Becs Cronshaw Journey of Recovery of Childhood Sexual Abuse and Exercises Addiction Part 2

Episode 18 March 31, 2022 00:26:11
Becs Cronshaw Journey of Recovery of Childhood Sexual Abuse and Exercises Addiction Part 2
Rachel on Recovery
Becs Cronshaw Journey of Recovery of Childhood Sexual Abuse and Exercises Addiction Part 2

Mar 31 2022 | 00:26:11


Hosted By

Rachel Stone

Show Notes

Becs is a Life Coach helping other trauma survivors with healing their bodies. 

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.600 --> 00:00:03.439 Hi, this is Rachel and recover. We have backs coming back. We're 2 00:00:03.480 --> 00:00:09.199 just going to finish the interview. For the second part. Re victimization or 3 00:00:09.279 --> 00:00:19.600 victim blaming, I don't think I was. You know, I've never had 4 00:00:19.640 --> 00:00:27.039 the finger pointed at me, which I'm fortunate on I know that a lot 5 00:00:27.039 --> 00:00:32.679 of people do go through that. It depends. I'm not entirely sure what 6 00:00:32.719 --> 00:00:37.079 you mean by the term, the terms, but I mean of course I 7 00:00:37.079 --> 00:00:41.640 repeated the pattern. Right, I ended up in another abusive relationship, but 8 00:00:43.399 --> 00:00:48.719 I don't know. Would you class that as re victimization? Yes, because, 9 00:00:49.159 --> 00:00:54.200 I mean, when you are repeating patterns, it's very easy to get 10 00:00:54.240 --> 00:01:00.880 react like that. Stuff comes back up again. So and but sometimes it's, 11 00:01:00.960 --> 00:01:07.359 you know, people making comments and other times it's people noticing you've got 12 00:01:07.400 --> 00:01:11.719 your shame or your bat signal saying Hey, I've been abused, please come 13 00:01:11.799 --> 00:01:19.120 abuse me, kind of thing. And so I think predators are I mean 14 00:01:19.200 --> 00:01:23.519 people look for that and they know that they can abuse you because you've been 15 00:01:23.560 --> 00:01:29.400 abused. Yeah, okay, so I understand what you mean. So what 16 00:01:29.439 --> 00:01:33.239 I would say is that when I started dating again, when, for the 17 00:01:33.239 --> 00:01:38.799 first time I was single in a long time, that certainly that the type 18 00:01:38.840 --> 00:01:42.840 of person I attracted was not a good quality man, shall we say, 19 00:01:44.480 --> 00:01:49.239 and that there was really clear that they were reading something in in me. 20 00:01:49.359 --> 00:01:57.879 I was obviously giving out a particular energy that invited me being and there was 21 00:01:57.959 --> 00:02:02.599 certainly a time in my life where I was drinking a lot and taking a 22 00:02:02.640 --> 00:02:07.519 lot of recreational drugs, and when I reflect back now, I mean I 23 00:02:07.560 --> 00:02:13.479 was putting myself in some really dangerous situations with men, you know, really 24 00:02:13.560 --> 00:02:20.199 not taking care of my my health, my world being my safety, both 25 00:02:20.199 --> 00:02:24.360 physically and sexually, and I can see now that those are all ways of 26 00:02:24.400 --> 00:02:30.599 me just enacting that. You know that trauma and you know that just playing 27 00:02:30.639 --> 00:02:35.000 out in my life without me having any real understanding of what was happening. 28 00:02:35.360 --> 00:02:39.319 So I can see how easy it is for that to happen and I'm quite 29 00:02:39.439 --> 00:02:46.439 fortunate, I think, that nothing worse came of those situations. Okay, 30 00:02:47.479 --> 00:03:00.400 has this impacted your career? It's impacted it in an incredibly positive way and 31 00:03:00.479 --> 00:03:07.439 also in an incredibly challenging way, and because it was very, very hard 32 00:03:07.479 --> 00:03:15.080 for me to put myself in the public eye and be seen. So you 33 00:03:15.159 --> 00:03:19.560 know the world of social media that we live in now. You you know, 34 00:03:19.680 --> 00:03:22.599 you really do have to be okay showing up in the world, you 35 00:03:22.599 --> 00:03:27.000 know, speaking out, putting yourself on camera, making yourself seen, and 