Pete Singer with Grace on Spiritual Abuse Part 5

September 01, 2022 00:32:35
Pete Singer with Grace on Spiritual Abuse Part 5
Rachel on Recovery
Pete Singer with Grace on Spiritual Abuse Part 5

Sep 01 2022 | 00:32:35


Hosted By

Rachel Stone

Show Notes

Pete Singer with Executive Director of GRACE (Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment) dealing with prevention, intervention and recovery of abuse inside the church.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.720 --> 00:00:04.480 Hey guys, we're back with Pete Singer with the rest of his journey with 2 00:00:04.839 --> 00:00:18.519 grace and his experience with spiritual abuse. And it's not always easy to do 3 00:00:18.600 --> 00:00:29.719 either. No, you're absolutely right. It's challenging, it's hard. Um. 4 00:00:29.920 --> 00:00:34.000 Is Trauma and form formed churches growing, or is this? Is there 5 00:00:34.079 --> 00:00:42.799 still a lot of resistance? Yes, it is growing and there's still a 6 00:00:42.799 --> 00:00:49.759 lot of resistance. Um. I'm sorry, Goad, I mean I've seen 7 00:00:49.880 --> 00:00:53.679 I've seen them churches, you know, they take and they acknowledge it and 8 00:00:53.719 --> 00:00:59.920 they're trying to work and, you know, trying to implement something for trauma, 9 00:01:00.439 --> 00:01:04.519 but it's very messy. Um. And then others are just like it 10 00:01:04.560 --> 00:01:15.040 doesn't even exist. Yeah, Um, I tell you. Um. Last 11 00:01:15.400 --> 00:01:23.239 November I was presenting at a conference, Um, and it was it was 12 00:01:23.239 --> 00:01:27.719 a forensic sciences conference. Um. That was focused on child abuse and intimate 13 00:01:27.760 --> 00:01:34.280 partner violence. Um, and the first two days of the conference were focused 14 00:01:34.480 --> 00:01:42.239 on professionals in in this work, so law enforcement, child protection workers, 15 00:01:42.359 --> 00:01:49.239 victim advocates, forensic interviewers, medical personnel and such. That was the first 16 00:01:49.280 --> 00:01:53.840 two days, and so I did a presentation Um during those first two days 17 00:01:53.840 --> 00:01:57.560 to those professionals. But then day three of this conference, which I think 18 00:01:57.640 --> 00:02:05.079 is just um amazing. Day Three of this conference they invite faith leaders in 19 00:02:07.120 --> 00:02:10.199 and Um, so the faith leaders come in and I gave a couple of 20 00:02:10.240 --> 00:02:17.639 presentations on on day three and one of those presentations was taking samps's six principles 21 00:02:17.639 --> 00:02:31.360 of trauma informed practice, safety, trustworthiness and transparency, pure support, collaboration 22 00:02:31.479 --> 00:02:42.120 and mutuality, empowerment, voice and choice and humility in the face of historical, 23 00:02:42.319 --> 00:02:50.360 cultural and gender factors that are just absolutely inseparable from trauma. My presentation 24 00:02:50.479 --> 00:02:59.639 was saying these six principles are actually scriptural and this is what it would look 25 00:02:59.680 --> 00:03:05.560 like if would actually take them and apply them in our churches. I got 26 00:03:05.599 --> 00:03:13.199 done with that presentation and somebody came up to me and she said I grew 27 00:03:13.319 --> 00:03:20.039 up in the church and because of all that I experienced growing up in the 28 00:03:20.120 --> 00:03:25.520 church, as soon as I was an adult I left the church. She 29 00:03:25.919 --> 00:03:32.599 was in her mid forties and she said to me, I think this is 30 00:03:32.639 --> 00:03:38.520 the first time I've actually met a real Christian, and she said that not 31 00:03:38.680 --> 00:03:46.599 because of anything about me, but because of the power of recognizing that those 32 00:03:47.639 --> 00:03:59.080 ideals actually are her how the church is supposed to operate. They are. 33 00:04:00.759 --> 00:04:10.319 It comes back again to our identity, and so I think there are people 34 00:04:10.520 --> 00:04:14.400 outside the church, who may have left the church or who may have never 35 00:04:14.439 --> 00:04:19.199 been in the church that, when they see that actually show up in the 36 00:04:19.279 --> 00:04:31.000 church, are like, oh well, maybe, I think, but that 37 00:04:31.160 --> 00:04:38.639 is not why we do it. I also think it I am more frequently 38 00:04:38.720 --> 00:04:44.879 getting a call from a leader within a church, and I would say that 39 00:04:44.920 --> 00:04:46.839 I've noticed this even within the year and a half that I've been at grace. 