine. You can find on any podcast platform and 375 00:29:56.200 --> 00:30:00.799 if you want to find us on social media or as always, you have 376 00:30:00.799 --> 00:30:04.599 any questions, reach out to Rachel and Recovery dot com. Thanks for listening, 377 00:30:07.839 --> 00:30:11.119 m H. Thanks H

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