Tammy Miles Journey of Recovery from Childhood Sexual Abuse

Episode 5 January 13, 2022 00:33:33
Tammy Miles Journey of Recovery from Childhood Sexual Abuse
Rachel on Recovery
Tammy Miles Journey of Recovery from Childhood Sexual Abuse

Jan 13 2022 | 00:33:33


Hosted By

Rachel Stone

Show Notes

Tammy Miles tells her story of recoverying from childhood sexual abuse. And how she has been healing from childhood trauma Warning maybe trigger for victims.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:02.960 Hi Guys, this is Rachel. I'm recover. We've got our special guest 2 00:00:03.040 --> 00:00:06.000 tammy miles, with us. She's going to tell us a little bit about 3 00:00:06.040 --> 00:00:09.990 herself and then we're going to go into some questions to ask her about her 4 00:00:10.029 --> 00:00:16.109 recovery journey. Hi. Well, thanks for having me and happy New Year. 5 00:00:18.949 --> 00:00:22.179 So, yeah, my name is tammy miles. I currently live in 6 00:00:22.339 --> 00:00:27.500 Louisville, Kentucky, and I have been on my healing journey for a little 7 00:00:27.500 --> 00:00:33.179 over a year now. My trauma was thirty six years ago, but it 8 00:00:33.259 --> 00:00:38.609 took me a lifetime to acknowledge it and and start my healing process. So 9 00:00:38.969 --> 00:00:43.609 yeah, that's where we are. Fair enough. Here's some questions we're going 10 00:00:43.609 --> 00:00:47.250 to ask you. What things have you done for recovery of being sexually mused 11 00:00:47.289 --> 00:00:54.039 as a child? Oh, I feel like a more accurate question would be 12 00:00:54.240 --> 00:00:58.280 what have you not done? My husband and I joked at one point because 13 00:00:59.359 --> 00:01:02.880 he thought I was reaching a little too far with some things, but I 14 00:01:03.000 --> 00:01:04.989 told him I was just going to throw some things at the wall and see 15 00:01:06.030 --> 00:01:11.670 what sticks, because something's got to help at some point. And you know, 16 00:01:11.670 --> 00:01:14.430 I feel like I'm in a really good place right now, but when 17 00:01:14.469 --> 00:01:19.620 my journey first started with with acknowledging what I went through. It's definitely not 18 00:01:19.700 --> 00:01:26.900 always been easy and it's not always been smiles. So, you know, 19 00:01:26.939 --> 00:01:30.900 I think the first step was just talking to my doctor, my general practitioner, 20 00:01:30.420 --> 00:01:36.849 and getting a referral for a good talk therapist. Talk therapy was my 21 00:01:37.010 --> 00:01:44.810 first step. While doing that, I was introduced to the unique foundation which 22 00:01:45.090 --> 00:01:48.799 hosts the haven retreat. And if you're not familiar with that, the haven 23 00:01:48.840 --> 00:01:56.200 retreat is a retreat specifically for women who are adult survivors of child sexual assault, 24 00:01:57.519 --> 00:02:00.840 and so I have since attended that retreat. It was absolutely amazing. 25 00:02:00.920 --> 00:02:07.469 I have tried Yoga, meditation, just general overall mindfulness as a whole. 26 00:02:07.110 --> 00:02:12.430 I have tried Reiki Healing, I have seen a shamanic practitioner. I have 27 00:02:12.590 --> 00:02:17.500 tried to tap into spirituality, I've done a Tarot card reading. I obviously 28 00:02:17.539 --> 00:02:21.939 the biggest thing that I've done is just acknowledging it and, you know, 29 00:02:22.139 --> 00:02:27.740 calling out my abuser. But but I think that I've tried a lot of 30 00:02:27.939 --> 00:02:38.610 things. Yeah, fair enough. What has been the most helpful kind of 31 00:02:38.650 --> 00:02:43.370 a combination of things. Obviously the haven retreat was very in depth. It 32 00:02:43.569 --> 00:02:47.479 was for solid days of, you know, taking me out of my element 33 00:02:47.639 --> 00:02:52.120 and away from, you know, my family and my comfort zone and putting 34 00:02:52.159 --> 00:02:57.759 me with like minded women who have been through similar experiences, similar TRAUMAS, 35 00:02:58.520 --> 00:03:04.270 and surrounding us with very positive therapists. Coming out of that, I kind 36 00:03:04.310 --> 00:03:07.990 of miss it. It's hard to have all of that amazingness in four days 37 00:03:08.030 --> 00:03:13.580 and then you just leave and it's like okay, now what I feel like 38 00:03:13.699 --> 00:03:16.340 we've made some great connections and, you know, we've all bonded, stateed 39 00:03:16.379 --> 00:03:22.620 in touch. So that's just been wonderful. That's definitely been helpful, but 40 00:03:23.099 --> 00:03:28.210 more so than that, I think just being mindful on a daily basis positive 41 00:03:28.210 --> 00:03:32.889 affirmations. You know, meditation has been huge for me. I've heard good 42 00:03:32.930 --> 00:03:39.930 things about meditation and I've done some myself. So how did your family respond? 