40 00:04:50.199 --> 00:04:57.079 Very often when we get a call Um, often when we get a 41 00:04:57.079 --> 00:05:02.720 call from a church saying, yeah, this happened, we just got an 42 00:05:02.759 --> 00:05:06.600 allegation or we just found out there's a known sex offender or we just had 43 00:05:06.639 --> 00:05:13.319 a minor on minor situation or we just found out about intimate partner violence or 44 00:05:14.240 --> 00:05:21.879 in occurring in our church. What do we do? It is often we 45 00:05:21.959 --> 00:05:30.319 want to know what to do because we don't want to look bad. We 46 00:05:30.439 --> 00:05:33.720 want to know what to do because we've seen how some churches have shown up 47 00:05:33.759 --> 00:05:38.920 looking really bad in the media lately and we don't want to be that church. 48 00:05:44.680 --> 00:05:48.040 But I have seen an increasing number of churches in the last year and 49 00:05:48.079 --> 00:05:57.600 a half call up, not saying help us manage our image, but instead 50 00:05:57.680 --> 00:06:03.800 saying people have been hurt and we think we've messed up how we've been caring 51 00:06:03.839 --> 00:06:08.439 for them and we don't want to hurt them anymore. Can you help us 52 00:06:08.519 --> 00:06:13.920 understand this so we don't hurt them anymore? Can you help us understand this 53 00:06:14.040 --> 00:06:19.120 so that we can actually protect people? Can you help us understand this so 54 00:06:19.160 --> 00:06:26.560 that we can truly reflect the heart of God? And I would say even 55 00:06:26.600 --> 00:06:29.879 in the year and a half that I've been at grace, I've seen a 56 00:06:30.160 --> 00:06:35.480 noticeable uptick in the number of churches that are calling saying, help us do 57 00:06:35.560 --> 00:06:41.240 this because it's right, rather than help us do this so that we don't 58 00:06:41.279 --> 00:06:51.439 look bad, and to me that is growth in churches who accept this idea 59 00:06:51.480 --> 00:06:58.000 of we need to understand trauma and respond. Well, on the flip side, 60 00:06:58.040 --> 00:07:01.160 we still do have churches call up and say, help us manage how 61 00:07:01.199 --> 00:07:05.720 we look, help us to not look bad, and we still do have 62 00:07:05.839 --> 00:07:11.560 people that say, well, because grace is speaking up for those who don't 63 00:07:11.600 --> 00:07:19.240 have power, grace must therefore um be endorsing just a Social Gospel and no 64 00:07:19.319 --> 00:07:27.920 real care about the Gospel or Um Grace is clearly founded on critical theory, 65 00:07:28.720 --> 00:07:35.439 or grace is based on Neo Marxism. Um. And so there are still 66 00:07:36.399 --> 00:07:46.160 people that don't understand. No, actually, we're trying to base this on 67 00:07:46.199 --> 00:07:54.000 who Jesus is and and who we are in Christ. Um. I haven't 68 00:07:54.040 --> 00:08:00.800 actually checked to see how marks fits into that Um, but uh yeah, 69 00:08:00.839 --> 00:08:05.920 so I think that, yes, there is growth. I think that there 70 00:08:05.040 --> 00:08:15.160 is still resistance, who, from people who have not under stood that this 71 00:08:16.720 --> 00:08:30.720 isn't about anything other than Jesus cared for people who were hurt. Jesus protected 72 00:08:30.759 --> 00:08:37.120 people who were hurt. Jesus spoke out against those in authority who are abusing 73 00:08:37.159 --> 00:08:43.480 their power and he spoke out mostly against religious leaders when it came to that. 74 00:08:46.600 --> 00:08:52.960 Yes, and and and. So there are people who have not reached 75 00:08:52.960 --> 00:09:00.360 that understanding yet and there are people who have. So I would say, 76 00:09:00.440 --> 00:09:05.759 yes, there is growth of this in the church. I mean I think 77 00:09:05.759 --> 00:09:13.559 even just of a of a recent church where we did an investigation and we 78 00:09:13.679 --> 00:09:18.200 encourage when we do an investigation with the church, we encourage the church to 79 00:09:18.320 --> 00:09:26.720 collaborate with survivors of the abuse to determine what to do with publicizing the report. 