36 00:03:27.639 --> 00:03:30.240 I really struggled with that for a long time. So it's been a real 37 00:03:31.280 --> 00:03:39.479 uphill battle to put myself out there and to speak about my story without shame, 38 00:03:39.599 --> 00:03:44.280 and that still comes up every now and again. Even in the last 39 00:03:44.319 --> 00:03:46.960 couple of days I've been speaking about some stuff and I could feel that's familiar 40 00:03:47.039 --> 00:03:55.680 contraction in my throat. You know that. So, but what it means 41 00:03:55.879 --> 00:04:02.199 is that for every step forward I've taken, I'm so damn proud of myself 42 00:04:02.240 --> 00:04:06.240 because I know what it took me to get there and I don't want to 43 00:04:06.240 --> 00:04:11.919 lose sight of that, you know, to really say, yeah, you 44 00:04:11.960 --> 00:04:15.279 know what this has been. This has been a long journey and I've earned 45 00:04:15.720 --> 00:04:23.240 every single little bit of this. Okay, we've kind of hit on this, 46 00:04:23.279 --> 00:04:29.800 but how has this impacted you're dating life? Yeah, that's been an 47 00:04:29.800 --> 00:04:38.120 interesting journey in itself. So I just spent the last two years in Central 48 00:04:38.160 --> 00:04:46.439 America and so I was traveling and working. I had no plan to come 49 00:04:46.480 --> 00:04:50.360 back to the UK and I think it was the best thing that could have 50 00:04:50.399 --> 00:04:57.240 happened because I just took those two years completely out for myself. Okay, 51 00:04:57.399 --> 00:05:02.839 no dating, no nothing, and I think that was a really important foundation, 52 00:05:03.319 --> 00:05:09.480 because now I can step in, where I am stepping into the dating 53 00:05:09.519 --> 00:05:12.879 space, knowing my value and knowing my work for the first time in my 54 00:05:12.920 --> 00:05:21.319 life, and I think if you try to day without that, then that's 55 00:05:21.360 --> 00:05:25.480 when you invite in. And again, I've been here right, I did 56 00:05:25.519 --> 00:05:29.480 all of this before. That's where you invite in all the relationships that are 57 00:05:29.560 --> 00:05:36.360 maybe either an imbalance in power or maybe they're toxic on healthy behaviors. Maybe 58 00:05:36.439 --> 00:05:42.079 it's that narcissistic codependent relationship. You know, I've been there before as well. 59 00:05:43.680 --> 00:05:49.399 But knowing my value and being able to hold that position of knowing what 60 00:05:50.160 --> 00:05:55.560 is best for me and what I want, I think is the most powerful 61 00:05:55.600 --> 00:06:00.120 thing of all because I think, again this is something that comes up a 62 00:06:00.120 --> 00:06:04.040 lot with trauma healing, is that if we've not been in an environment when, 63 00:06:04.199 --> 00:06:09.519 when we're younger, where it was okay for us to want things, 64 00:06:09.519 --> 00:06:13.160 okay to express what we need and express what we want, then we can 65 00:06:13.199 --> 00:06:17.079 grow into adults who actually have no idea what we want and it's very difficult 66 00:06:17.120 --> 00:06:21.680 then to enter a healthy relationship if we don't actually know what we want or 67 00:06:21.720 --> 00:06:26.240 what we're looking for in that relationship. I don't know if that resonates with 68 00:06:26.279 --> 00:06:31.240 you. Oh, yes, no, that's that's kind of the story of 69 00:06:31.279 --> 00:06:36.600 my life. I been in and out of a piece of relationships probably since 70 00:06:36.639 --> 00:06:46.319 I was fourteen years old, so I completely understand that. How has this 71 00:06:46.399 --> 00:06:54.680 impacted your finances? Wow, there has been an awful lot of money spent 72 00:06:54.759 --> 00:07:00.360 on therapy. I can tell you that. I don't want to know how 73 00:07:00.439 --> 00:07:09.240 much, but let's see. You know, ultimately it's a double edged sword 74 00:07:09.319 --> 00:07:11.839 with like with a lot of these things, you know, on the one 75 00:07:11.879 --> 00:07:16.560 hand, yeah, there's been a huge financial investment to