Pete Singer with Grace on Spiritual Abuse Part 4

August 25, 2022 00:27:00
Pete Singer with Grace on Spiritual Abuse Part 4
Rachel on Recovery
Pete Singer with Grace on Spiritual Abuse Part 4

Aug 25 2022 | 00:27:00


Hosted By

Rachel Stone

Show Notes

Pete Singer with Executive Director of GRACE (Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment) dealing with prevention, intervention and recovery of abuse inside the church.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.720 --> 00:00:04.440 Hey guys, we're back with Pete Singer with the rest of his journey with 2 00:00:04.839 --> 00:00:22.679 grace and his experience with spiritual abuse. Have we touched on legalism? Because 3 00:00:22.719 --> 00:00:27.879 okay, legalism inside the church, or would you say that's covered under fund 4 00:00:27.879 --> 00:00:35.960 elementalism? Um? I think fundamentalists are are who are most notably identified as 5 00:00:36.079 --> 00:00:44.759 legalistic, but I think that there's legalism on on all sides, Um, 6 00:00:44.799 --> 00:00:52.000 and it might just take a different a different version and a different appearance. 7 00:00:53.200 --> 00:01:00.039 And so even if a church is not overtly legalistic, there might be subtle 8 00:01:00.119 --> 00:01:07.000 legalism, there might be subtle demands, subtle requirements that we don't necessarily always 9 00:01:07.040 --> 00:01:15.599 recognize or see as legalism. Um, and I think that really so. 10 00:01:15.640 --> 00:01:23.359 This is key to how we try and approach things with grace. You can 11 00:01:23.400 --> 00:01:32.159 address abuse by trying to make sure you've checked off all the boxes, or 12 00:01:32.480 --> 00:01:34.640 you can try and address it by having this be about our culture and our 13 00:01:34.719 --> 00:01:45.319 identity and who we are, whether we're talking about salvation, whether we're talking 14 00:01:45.560 --> 00:01:55.120 about Um how to live out godly life. When it is about checking the 15 00:01:55.200 --> 00:02:02.920 right boxes, we're at risk of legalism. But when it becomes about our 16 00:02:04.000 --> 00:02:09.280 identity and who we are in Christ that begins to form a safeguard against that 17 00:02:09.400 --> 00:02:16.800 legalism and that's so important because, Al Right, so in the church that 18 00:02:16.879 --> 00:02:23.879 I grew up in, we had legalism, for example, around the idea 19 00:02:23.960 --> 00:02:30.360 of going to see movies. You could not go see movies. But culture 20 00:02:30.560 --> 00:02:38.000 changes and our legalism struggles to keep up with culture. When I was a 21 00:02:38.080 --> 00:02:47.159 kid many, many years ago, we got this new technology, the VCR, 22 00:02:50.039 --> 00:02:55.520 and our legalism of not going to see a movie had not caught up 23 00:02:55.520 --> 00:03:02.919 with the new technology yet. And so now, as a kid, I 24 00:03:02.960 --> 00:03:08.319 remember thinking why is it okay to go see a movie, or why is 25 00:03:08.360 --> 00:03:12.800 it not okay to go see a movie? But why is it okay to 26 00:03:12.879 --> 00:03:21.280 rent a video? Our legalism hadn't caught up to the culture. When it's 27 00:03:21.319 --> 00:03:25.039 about checking the box, the box that needs to be checked is going to 28 00:03:25.240 --> 00:03:31.360 change, but when it's about who we are, when it's about our very 29 00:03:31.439 --> 00:03:39.360 culture, then we have a framework to address those changes real time for real 30 00:03:40.039 --> 00:03:54.039 reasons rather than just because that's the rule. Yeah, I mean, that's 31 00:03:55.240 --> 00:04:00.840 I mean, and I guess that goes also with own independence, with cheap 32 00:04:00.879 --> 00:04:04.479 grace as well, because you're trying to find that balance and the only way 33 00:04:04.599 --> 00:04:14.960 to find that balances with your identity in Christ. Um, what is one 34 00:04:15.000 --> 00:04:26.120 thing that you pray for that you want the most for churches? I think 35 00:04:30.600 --> 00:04:47.720 what I want to see in churches is a recognition that this is about that 36 00:04:47.959 --> 00:04:55.240 identity in Christ that we were just talking about, that it's not a side 37 00:04:55.279 --> 00:05:03.800 issue, but that it is absolutely central to who Jesus is. It is 38 00:05:03.920 --> 00:05:12.000 central to all that Jesus taught. It is central to teachings of scripture from 39 00:05:12.199 --> 00:05:26.800 Genesis all the way through revelation. I want to see churches no that there. 