80 00:09:28.919 --> 00:09:35.399 Um, there are some situations where where victims truly and survivors truly do 81 00:09:35.480 --> 00:09:39.720 not want that report public or, if it is going to be public, 82 00:09:39.799 --> 00:09:45.639 I want you to Um, take out any reference of me whatsoever, because 83 00:09:45.679 --> 00:09:48.120 I'm really concerned that people are going to figure out who I am. And 84 00:09:48.200 --> 00:09:54.039 so we encourage churches work with the survivors. If you know who the survivors 85 00:09:54.080 --> 00:09:56.559 are, work with them. If you don't know who the survivors are, 86 00:09:58.279 --> 00:10:05.080 we will help convey some of their wishes is to publicizing this report. But 87 00:10:05.159 --> 00:10:16.000 we encourage publicizing the report consistent with survivor wishes. Um. But even just 88 00:10:16.080 --> 00:10:26.559 as an example, there is a church who they were very public allegations about 89 00:10:26.720 --> 00:10:41.759 abuse that had occurred decades ago, and we put in the h while it 90 00:10:41.840 --> 00:10:54.799 was not a slam dunk, the allegations do appear credible, Um and the 91 00:10:54.960 --> 00:11:03.279 church, and we also said in the years since that we see that you 92 00:11:03.399 --> 00:11:11.799 as a church have taken some very significant steps, very significant steps towards increasing 93 00:11:11.840 --> 00:11:24.320 safety and taking better care of survivors. So the church put checked with survivors, 94 00:11:24.559 --> 00:11:35.600 put the report up on their website for everybody to see and also made 95 00:11:35.639 --> 00:11:43.360 it very clear. The report says that these allegations are credible, went on 96 00:11:43.519 --> 00:11:54.080 to describe how the allegations actually, just statistically speaking, usually are and went 97 00:11:54.159 --> 00:12:01.039 on to say we've tried and there are a couple of things that so one 98 00:12:01.519 --> 00:12:05.000 a couple of things that grace said that we botched. Yes, we did, 99 00:12:05.919 --> 00:12:09.799 and we're trying to make them better. A couple of things that grace 100 00:12:09.840 --> 00:12:18.360 said we did well. Don't get arrogant, don't say we've done a couple 101 00:12:18.399 --> 00:12:22.600 of things well, so we're fine, because maybe we did a couple of 102 00:12:22.600 --> 00:12:26.360 things well, but we've got work to do and so we're not going to 103 00:12:26.399 --> 00:12:31.039 go sit on our laurels after being told that we did that, we did 104 00:12:31.080 --> 00:12:39.759 some things well. That is a church that has a heart, that will 105 00:12:39.799 --> 00:12:46.080 be open to being a trauma a more trauma informed church, because that's a 106 00:12:46.200 --> 00:12:50.279 church that says we're going to take the black eye because we need to care 107 00:12:50.320 --> 00:12:56.919 for survivors, we're going to take the black eye because we need to protect 108 00:12:56.960 --> 00:13:01.279 people and when we do get it right, we're not going to brag about 109 00:13:01.320 --> 00:13:03.840 it, we're not going to boast about it, we're not going to say 110 00:13:03.879 --> 00:13:09.840 great, we've arrived, we're going to recognize that you never fully arrive and 111 00:13:09.879 --> 00:13:11.639 we're going to get back to work because we know we still have work to 112 00:13:11.639 --> 00:13:18.320 do. Okay, we've got a few more questions. How do we bring 113 00:13:18.320 --> 00:13:22.480 this to our church? Like how do we bring being trauma informed to our 114 00:13:22.559 --> 00:13:37.080 churches? That is going to depend a lot on your church. There are 115 00:13:37.480 --> 00:13:45.000 some churches where you mentioned it to leaders and they're like sign me up. 116 00:13:46.279 --> 00:13:52.639 Um. Back in two thousand five is the first time that I had a 117 00:13:52.679 --> 00:13:58.840 conversation with a pastor of mine, Um and told him, look, I 118 00:13:58.879 --> 00:14:05.480 grew up in a church, yeah, that fostered abuse. We need to 119 00:14:05.519 --> 00:14:11.039 do a better job as a church, and here are a couple of ways 120 00:14:11.039 --> 00:14:16.639 that I think we can. And my pastor immediately said, you're right, 121 00:14:16.639 --> 00:14:22.080 we do. How do we do it, Um, and that that church 122 00:14:22.159 --> 00:14:26.639 actually ended up developing. We we worked to develop a partnership with child protection 123 00:14:26.720 --> 00:14:31.480 services in the state of Minnesota, Um, to raise awareness within the church 124 00:14:33.159 --> 00:14:35.480 and and to help meet the needs of kids and families in the Child Protection 125 00:14:35.519 --> 00:14:45.480 System. Sometimes you get a pastor like that where you say to the Church 126 00:14:45.559 --> 00:14:48.000 leadership, whether it's the pastor the elder board, whoever it might be, 127 00:14:48.080 --> 00:14:50.720 this is something we have to do and they immediately say yes, we do. 128 00:14:52.159 --> 00:15:01.960 What's our next step in a situation like that? You can refer them 129 00:15:01.960 --> 00:15:07.759 to books such as books written by Wade Mullen, books written by Diane Langberg, 130 00:15:07.519 --> 00:15:15.639 books like a church called Uh tove Um, resources like rid of my 131 00:15:15.759 --> 00:15:22.080 disgrace, the cry of Tamar Um. If you go to the grace website, 132 00:15:22.080 --> 00:15:26.639 you'll see a number of other resources, resources that they can share, 133 00:15:26.039 --> 00:15:31.120 even with uh, to equip parents and speaking to their kids. God made 134 00:15:31.159 --> 00:15:35.759 all of me. A book about body safety rooted in an understanding of who 135 00:15:35.799 --> 00:15:41.360 God is and how God loves us. And and so now we can use 136 00:15:41.399 --> 00:15:46.639 that to help us protect our bodies. Um. So, if they're open 137 00:15:46.720 --> 00:15:52.000 to it, giving them resources, resources like you'll find Um on the grace 138 00:15:52.080 --> 00:15:56.919 web page or on the Grace Youtube page, where we have many videos, 139 00:15:58.879 --> 00:16:03.840 even up to our going over an hour talking about abuse in churches and how 140 00:16:03.919 --> 00:16:10.639 churches can do a better job. Um. So, helping them reach those 141 00:16:10.840 --> 00:16:18.360 resources. But you may have leadership that, to one degree or another, 142 00:16:18.480 --> 00:16:26.679 is resistant. Some leaders are resistant because they don't know and they don't know 143 00:16:26.720 --> 00:16:37.360 what they don't know. This is not really covered very extensively in seminary um 144 00:16:37.399 --> 00:16:41.320 it's. In fact, in most seminary programs it's hardly mentioned at all, 145 00:16:44.919 --> 00:16:48.759 and it may even be we have this class and seminary so that you can 146 00:16:48.159 --> 00:16:52.120 be so that you can protect yourself from all those false allegations that are going 147 00:16:52.159 --> 00:17:02.399 to come up, false allegations. Yeah, yeah, so this is not 148 00:17:02.600 --> 00:17:08.519 something that is covered very well in seminary. Grace has called for seminary reform. 149 00:17:08.559 --> 00:17:14.440 We need to have seminary reform, but it very well could be that 150 00:17:14.480 --> 00:17:21.279 you are encountering resistance from your pastor from the leaders of your church, because 151 00:17:21.319 --> 00:17:30.640 they just don't know and if they know, then perhaps they'll be open to 152 00:17:30.680 --> 00:17:36.680 doing something. I would love to have a conversation with any of those pastors. 153 00:17:37.640 --> 00:17:44.440 Um, send them our way. Okay, Um, look at some 154 00:17:44.480 --> 00:17:49.160 of the resources that we have, other resources that just will help them understand 155 00:17:49.200 --> 00:17:55.839 that this is a big deal, that we need to do something about it. 156 00:17:56.920 --> 00:18:03.680 That can help chart a path forward. Yeah, the last question, 157 00:18:03.759 --> 00:18:07.039 well, I'm just gonna ask one more question, Um, on top of 158 00:18:07.039 --> 00:18:11.079 the ones that I have written out. How has working against spiritual abuse affected 159 00:18:11.160 --> 00:18:27.400 your faith? Um, it's absolutely impacted my faith. Um, I would 160 00:18:27.480 --> 00:18:49.519 say it has made me more skeptical of faith leaders. It Um, but 161 00:18:49.640 --> 00:18:57.279 at the same time, being in this work as giving me incredible encouragement as 162 00:18:57.319 --> 00:19:07.000 I see faith leaders do well. M. It's impacted my faith because it's 163 00:19:07.000 --> 00:19:15.720 helped me realize that that that faith is not about a person, but that 164 00:19:15.880 --> 00:19:29.960 faith is about Jesus, and so it's really helped to cement that. Um. 165 00:19:30.119 --> 00:19:33.039 Because, let's be honest, if some of the things that we see 166 00:19:33.079 --> 00:19:42.240 from Christian faith leaders actually Um are about Christ actually are about what Christianity is, 167 00:19:44.599 --> 00:19:52.519 Um, I'll take a pass. Thanks. So, I mean it's 168 00:19:52.559 --> 00:19:59.920 it's recognizing that it's not about those people, but it's about Jesus. H. 169 00:20:00.440 --> 00:20:07.000 It's helped me to realize, Um, that if a person is struggling 170 00:20:07.680 --> 00:20:12.240 with staying involved in the church, that's legitimate. That's not that they have 171 00:20:12.359 --> 00:20:18.759 weak faith, it's not that they don't see the truth. Um, that's 172 00:20:18.759 --> 00:20:26.079 they're going through something that's real, legitimate, um, that that's going through 173 00:20:26.119 --> 00:20:45.839 something that has basis in reality. Um. It's helped my faith because it's 174 00:20:45.839 --> 00:21:00.200 helped me recognize the abuse that's out there. But in my situation, aation. 175 00:21:00.279 --> 00:21:03.079 I'm not saying that this is a realization that everybody should come to. 176 00:21:03.680 --> 00:21:11.319 But I'm saying in my situation, as I've worked in this field more, 177 00:21:11.400 --> 00:21:19.640 I've realized more and more, oh my gosh, I have been surrounded by 178 00:21:19.680 --> 00:21:26.440 abuse in the church my entire life. Even when I thought I was out 179 00:21:26.480 --> 00:21:34.279 of it, I was still surrounded by it. And I'm not saying that 180 00:21:34.400 --> 00:21:40.000 I've been directly victimized my entire life. I'm not trying to, you know, 181 00:21:40.079 --> 00:21:42.960 take on and make my story more dramatic or anything like that, but 182 00:21:44.039 --> 00:21:45.519 I mean even like you know, so I talked about the church that I 183 00:21:45.559 --> 00:21:52.880 went to in elementary school and it wasn't until years and years later that it 184 00:21:53.000 --> 00:22:03.319 dawned on me when I was in middle school and high school, they knowingly 185 00:22:03.519 --> 00:22:10.960 let a sex offender who was sent home from the mission field because he was 186 00:22:11.000 --> 00:22:22.759 having sex with boys be the dean of men and take kids on missions trips 187 00:22:23.119 --> 00:22:33.880 to other countries. I'm not aware of any abuse happening with people from that 188 00:22:34.200 --> 00:22:41.559 church or school on those missions trips. But you know what, it didn't 189 00:22:41.759 --> 00:22:52.480 click until years and years and years later that, oh my goodness, I 190 00:22:52.559 --> 00:23:04.960 was in a situation that fostered opportunities for abuse and so but in my particular 191 00:23:06.000 --> 00:23:11.160 situation. It has helped me see that, even though I was surrounded by 192 00:23:11.240 --> 00:23:18.200 this Um, and I'm not saying this as a Cliche, I know it's 193 00:23:18.279 --> 00:23:22.799 used as a cliche so much that it sickens me, but I didn't walk 194 00:23:22.880 --> 00:23:32.920 through that alone, Um, and I and I did walk through it feeling 195 00:23:32.960 --> 00:23:42.039 God's protection. And again, I'm not saying that everybody needs to come to 196 00:23:42.079 --> 00:23:47.799 that point and I'm not saying, Um, yeah, God was with me, 197 00:23:47.839 --> 00:23:52.680 so everything's fine, um. But for for me, that is has 198 00:23:52.759 --> 00:24:03.240 been a part of my faith journey is recognizing that and just more and more 199 00:24:03.920 --> 00:24:11.039 recognizing that this is so far beyond anything I could do, just so far 200 00:24:11.119 --> 00:24:18.640 beyond there's no way that I'm that that that I can do this. It's 201 00:24:18.680 --> 00:24:23.319 just it's just beyond me. Okay, Um, yeah, I guess my 202 00:24:23.440 --> 00:24:26.559 last question is, what do you do for self care, because this has 203 00:24:26.599 --> 00:24:30.559 to take a toll on you and all aspects of your life, your body, 204 00:24:30.680 --> 00:24:37.519 your mental health, your emotional health, your spiritual health. Sure, 205 00:24:37.440 --> 00:24:45.000 UM, so I'm not. I'm not currently in therapy, but I've been 206 00:24:45.000 --> 00:24:55.240 in therapy before, Um, and Um, highly, highly recommended. Um, 207 00:24:55.279 --> 00:25:00.799 even though I'm not in a formal uh, therapy, going through formal 208 00:25:00.839 --> 00:25:07.400 therapy right now. I have, Um, a person that I trust who 209 00:25:07.519 --> 00:25:17.079 is a pastor and a licensed mental health professional, so that he's both, 210 00:25:18.240 --> 00:25:23.279 and we meet on a regular basis, um, because I believe, and 211 00:25:23.599 --> 00:25:30.799 then because of that, we're able to go and look at things both from 212 00:25:30.799 --> 00:25:37.119 a spiritual perspective and Um, you know, if there's a mental health component 213 00:25:37.200 --> 00:25:41.920 to it, Um, a trauma component to it, Um, or anxiety 214 00:25:42.039 --> 00:25:47.440 or depression or whatever it might be. Um. Sometimes this work can get 215 00:25:47.440 --> 00:25:52.559 a person down. Um, um, but he's able to look at it 216 00:25:52.559 --> 00:25:57.640 from all those perspectives. Um, and it's somebody that I trust, somebody 217 00:25:57.640 --> 00:26:03.000 that knows me, knows me well, Um, understands where I'm coming from. 218 00:26:03.000 --> 00:26:06.960 He actually happens to be, I think, I think we would both 219 00:26:06.960 --> 00:26:11.119 acknowledge this. He happens to be a good deal more conservative than I am, 220 00:26:11.240 --> 00:26:19.799 Um, but um is also real comfortable with not having to push me 221 00:26:19.880 --> 00:26:25.920 to be, um, and real comfortable with the fact that you don't have 222 00:26:26.000 --> 00:26:30.400 to be as conservative as he is to love Jesus, Um, and so 223 00:26:30.440 --> 00:26:37.599 that that works well for us. Um. Connecting with people is incredibly, 224 00:26:37.440 --> 00:26:47.119 incredibly important, um, whether it's my wife, whether it's my kids. 225 00:26:48.319 --> 00:26:56.200 Um. I'm so blessed to have a wife who is deep in the trenches 226 00:26:56.359 --> 00:27:03.240 of understanding what trauma is. She's Um in in public health and focuses on 227 00:27:03.359 --> 00:27:11.599 working with marginalized populations who are dealing with some pretty significant health care disparities and 228 00:27:11.680 --> 00:27:15.880 social determinants of health. And so she is in the trenches and she gets 229 00:27:15.960 --> 00:27:18.759 it and that has been just an incredible blessing to me. Um, that 230 00:27:18.799 --> 00:27:22.160 we're able to support each other. In the heavy, heavy work that she's 231 00:27:22.240 --> 00:27:26.359 doing, I can be a support to her and in the heavy work that 232 00:27:26.400 --> 00:27:33.319 I'm doing, she can be a support to me. Um. Spending regular 233 00:27:33.400 --> 00:27:45.640 time in scripture is he essential for me being comfortable to argue with God a 234 00:27:45.640 --> 00:27:55.880 little bit and to say God, what the Heck Are you doing? Um. 235 00:27:55.920 --> 00:27:59.279 And he hasn't struck me with lightning yet, and I don't say that 236 00:27:59.400 --> 00:28:03.480 out of DIS respect, I actually say that out of respect because God's big 237 00:28:03.599 --> 00:28:08.559 enough to deal with my questions. God's big enough to deal with my not 238 00:28:08.799 --> 00:28:19.759 getting what God's doing. Um. And so the freedom to express those doubts, 239 00:28:22.839 --> 00:28:26.720 the freedom to express the frustration and at times even God, I'm kind 240 00:28:26.720 --> 00:28:32.720 of angry that this happened and I'm not just angry at the person that did 241 00:28:32.759 --> 00:28:36.119 it. I'm wanting to work through the fact that I'm a bit angry at 242 00:28:36.160 --> 00:28:44.480 you right now for letting it happen, Um, and knowing that I can 243 00:28:44.519 --> 00:28:47.440 express that to God. I mean, it's like not a surprise to God 244 00:28:47.480 --> 00:28:51.680 if I'm angry at him right it's not something that I've been able to successfully 245 00:28:51.759 --> 00:28:55.319 hide from God. Shu. I'm glad he didn't realize I was angry, 246 00:28:56.119 --> 00:28:59.799 um, but just to be able to openly talk to God about that, 247 00:29:00.839 --> 00:29:06.480 um as much as I can, to get away, to take care of 248 00:29:06.519 --> 00:29:12.160 myself, to engage in things like deep breathing exercise, Um. And then 249 00:29:12.200 --> 00:29:17.119 I think that this is also really super important, um, for those of 250 00:29:17.200 --> 00:29:22.519 us who work with organizations that are really trauma saturated. Whether that would be 251 00:29:22.519 --> 00:29:27.319 a church, whether that would be victim advocacy, whether that would be a 252 00:29:27.720 --> 00:29:33.440 homeless shelter, whether that would be a school, regardless of what it is, 253 00:29:34.160 --> 00:29:45.839 Um, as organizations we ask people to put themselves in the line of 254 00:29:45.880 --> 00:29:52.359 fire. If we are knowingly asking people to put themselves in the line of 255 00:29:52.400 --> 00:29:57.799 fire, as an organization, we have a responsibility to help care for and 256 00:29:57.839 --> 00:30:07.599 protect them. And so it's also recognizing, Um in part that grace has 257 00:30:07.599 --> 00:30:12.880 a responsibility towards me and I let my board of directors know what what I 258 00:30:12.960 --> 00:30:18.559 need, Um, and I have an incredible board of directors at grace. 259 00:30:18.880 --> 00:30:23.799 But it's also recognizing that, as an organization, grace has a responsibility to 260 00:30:23.880 --> 00:30:33.119 every single staff person, whether they're contracted or employed. Um. And if 261 00:30:33.200 --> 00:30:37.920 you're in a church, in a school, in a victim advocacy organization and 262 00:30:38.000 --> 00:30:45.319 a homeless shelter, whatever, uh, it might be Um, to advocate 263 00:30:45.359 --> 00:30:49.240 for yourself with that organization because they have a responsibility to care for you, 264 00:30:49.799 --> 00:30:56.079 because they're asking you to step into the line of fire. Okay, Um, 265 00:30:56.119 --> 00:30:59.799 I guess you know anything else you would like to add? That we 266 00:31:00.160 --> 00:31:10.799 not cuttered. Um, I can't think of anything else off the top of 267 00:31:10.839 --> 00:31:12.920 my head. Are they just you know, I've really appreciated the chance to 268 00:31:14.000 --> 00:31:18.759 have the conversation to talk about some of these super, super important issues, 269 00:31:19.440 --> 00:31:23.119 Um, to talk a little bit about grace too, and if anyone's interested, 270 00:31:23.160 --> 00:31:27.839 I hope they check out grace. Check out Um, uh, you 271 00:31:27.880 --> 00:31:34.119 know, our website and other resources that might be there. There are other 272 00:31:34.160 --> 00:31:41.440 great organizations, whether it would be um sacred spaces, who does some incredible 273 00:31:41.440 --> 00:31:47.640 work, primarily in the Jewish faith community. Um, and really encourage you 274 00:31:47.680 --> 00:31:49.000 to check out them, if you're listening and you might happen to be in 275 00:31:49.039 --> 00:31:55.960 the Jewish faith community, as just an unbelievable resource. Um. The Zero 276 00:31:56.039 --> 00:32:00.480 Abuse Project also does some incredible stuff, including a training called keeping faith that's 277 00:32:00.480 --> 00:32:05.039 coming up in October. It would be great for people to attend Um and 278 00:32:05.039 --> 00:32:09.839 then checking out the resources that we've got on our website at grace as well 279 00:32:09.880 --> 00:32:15.240 would be incredible. Okay, Um. Alright, guys, thanks for listening. 280 00:32:15.440 --> 00:32:20.000 Um. As always, uh, follow us on your favorite social media 281 00:32:20.039 --> 00:32:24.240 platform and on your favorite podcast platform and if you have any questions, always 282 00:32:24.240 --> 00:32:30.720 reach out to Rachel and recovery at UH WW Rachel and Recovery Dot Com. Thanks.

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