recover. On the 76 00:07:16.600 --> 00:07:25.360 other hand it's led me to my purpose and that feels like the most important 77 00:07:25.360 --> 00:07:29.680 thing to me, that I'm here on this earth and I'm living exactly what 78 00:07:29.720 --> 00:07:32.199 it as I was put here to do. And I think that's so often 79 00:07:32.240 --> 00:07:39.959 with with many of us, that that pain becomes our purpose and then it 80 00:07:40.000 --> 00:07:46.360 becomes about something bigger than money. And that's not to say that money isn't 81 00:07:46.360 --> 00:07:51.680 important, important of course, but at the same time when I feel I'm 82 00:07:51.759 --> 00:08:01.120 operating from that space of truly living what I'm here to do, then everything 83 00:08:01.160 --> 00:08:05.439 starts to flow a little more naturally and the fact that I am able to 84 00:08:05.720 --> 00:08:11.279 give and to contribute to the health and the safety and the well being of 85 00:08:11.360 --> 00:08:18.199 somebody else, everything all day is of much higher value to me than any 86 00:08:18.360 --> 00:08:22.240 number I could put on a ticket of the amount that I've spent on coaches 87 00:08:22.360 --> 00:08:31.439 or therapists. Now I get that it has it ever kept you from, 88 00:08:31.439 --> 00:08:39.440 like, getting jobs or positions or your education? I've always worked for myself 89 00:08:39.600 --> 00:08:45.080 and so I think that, look, I'm going to say that loan of 90 00:08:45.159 --> 00:08:48.600 mindset. You know I was and you know trauma isolates us right. So 91 00:08:48.720 --> 00:08:52.600 that's the trauma response to say I don't need anyone, I can do this 92 00:08:52.639 --> 00:08:56.960 by myself, I'm going to do it alone, which obviously doesn't serve us 93 00:08:56.960 --> 00:09:01.559 in many ways, but in the on srepreneurial world it can be kind of 94 00:09:01.559 --> 00:09:07.360 helpful, because it can it can make you take risks and put yourself in 95 00:09:07.440 --> 00:09:13.960 spaces that perhaps you wouldn't have otherwise. So I have got gone out alone 96 00:09:15.039 --> 00:09:16.720 and gone, you know what, like I'm just going to give this thing 97 00:09:16.759 --> 00:09:24.639 a go and there's been a lot of moments where my trauma has come up 98 00:09:24.679 --> 00:09:31.159 and has presented big challenges to me moving forward, but then I've just taken 99 00:09:31.159 --> 00:09:35.679 those as opportunities for growth. Okay, how can I keep moving forward? 100 00:09:35.679 --> 00:09:39.200 How can I keep moving through this? And Yeah, they've been times when 101 00:09:39.200 --> 00:09:43.200 I've stayed stock and there have been times where it's taken me a lot longer 102 00:09:43.240 --> 00:09:48.960 to do something than I probably would have liked myself, if I'm honest. 103 00:09:50.440 --> 00:09:54.080 But then again, I think that's a big part of the healing journey in 104 00:09:54.120 --> 00:10:00.120 itself. It's accepting that the process takes the time that it takes and that 105 00:10:00.360 --> 00:10:03.679 we're here for the journey, not for the that's so Corny, isn't it? 106 00:10:03.679 --> 00:10:05.960 But it's so true, and it's about the journey, not the end 107 00:10:07.000 --> 00:10:11.919 result, and it's about who you're becoming as you move forward on that journey, 108 00:10:13.120 --> 00:10:16.440 not about getting to an endpoint, you know, a job and income 109 00:10:16.559 --> 00:10:22.679 goal. Yeah, yeah, does that make sense now? I get that. 110 00:10:24.440 --> 00:10:33.600 How has this impacted your overall health long term? Wow, it's funny 111 00:10:33.679 --> 00:10:37.639 because on the outside you would have always considered me to be quite a healthy 112 00:10:37.720 --> 00:10:41.879 person, which is why I always say that you know you should never judge 113 00:10:41.919 --> 00:10:45.799 a book by its cover, because you would look at you would have looked 114 00:10:45.799 --> 00:10:48.879 at me in the past and said that I'm healthy, I'm strong and athletic, 115 00:10:50.399 --> 00:10:54.759 but