40 00:05:26.879 --> 00:05:32.360 I was talking with a pastor who was doing a study, or not 41 00:05:32.439 --> 00:05:40.519 a pastor but a professor, who was doing a study on trauma informed principles 42 00:05:40.560 --> 00:05:50.639 in Sunday school programs and what he noted was that there were a number of 43 00:05:53.160 --> 00:06:00.160 churches who had never been told what Sam's the six principles of trauma informed at 44 00:06:00.160 --> 00:06:04.920 desire, who had never been told Um, what Sam says for ours are 45 00:06:05.199 --> 00:06:10.519 of trauma informed practice, who had never been told about the sanctuary model of 46 00:06:10.600 --> 00:06:18.040 trauma informed practice or anything about trauma informed practice. But when he went to 47 00:06:18.120 --> 00:06:24.279 look at their Sunday school ministries, every single one of them was being hit 48 00:06:25.439 --> 00:06:32.279 already. Why? Because it was about who they were and there was an 49 00:06:32.399 --> 00:06:38.920 education component to it, but it was already who they were and so they 50 00:06:38.959 --> 00:06:46.000 were already doing it. And what I would love to see in the church 51 00:06:48.759 --> 00:06:53.759 it's for there to be a recognition that this is who we are and for 52 00:06:53.879 --> 00:07:00.319 it to just be what we do because it's who we are. Yeah, 53 00:07:06.240 --> 00:07:15.800 that's that's very important, because I think a lot of people forget that our 54 00:07:15.879 --> 00:07:19.240 identity is in Christ and not anything else. And when we forget that, 55 00:07:21.199 --> 00:07:29.920 we we are very much at risk of finding our identity and something else, 56 00:07:30.399 --> 00:07:38.639 and that something else might be power, that something else might be reputation, 57 00:07:40.319 --> 00:07:48.040 and now these things start taking priority. I love how Paul writes about Jesus 58 00:07:50.439 --> 00:08:05.319 and he says in essence, Jesus was in the very form of God and 59 00:08:05.439 --> 00:08:13.600 because he knew that he didn't have to grasp equality with God, because he 60 00:08:13.720 --> 00:08:18.920 knew who he was in Christ, or not who he was in Christ, 61 00:08:18.000 --> 00:08:24.439 but because he knew who he was as Christ, he could set aside all 62 00:08:24.519 --> 00:08:33.000 that and make himself of no reputation and he could humble himself to the very 63 00:08:33.120 --> 00:08:39.120 point of death on a cross. But that humility goes all the way back 64 00:08:39.279 --> 00:08:48.240 to Jesus, knowing who he was. And if we lose sight of WHO 65 00:08:48.320 --> 00:08:52.799 WE ARE, we lose sight of the ability to have that humility, and 66 00:08:52.919 --> 00:08:58.399 we lose sight of the ability to have that humility, we are at risk 67 00:08:58.039 --> 00:09:03.759 of finding our ident to the and other things, and those things can lead 68 00:09:03.840 --> 00:09:20.559 us down a path that hurts and harms most definitely. Um what advice would 69 00:09:20.600 --> 00:09:24.720 you give to two ministers today that are dealing with spiritual abuse personally or dealing 70 00:09:24.799 --> 00:09:31.639 it or or trying to deal with it to help their congregation? I would 71 00:09:31.639 --> 00:09:35.559 say the biggest piece of advice I could give is don't do it alone. 72 00:09:39.159 --> 00:09:48.799 It will be too much, Um, the weight. If you take this 73 00:09:50.440 --> 00:09:56.840 on and you make it a priority, you are going to hear horrific things 74 00:09:56.919 --> 00:10:00.679 and if you don't know yet what you're in for, you will be shocked. 75 00:10:01.519 --> 00:10:07.720 You will hear stories that you cannot believe are truth. You, um 76 00:10:07.679 --> 00:10:16.200 M, you can't do this alone. That is number one, and scripture 77 00:10:18.279 --> 00:10:28.360 it's full of leaders who recognized this, and full not just of examples of 78 00:10:28.440 --> 00:10:31.759 leaders who recognized they couldn't do it alone, but leaders who recognized they couldn't 79 00:10:31.799 --> 00:10:39.000 do it alone but by the time they recognized it. We're at the point 80 00:10:39.600 --> 00:10:46.399 of calling out to God, as Moses called out to God, as Elijah 81 00:10:46.480 --> 00:10:50.879 called out to God and said, I can't