43 00:03:43.319 --> 00:03:51.479 So that would be mixed reviews. Some responded better than others. Some 44 00:03:51.759 --> 00:03:57.909 chose no response at all. I guess it's too painful or difficult to comprehend. 45 00:03:58.629 --> 00:04:02.990 My abuser is a family member, so, you know, having having 46 00:04:03.030 --> 00:04:10.219 that family divided now between and let me be clear, I never asked anybody 47 00:04:10.539 --> 00:04:13.860 to choose sides. It was never me or him pick one or the other. 48 00:04:14.500 --> 00:04:17.220 I just simply said my truth, like this is what I've been through, 49 00:04:17.300 --> 00:04:21.779 this is what I know that he did to me and and I mean 50 00:04:21.819 --> 00:04:26.410 I have to heal from that. So that's that's where I was. I 51 00:04:26.610 --> 00:04:30.170 never asked anybody to pick sides. Some people naturally have just decided to pick 52 00:04:30.250 --> 00:04:32.810 sides and I that that's fair. If that's what they choose to do, 53 00:04:33.009 --> 00:04:40.879 I'm okay with that. I battled it for a while. I thought, 54 00:04:41.079 --> 00:04:43.720 you know, maybe it would have been better if I just kept this to 55 00:04:43.800 --> 00:04:47.839 myself and then I wouldn't I wouldn't have lost the people that I lost. 56 00:04:48.040 --> 00:04:50.399 But you know, maybe if I lost them, they weren't my people to 57 00:04:50.439 --> 00:05:00.470 begin with. And so just yeah, really, really mixed feelings from the 58 00:05:00.509 --> 00:05:04.149 family. I've got family members that don't speak to me at all anymore and 59 00:05:04.470 --> 00:05:12.899 I've got other family members who have just completely loved me harder than they ever 60 00:05:12.939 --> 00:05:15.779 have before and been there for me and they check on me and they support 61 00:05:15.860 --> 00:05:20.529 me. So it's a little fifty on that. Fair enough, I kind 62 00:05:20.529 --> 00:05:28.250 of get that. How did your community respond? Shockingly better than my family. 63 00:05:28.329 --> 00:05:35.720 I've had more positive outreach from people around me who are non family members. 64 00:05:38.720 --> 00:05:42.040 You know, I grew up, and I mean not a small town, 65 00:05:42.199 --> 00:05:46.319 but certainly not a large city either, and so a lot of the 66 00:05:46.000 --> 00:05:49.709 people that I've known, you know that I graduated high school with. We've 67 00:05:49.750 --> 00:05:54.110 known each other since kindergarten. I mean it's just these we were kids who 68 00:05:54.189 --> 00:05:58.189 started school together and we finished school together. And because of social media outlets, 69 00:05:58.670 --> 00:06:00.750 even though, you know, many of us have moved on to other 70 00:06:00.870 --> 00:06:03.459 areas, you know, with our lives and live in other places, we 71 00:06:03.500 --> 00:06:06.699 can all still stay in touch. And so by me choosing to share my 72 00:06:06.860 --> 00:06:11.540 story out loud, it's inspired a lot of people that I had no idea 73 00:06:12.100 --> 00:06:15.060 had a similar story. They've reached out to me and said, you know, 74 00:06:15.180 --> 00:06:17.689 wow, Tammy, you know because you shared your story. I just 75 00:06:17.810 --> 00:06:20.769 want you to know that I also went through a very similar thing and, 76 00:06:21.490 --> 00:06:27.050 you know, I have more people telling me their stories, which it's sad, 77 00:06:27.209 --> 00:06:30.569 but it's also validating because I know that I'm not alone. I know 78 00:06:30.649 --> 00:06:35.759 I'm not the only person that this has happened to. But that's also where 79 00:06:35.800 --> 00:06:40.839 it makes it very sad, because people shouldn't have to experience this and they 80 00:06:40.879 --> 00:06:44.279 shouldn't have to carry this trauma with them for all of their lives. But 81 00:06:44.360 --> 00:06:49.389 I've I've been blown away by the support that I have from from people who 82 00:06:49.389 --> 00:06:53.350 I did not even know where my allies. I didn't realize that they were 83 00:06:53.389 --> 00:06:57.389 on my side and they've just been in the background cheering for me this whole 84 00:06:57.389 --> 00:07:02.339 time. Awesome and that's amazing. was there any refectimization? I. Victim 85 00:07:02.420 --> 00:07:12.819 Blaming? That's a hard that's a hard question for me because I guess I'm 86 00:07:13.939 --> 00:07:19.170 what I would consider revictimization. I I don't feel like there has been any, 87 00:07:19.850 --> 00:07:24.529 but you know, in talking to my therapist, there's been times that 88 00:07:24.730 --> 00:07:28.449 she's she has called it out and said that's that's really victimization right there. 