what you didn't see as all the unhealthy relationships with with food, 116 00:10:54.840 --> 00:10:58.879 you know, the exercising, the burnout, all of the stuff that was 117 00:10:58.919 --> 00:11:05.440 happening under the surface. And I don't know for sure, but I would 118 00:11:05.519 --> 00:11:09.960 guess that if I carried on on that path then at some point my body 119 00:11:09.960 --> 00:11:13.639 would have said no and there would have been some kind of illness or disease 120 00:11:13.679 --> 00:11:22.320 manifesting there. Like I can't say for sure, but I hope that I've 121 00:11:22.320 --> 00:11:30.360 managed to address this stuff at a point where I'm taking away some of this 122 00:11:30.799 --> 00:11:35.720 the pressure and the stress and the anxiety from my body so that I don't 123 00:11:35.759 --> 00:11:39.840 have to live with holding that as I move forward. But there was certainly 124 00:11:39.919 --> 00:11:50.440 a lot of years of me treating my body very badly. House has impacted 125 00:11:50.480 --> 00:12:00.080 your social life. Wow, I would have always called myself an inch of 126 00:12:00.159 --> 00:12:07.320 it. So I was never one for being in big crowds and big social 127 00:12:07.399 --> 00:12:13.759 environments anyway, and I think there's a fine line between introversion and isolation. 128 00:12:16.080 --> 00:12:20.559 Being in the introvert, you know, liking your own company, needing time 129 00:12:20.639 --> 00:12:26.879 to yourself to to refresh is absolutely fine. But the when that starts to 130 00:12:26.879 --> 00:12:33.159 step into isolation and disconnection, and then it becomes a different story. And 131 00:12:33.240 --> 00:12:39.159 I think I probably walked that line for a very long time. So sometimes 132 00:12:39.240 --> 00:12:43.960 it was a healthy way of of letting things happen, sometimes it wasn't. 133 00:12:43.960 --> 00:12:48.080 And it but again, with the knowledge that I had a few years ago, 134 00:12:48.720 --> 00:12:50.960 I didn't understand enough to know what was happening there, whereas now I 135 00:12:52.000 --> 00:12:56.559 do, and now I have that knowledge, I can choose. I think 136 00:12:56.600 --> 00:13:01.679 that's the the important difference. It's having the conscious awareness. Okay, are 137 00:13:01.720 --> 00:13:07.639 we consciously aware that were taking time to ourselves to recharge, or are we 138 00:13:07.720 --> 00:13:13.559 shutting down as a trauma response? And that's the important distinction. I think. 139 00:13:13.759 --> 00:13:20.080 Fair enough. What are some of the hurdles along the way that you 140 00:13:20.159 --> 00:13:31.320 have not already mentioned? I wouldn't I don't know if this is a hurdle, 141 00:13:31.440 --> 00:13:35.919 but I would certainly say that this journey is not a straight light, 142 00:13:39.799 --> 00:13:46.159 and I understand. I'm the big moments where I thought, you know what, 143 00:13:46.399 --> 00:13:50.639 like I'm there, like this is it, I've got it. All 144 00:13:50.639 --> 00:13:54.919 figured out. I'm there. Coming back to the UK was one of those 145 00:13:54.960 --> 00:13:58.879 moments. For example, I was living in Mexico. I ended up back 146 00:13:58.919 --> 00:14:03.879 in the UK by not by design. I couldn't get an extension to my 147 00:14:03.960 --> 00:14:07.759 visa there and it was a lastminute thing and I was in a really, 148 00:14:07.799 --> 00:14:13.960 really good place there and then I came back to the UK to my family 149 00:14:13.080 --> 00:14:20.480 home that I haven't lived in for twenty years and boom there was a whole 150 00:14:20.600 --> 00:14:30.480 other layer of stuff and I think there's something about that. It's about removing 151 00:14:30.519 --> 00:14:35.240 the expectation okay, and just accepting that, yes, there will be periods 152 00:14:35.320 --> 00:14:39.519 of time where new stuff comes up, no matter where we are on this 153 00:14:39.600 --> 00:14:41.919 journey, and that's okay, you know, and that could of course, 154 00:14:41.919 --> 00:14:48.320 they're the challenges, the