do this anymore, please kill 82 00:10:50.000 --> 00:10:58.720 me. So we're not just talking about a little bit of Burnout, we're 83 00:10:58.720 --> 00:11:07.399 talking about Moses and Elijah doing it alone and ending up suicidal. Moses and 84 00:11:07.440 --> 00:11:11.840 Elijah are kind of big figures in the faith and if it can happen to 85 00:11:11.919 --> 00:11:18.840 Moses and Elijah, it can happen to you. And for both Moses and 86 00:11:18.919 --> 00:11:22.879 Elijah, when they called out to God and said I can't do this anymore, 87 00:11:24.120 --> 00:11:31.919 please kill me, God's response was, I'm gonna give you some people 88 00:11:31.000 --> 00:11:39.399 to walk this path with you so that you're not alone. So don't wait 89 00:11:39.480 --> 00:11:46.519 till you're at that point. Surround yourself with people who understand this issue. 90 00:11:46.639 --> 00:11:58.759 Surround yourself with people who understand you and can uplift and support you. I 91 00:11:58.799 --> 00:12:03.919 would also say keep returning to who you are, keep returning to who Jesus 92 00:12:03.080 --> 00:12:11.559 is, because if it again starts to become about the checklist, you're going 93 00:12:11.679 --> 00:12:18.639 to be at risk. So keep returning to who you are and to WHO 94 00:12:18.799 --> 00:12:30.080 Jesus is. And then the other thing that I would say is to find 95 00:12:31.159 --> 00:12:39.080 hope and to rely on hope. When I talk about hope, I am 96 00:12:41.039 --> 00:12:46.240 not talking about some pie in the sky type of hope. All right, 97 00:12:46.279 --> 00:12:52.759 so, like I live in Minnesota, Um, I really hope that we 98 00:12:52.840 --> 00:13:00.399 don't have a cold winter this year. I don't think our four asked for 99 00:13:00.480 --> 00:13:03.639 the winter just changed. I have a feeling that even though I hope we 100 00:13:03.720 --> 00:13:09.360 don't have a cold winter, we're gonna have a cold winter. That's not 101 00:13:09.519 --> 00:13:13.679 the type of hope that I'm talking about. That's wishful thinking. So I'm 102 00:13:13.720 --> 00:13:22.039 talking about a grounded hope. A grounded hope that first rests in two factors. 103 00:13:24.320 --> 00:13:35.240 One is way power, the ability to see the goal and believe you 104 00:13:35.360 --> 00:13:43.320 can make it. The ability to see the goal and believe that you can 105 00:13:43.440 --> 00:13:52.360 make it is reliant very much on understanding who Jesus is and understanding who we 106 00:13:52.440 --> 00:13:58.320 are in Christ. That helps inform and helps us to see what the goal 107 00:13:58.639 --> 00:14:03.519 is, because the goal is that we're his bride and that we are acting 108 00:14:03.600 --> 00:14:11.519 as such. So there's way power, the ability to see the goal and 109 00:14:11.639 --> 00:14:18.279 believe you can make it, and then there's willpower, the ability to stay 110 00:14:18.639 --> 00:14:28.879 on the path towards the goal, even when that path is hard, because 111 00:14:28.960 --> 00:14:35.600 the path will be hard. And as you embark on this pathway, as 112 00:14:35.840 --> 00:14:46.159 you embark on this journey of hope, I would encourage that pastor to to 113 00:14:46.399 --> 00:14:48.919 draw on that pastor or that leader, because it doesn't just have to be 114 00:14:50.000 --> 00:14:56.919 a pastor anyone who is in this work to draw on four key beliefs of 115 00:14:58.039 --> 00:15:07.679 hope, H one. It actually can be better. Victor VII has written 116 00:15:09.360 --> 00:15:15.720 this work and it blows me away every time I think of it. It's 117 00:15:15.759 --> 00:15:26.799 called unto the third generation and it's a call to end child abuse, not 118 00:15:26.519 --> 00:15:37.919 not just reduced child abuse, but end child abuse. He's laid out a 119 00:15:39.759 --> 00:15:46.159 year plan, which is why it's called unto the third generation. It's very 120 00:15:46.360 --> 00:15:58.840 long term, but he believes that the future can and will be better and 121 00:15:58.919 --> 00:16:02.200 the next step is to realized not just that the future can and will be 122 00:16:02.360 --> 00:16:07.679 better, but that I have a role in making it better. It's not 123 00:16:08.000 --> 00:16:15.080 just I hope the leadership of my denomination does something, it's what am I 124 00:16:15.159 --> 00:16:22.360 going to do to make it better? We've seen too many times that if 125 00:16:22.399 --> 00:16:25.600 we wait for the leadership of our denomination, that's not going to happen. 