hurdles, I think, get smaller over time or 155 00:14:48.480 --> 00:14:52.840 we maybe we just build a greater tool kit, greater resources to be able 156 00:14:52.879 --> 00:15:00.120 to deal with them over time. But I think the illusion that the as 157 00:15:00.120 --> 00:15:05.960 an end point, it's something that we need to remove. You know, 158 00:15:05.000 --> 00:15:13.440 it's just it's just the continuous path of life and life continues to present challenges 159 00:15:13.559 --> 00:15:18.720 or hurdles and it's how we develop the scup talkit or the skill set to 160 00:15:18.720 --> 00:15:24.440 to bounce back from those. You know, I say to clients sometimes that, 161 00:15:24.720 --> 00:15:30.120 you know, it's really important to measure. For example, let's say 162 00:15:31.639 --> 00:15:35.480 typical pattern is to dissociate or disconnect. Okay, well, how long till 163 00:15:35.559 --> 00:15:39.960 you come back to connection? You know, is it? Was it six 164 00:15:39.000 --> 00:15:45.440 months in the past before you re emerged from your depression or from, you 165 00:15:45.480 --> 00:15:46.960 know, showing yourself away in your room? Okay, well, this time, 166 00:15:48.039 --> 00:15:50.320 was it two months? And then two months become one month, one 167 00:15:50.360 --> 00:15:54.039 month is, you know, two weeks and then we're talking a day. 168 00:15:54.159 --> 00:16:00.559 And you know, those periods of time that it takes us to reregulate ourselves 169 00:16:00.639 --> 00:16:03.799 and get back to being able to go about our day to day life. 170 00:16:03.879 --> 00:16:07.159 I think is a really important measure. So it's that. Okay, the 171 00:16:07.240 --> 00:16:11.240 hurdles are going to come, and can we accept that? Can we welcome 172 00:16:11.320 --> 00:16:17.679 them come? We just know that being as as part of the journey and 173 00:16:18.000 --> 00:16:25.440 learn how to skip over them a little bit faster each time. How has 174 00:16:25.480 --> 00:16:33.080 the suffected your long term mental health? Where much depression, anxiety and well, 175 00:16:33.120 --> 00:16:37.039 I was completely disconnected from myself, you know, and again, I 176 00:16:37.039 --> 00:16:41.559 don't know if your listeners know much about polly of Abel theory, but that 177 00:16:41.720 --> 00:16:47.919 is the survival response of the body to go into what we call a dorsal 178 00:16:47.960 --> 00:16:53.360 shutdown. So the body has been through some kind of overwhelming threat and just 179 00:16:53.399 --> 00:16:59.080 shots down. And so for some people that's depression, for some people that's 180 00:16:59.120 --> 00:17:03.440 not leaving their house. For me it was an ability to suppose of the 181 00:17:03.559 --> 00:17:07.839 function in the outside world, but I was just completely disconnected from my body. 182 00:17:07.920 --> 00:17:14.119 So I didn't feel anything and I didn't do emotions. I and again 183 00:17:14.160 --> 00:17:18.960 I wasn't really present right I wasn't present in conversations with people. So it 184 00:17:18.000 --> 00:17:23.400 was only actually when I started healing that I started to feel things. And 185 00:17:23.440 --> 00:17:32.319 then there was a period of horrific anxiety and horrific flashbacks and nightmares and all 186 00:17:32.319 --> 00:17:36.440 sorts of stuff as my body actually came back online and as I reconnected to 187 00:17:36.480 --> 00:17:41.480 myself. But what polly Vegal theory teaches us is that, unfortunately, the 188 00:17:41.519 --> 00:17:45.839 body has to go through that process in order to be able to come back 189 00:17:45.920 --> 00:17:49.759 up into safety. And so there was a period at the start, and 190 00:17:49.799 --> 00:17:52.440 I do say this to people as well. You know, like the healing 191 00:17:52.559 --> 00:17:59.039 process can get harder before it gets easier, and it does get easier. 192 00:18:00.000 --> 00:18:04.799 It does get easier. I promise it gets easier. So yeah, so 193 00:18:06.160 --> 00:18:08.559 from the outside someone might have said on my mental health got worse for a 194 00:18:08.599 --> 00:18:14.799 period of time. It certainly felt like it. But any day I would 195 00:18:14.839 --> 00:18:18.519 go through that again to get to the place where I am now, because 196 00:18:18.519 --> 00:18:22.480 I know that where I am now, that will never get taken away from 197 00:18:22.480 --> 00:18:26.839 me now because I have the skills to be able to keep myself here, 198 00:18:26.880 --> 00:18:33.480 like not every single second of every single minute there, that's impossible, but 199 00:18:33.759 --> 00:18:41.480 to be able to feel safe and connected and in my body is normal for 200 00:18:41.519 --> 00:18:45.240 me now and to me that's the that's what we're trying to achieve when we 201 00:18:45.240 --> 00:18:49.759 talk about mental health. No, I can see that. It's kind of 202 00:18:49.759 --> 00:18:55.400 like you get to clean up the closet before you know or get rid of 203 00:18:55.440 --> 00:19:00.000 the tumor before the body can heal. Exactly. Yeah, I think the 204 00:19:00.039 --> 00:19:04.599 tumor makes a little more sense than cleaning at the closet because close it's just 205 00:19:04.680 --> 00:19:12.039 can keep getting messy. But but sometimes that's how it feels when you're maybe 206 00:19:12.039 --> 00:19:15.880 the closet makes more sense because you're always having to clean up the closet and 207 00:19:15.920 --> 00:19:22.960 reorganize it. But because it's an ongoing battle day and day out. Some 208 00:19:23.079 --> 00:19:30.279 days are easier than others and it does get better where it's manageable. So 209 00:19:30.559 --> 00:19:34.440 yeah, and you know, I think what one I one thing I always 210 00:19:34.440 --> 00:19:40.839 want to maintain perspective on, is that unless we're prepared to feel our pain, 211 00:19:41.079 --> 00:19:44.839 then we don't get to experience the full extent of our joy and our 212 00:19:44.880 --> 00:19:49.200 happiness and all of the positive things that life brings as well. We don't 213 00:19:49.200 --> 00:19:55.920 get to choose. So the more we allow in the what is the full 214 00:19:56.039 --> 00:20:00.640 range of human experience, the more we open ourselves up to Cheue happiness and 215 00:20:00.720 --> 00:20:04.759 joy in our lives as well, and I think, I personally think that 216 00:20:04.920 --> 00:20:11.400 is worth it every single time. Okay, do you remember much of what 217 00:20:11.480 --> 00:20:21.400 the grooming process was like for you? I remember nothing. Even now I 218 00:20:21.480 --> 00:20:30.960 have virtually no conscious memory of anything before the age of fifteen sixty. So 219 00:20:32.079 --> 00:20:38.279 I mean I have occasional flashbacks, occasional snippets of pictures, things like that 220 00:20:38.279 --> 00:20:48.599 that come into my mind, but no, nothing else. Two other victims 221 00:20:48.599 --> 00:20:56.519 out there. What advice would you want to give them? Well, I 222 00:20:56.519 --> 00:21:07.279 think this is something that you have to discover yourself. But the most important 223 00:21:07.319 --> 00:21:12.200 thing to me is that you're not broken and that there's nothing wrong with you 224 00:21:14.440 --> 00:21:23.440 and that anything that you're struggling with right now is simply a response to the 225 00:21:23.640 --> 00:21:30.359 environment, to the surroundings, to the trauma that you were exposed to, 226 00:21:30.480 --> 00:21:34.839 that you were forced to live through. And it can be very easy to 227 00:21:34.880 --> 00:21:40.839 think are anxious or, you know, I'm not able to get out of 228 00:21:40.839 --> 00:21:42.920 bed, so I'm lazy, I'm you know, I'm Miss I'm that, 229 00:21:44.039 --> 00:21:49.359 all that self blaming stuff. It's not your fault, you didn't do anything 230 00:21:49.359 --> 00:22:00.599 wrong, you were just a kid and you're not broken. That's the most 231 00:22:00.640 --> 00:22:07.279 important message of all to me. Me, Um, what was the most 232 00:22:07.319 --> 00:22:15.119 important thing? You are in your learning how to manage you. Manage my 233 00:22:15.200 --> 00:22:23.119 nervous system, because the nervous system is what controls everything in the body. 234 00:22:25.920 --> 00:22:29.880 So and the trouble is most of us are just I just at the win 235 00:22:30.039 --> 00:22:33.240 move our body. It's something happens in the present moment. We get triggered. 