126 00:16:29.000 --> 00:16:33.320 We have seen some instances where the leadership of the denomination actually does do incredibly 127 00:16:33.360 --> 00:16:40.240 good work, but so frequently we have seen waiting for somebody else. Even 128 00:16:40.279 --> 00:16:44.200 the leadership of our denomination or the leadership of an individual church is not going 129 00:16:44.240 --> 00:16:48.440 to get us there. So what can I do? What's my role in 130 00:16:48.600 --> 00:16:53.879 making it better? The third belief of hope is that there are many paths 131 00:16:55.240 --> 00:17:00.639 to the goal. When I got done with high school and I entered College, 132 00:17:03.080 --> 00:17:15.759 I knew that God's calling on my life was two address to help people 133 00:17:15.799 --> 00:17:23.200 who had been hurt and to address some of the causes of hurt and and 134 00:17:23.480 --> 00:17:30.880 so, knowing that that was God's call on my life, I entered a 135 00:17:30.000 --> 00:17:38.519 premed Pre med program and my Sophomore Year of college, when I came back 136 00:17:38.640 --> 00:17:45.799 as an elementary education major, that was still the call that God had in 137 00:17:45.920 --> 00:17:51.680 my life, because my goal hadn't changed, but I was on a different 138 00:17:51.759 --> 00:17:56.039 path to the same goal. I then took a few years off of college 139 00:17:56.079 --> 00:18:00.559 as my wife finished her degree, and then I returned for my degree as 140 00:18:00.599 --> 00:18:07.680 a psychology major. The goal was still the same, even though my path 141 00:18:07.839 --> 00:18:14.519 had changed. And then, after I completed my Undergrad work in psychology, 142 00:18:14.559 --> 00:18:22.720 I completed my masters in social work. The Path might change, but that 143 00:18:22.880 --> 00:18:30.559 doesn't mean that the goal has changed. And then the final belief of hope, 144 00:18:32.480 --> 00:18:37.599 which seems almost counterintuitive to hope, is that every single one of those 145 00:18:37.680 --> 00:18:42.759 paths is going to be filled with obstacles. There will be no easy path, 146 00:18:45.359 --> 00:18:52.559 there will be no cakewalk, and that's important to recognize because if we 147 00:18:52.599 --> 00:18:56.000 don't recognize that when we encounter obstacles on the path, if we were thinking, 148 00:18:56.440 --> 00:19:03.359 well, if I'm on the right path, it'll be easy, then 149 00:19:03.440 --> 00:19:12.559 we leave the path and we can lose sight of the goal. So those 150 00:19:12.599 --> 00:19:18.519 are the four key beliefs. I would really encourage people who are in this 151 00:19:18.680 --> 00:19:22.759 work, whether you're a pastor whether you're not a pastor, to consider this 152 00:19:22.960 --> 00:19:32.079 work, to consider those beliefs as you move forward and hope. Um, 153 00:19:33.559 --> 00:19:37.519 how, as Christians, do we rebuild trust with those that have been abused 154 00:19:37.640 --> 00:19:47.400 by the Church? Um. I've actually really been thinking a lot about this, 155 00:19:48.119 --> 00:19:59.880 Um, and what I've really come to believe is that our goal is 156 00:20:00.039 --> 00:20:07.240 not to rebuild trust. Our goal is to act in a way that is 157 00:20:07.279 --> 00:20:15.759 worthy of trust, just because that's what we're called to do just because that's 158 00:20:15.799 --> 00:20:21.680 what we need to do and I'm not doing it so that I can get 159 00:20:21.720 --> 00:20:29.839 you to trust me. I'm just doing it because that's what I'm called to 160 00:20:29.920 --> 00:20:37.039 do and the onus is on me to act in a way that is worthy 161 00:20:37.119 --> 00:20:44.200 of trust. The onus is not on you to trust me. And so 162 00:20:45.680 --> 00:20:52.319 what does it look like? Part of it, I can look in scripture 163 00:20:52.359 --> 00:21:02.119 for what it looks like. I look and I see Joseph's brothers. I 164 00:21:02.200 --> 00:21:12.400 see Joseph's brothers come before their father and do you know what? They never 165 00:21:12.519 --> 00:21:18.400 told him. Joseph was killed by an animal. All they did was set 166 00:21:18.480 --> 00:21:26.119 down the cloak in front of him and then kept their mouth shut. That's 167 00:21:26.160 --> 00:21:33.960 not trustworthy. It's not trustworthy to let people see a certain piece of information 168 00:21:36.200 --> 00:21:45.240 and then keep your mouth shut as they misinterpreted. That's not trust worthy. 169 00:21:47.680 --> 00:21:55.079 It is not trust worthy to share information in a way that nobody can understand. 170 00:21:56.440 --> 00:22:07.880 Whether it's because we've used such academic language that it's incomprehensible, whether it's 171 00:22:07.920 --> 00:22:14.119 that we've used such spiritual language that it's incomprehensible, or whether it's because we 172 00:22:14.279 --> 00:22:18.559 present the information in a language that the people who are supposed to be reading 173 00:22:18.599 --> 00:22:25.680 it don't understand, we might as well be doing and I've seen signs like 174 00:22:25.880 --> 00:22:32.839 this, signs in English saying that if you need a Spanish interpreter, call 175 00:22:32.960 --> 00:22:41.880 this number. I've seen visual signs that say if you can't see and need 176 00:22:41.920 --> 00:22:55.319 a brail menu, let us know. I mean, this is not this 177 00:22:55.559 --> 00:23:00.200 is not trustworthy. We are seriously, we are commune nicating in a way 178 00:23:00.640 --> 00:23:07.279 that people will not understand and that we know they won't and this is not 179 00:23:07.720 --> 00:23:21.200 trust worthy and it's also when. When do we communicate? Do we communicate 180 00:23:22.960 --> 00:23:32.720 only after we've been given the notice from the attorney? Do we communicate only 181 00:23:32.960 --> 00:23:40.359 after we learn that the person's posted it on social media? Do we communicate 182 00:23:40.599 --> 00:23:47.880 only after we've learned that Christianity today is going to run a story? Or 183 00:23:48.039 --> 00:24:00.079 do we communicate when people need to know the information? H Mh. Do 184 00:24:00.200 --> 00:24:10.279 we act in a way that is trust worthy because we also show trust? 185 00:24:11.440 --> 00:24:22.599 Do we act in a way that is trust worthy because we don't misused scripture 186 00:24:22.720 --> 00:24:29.200 for our own benefit? And I talked to my kids. Are All grown 187 00:24:29.279 --> 00:24:34.759 now, which is really weird, but but I talked with my kids frequently 188 00:24:34.839 --> 00:24:41.759 about this. It's not just what you try to do, it's what you 189 00:24:41.960 --> 00:24:48.640 try not to do. It's not just that you don't try and misuse scripture, 190 00:24:51.400 --> 00:24:59.400 it's that you try not to misuse scripture. It is a conscious effort, 191 00:25:00.039 --> 00:25:04.480 because it is so easy to fall into a trap unknowingly and too slowly 192 00:25:06.359 --> 00:25:11.000 slide into it and then you don't realize it until somebody calls you on it 193 00:25:11.079 --> 00:25:14.960 and you're like, oh my Gosh, how did I get here, or 194 00:25:15.119 --> 00:25:18.599 at that point you're so entrenched in it that now you have to defend yourself 195 00:25:18.680 --> 00:25:26.240 from misusing the scripture. And so acting in a trustworthy manner requires conscious effort 196 00:25:26.880 --> 00:25:38.559 to not be untrustworthy. So those are just some of my thoughts on trustworthiness. 197 00:25:38.799 --> 00:25:48.440 That it's not about rebuilding trust. I hope that people eventually can trust 198 00:25:48.720 --> 00:25:55.079 the church more, but whether they do or not, I need to be 199 00:25:55.160 --> 00:26:06.720 acting in a way that is worthy of trust. M I think we could 200 00:26:06.720 --> 00:26:12.799 all learn from that, because that can be challenging to do and I think 201 00:26:12.839 --> 00:26:21.279 it takes a lot of integrity, which I think a lot of us struggle 202 00:26:21.359 --> 00:26:32.680 with, and knowing wisdom, with trustworthy trustworthiness, which is can be challenging 203 00:26:32.759 --> 00:26:40.279 at times. M All right, guys, thanks for listening. Uh Pete's 204 00:26:40.279 --> 00:26:42.519 gonna be back next week. I always follow this on your favorite platform for 205 00:26:42.720 --> 00:26:48.079 social media or on podcast, and if you have any questions, I want 206 00:26:48.119 --> 00:26:51.000 to reach out or learn more about Rachel and recovery, always go to Rachel 207 00:26:51.039 --> 00:26:56.839 and recovery Dot Com. Thanks for listening. Tune in next week at ten 208 00:26:56.920 --> 00:26:56.799 am on Thursday

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