236 00:22:33.880 --> 00:22:38.079 Were immediately back in that past memory. The nervous system is bringing up 237 00:22:38.119 --> 00:22:44.799 all the sensations of fear, anxiety, stress, worry, whatever was happening 238 00:22:44.839 --> 00:22:52.799 in that moment, and we lose control. But if we build the skills 239 00:22:52.880 --> 00:22:56.480 to be able to master our nervous system, to learn how to respond to 240 00:22:56.559 --> 00:23:03.680 that, then it doesn't have power over us. Okay. So certainly that 241 00:23:03.799 --> 00:23:10.920 ability to master and to regulate our nervous system is fundamental. Okay. Last 242 00:23:11.000 --> 00:23:18.119 question. How has this impacted your faith? HMM, well, I've never 243 00:23:18.160 --> 00:23:26.119 been a religious person, but I certainly think it has taken me on the 244 00:23:26.119 --> 00:23:33.000 path of spirituality. That's a door that has opened then I have been grateful 245 00:23:33.039 --> 00:23:41.319 to walk through it. And I don't know if your listeners will be familiar 246 00:23:41.359 --> 00:23:48.519 with this, but part of my experience in Central America was an Iowask a 247 00:23:48.559 --> 00:23:53.519 retreat, which is that a plant medicine that's originates in Peru, I think, 248 00:23:53.960 --> 00:24:03.400 and it can be quite a spiritual experience and it's meant for healing and 249 00:24:03.440 --> 00:24:08.640 that's the purpose of taking this medicine and it can provide you with some really 250 00:24:08.720 --> 00:24:17.119 clear and deep insights as to your trauma, but also your purpose and how 251 00:24:17.160 --> 00:24:22.839 to move forward through life. And when I left that retreat, the message 252 00:24:22.880 --> 00:24:29.559 that came through to me was that I need to live well, breathe deep 253 00:24:29.559 --> 00:24:34.839 and share the message of love, and that's just been at the cornerstone of 254 00:24:36.039 --> 00:24:42.440 everything that I do now and to me, that connection to spirituality and to 255 00:24:42.480 --> 00:24:48.279 that world is what is allowing me to put that into practice, because that's 256 00:24:48.359 --> 00:24:52.759 what spirituality is to me. It's living from a place of love, living 257 00:24:52.759 --> 00:24:59.920 from a place of an open heart, opening your heart to others, letting 258 00:24:59.960 --> 00:25:04.839 the them feel the love that's inside of you, and that's what heals. 259 00:25:06.200 --> 00:25:07.880 Am I don't think I went on a bit of a tangent there. I 260 00:25:07.880 --> 00:25:11.880 don't know if that was the answer to your question at all, but there 261 00:25:11.920 --> 00:25:18.599 we go. I think that's it best. Thanks for coming on our show. 262 00:25:18.920 --> 00:25:23.880 Hope to have you again on here sometime again at some point. Is 263 00:25:23.920 --> 00:25:30.200 there anything else you'd like to add before we close out? And No, 264 00:25:30.359 --> 00:25:33.119 just thank you for having me and if anyone would like to find me, 265 00:25:33.440 --> 00:25:37.720 and I have a support group on facebook and I would love for you to 266 00:25:37.759 --> 00:25:41.519 come and say hello, so you can find me just at Beck's crunchhore on 267 00:25:41.559 --> 00:25:45.240 facebook. And Yeah, it's been beautiful sharing these things with you, so 268 00:25:45.400 --> 00:25:51.039 thank you so much. All right, guys, this is Rachel and recovery. 269 00:25:51.599 --> 00:25:56.400 You can follow us on social media, find us on your favorite part 270 00:25:56.400 --> 00:26:03.240 podcast platform or always find us on reach on Recoverycom thanks for listening. See 271 00:26:03.279 --> 00:26:11.000 you next Thursday

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