89 00:07:30.160 --> 00:07:34.879 Not really victim blaming so much is just victim shaming. I get a lot 90 00:07:34.959 --> 00:07:42.680 of the HMM, you, we don't talk about those things, or you 91 00:07:42.759 --> 00:07:44.750 know, Gosh, Timmy, that was so long ago, you should just 92 00:07:44.829 --> 00:07:48.870 let it go, or why can't you just get over that? You know 93 00:07:48.990 --> 00:07:51.990 those those are things that no victim should ever have to hear or be told. 94 00:07:54.110 --> 00:07:57.709 We have to be able to heal from this and if we don't acknowledge 95 00:07:57.709 --> 00:08:01.620 it, then we can't move on to the next steps. So will we 96 00:08:01.699 --> 00:08:05.579 will constantly and always be stuck in a victim mode. And I refuse, 97 00:08:07.459 --> 00:08:09.300 I just refuse, to live my life as a victim. I did that 98 00:08:09.459 --> 00:08:16.089 in secret and in silence for so long that you know I today I'm a 99 00:08:16.209 --> 00:08:20.290 survivor. I'm not a victim. I'm a survivor and my next step is 100 00:08:20.410 --> 00:08:22.649 to be a thriver, because I don't want to be a survivor for the 101 00:08:22.730 --> 00:08:26.279 rest of my life either. You know, I want to thrive and and 102 00:08:26.480 --> 00:08:31.120 just and and just feel so good in life and and and be such a 103 00:08:31.240 --> 00:08:35.960 positive person and a positive influence. I don't always want to have to dwell 104 00:08:35.039 --> 00:08:37.960 on the negativity of what happened to me when I was a child. Fair 105 00:08:39.000 --> 00:08:43.070 enough. That's the goal, is to be a thriver, but I think 106 00:08:43.190 --> 00:08:48.669 for a lot of us are still just than the survivor mode. Oh absolutely, 107 00:08:48.750 --> 00:08:52.590 and I think that we get stuck there for a long time because we 108 00:08:52.629 --> 00:09:01.740 don't know how to move past it. It's it's a hard place to be. 109 00:09:01.019 --> 00:09:05.419 Well, and they've started using the word survivor instead of victim, because 110 00:09:05.419 --> 00:09:09.659 that everybody's like, Oh, you're a victim, like you're you know, 111 00:09:09.490 --> 00:09:15.529 you're living like a victim, but we're really not worth survivors. We went 112 00:09:15.649 --> 00:09:20.690 through battle. Really something made us a victim. It's some point we were 113 00:09:20.850 --> 00:09:26.279 victim, but we don't have to stay in that mentality for the rest of 114 00:09:26.320 --> 00:09:30.480 our hives by any no, most definitely not. That's not where we want 115 00:09:30.519 --> 00:09:39.350 to be. How has this impact of your career? So my career, 116 00:09:39.470 --> 00:09:45.389 you know, my job today, I couldn't be more thankful for they've been 117 00:09:45.389 --> 00:09:50.950 incredibly supportive in talking about the haven retreat, you know, being four days. 118 00:09:50.110 --> 00:09:52.940 They allowed me that time away from work, no questions asked. They 119 00:09:52.980 --> 00:09:58.379 know what I'm going through. They're aware of my journey. When, when 120 00:09:58.379 --> 00:10:01.539 I broke my silence, I worked for this company, and so they when 121 00:10:01.580 --> 00:10:05.539 you spend five days a week with a certain group of people, you do 122 00:10:05.659 --> 00:10:09.289 overshare things and so you know more about your coworkers and sometimes you do the 123 00:10:09.330 --> 00:10:13.169 people who live in your house, and I think that definitely became true with 124 00:10:13.330 --> 00:10:16.850 my coworkers. They know my story and they know my journey and they've been 125 00:10:16.889 --> 00:10:22.840 with me for all of it and I just I couldn't be more thankful and 126 00:10:22.360 --> 00:10:28.720 grateful and blessed to have them. Something that I've learned, though, is 127 00:10:28.480 --> 00:10:35.240 you know, I had I had a previous career. I was a business 128 00:10:35.279 --> 00:10:39.309 owner. It was through a multilevel marketing company, so it was a direct 129 00:10:39.309 --> 00:10:43.110 sales business. But you know, I invested in it and I built I 130 00:10:43.269 --> 00:10:50.220 built a huge, huge team, probably sixty two, hundred, seventy women 131 00:10:50.299 --> 00:10:54.379 on my team. The last year that I was in business my team sold 132 00:10:54.379 --> 00:11:00.340 over eight hundred and FIFTYZERO dollars worth of retail sales. And so you know 133 00:11:01.899 --> 00:11:07.009 that by no means is calling it a successful business a far stretch. It 134 00:11:07.090 --> 00:11:11.250 definitely was. And for some reason, and I never could figure out why, 135 00:11:11.289 --> 00:11:16.809 I self sabotage that business after almost nine years I just kind of let 136 00:11:16.850 --> 00:11:20.000 it go. I quit. I got bored with it, I was tired 137 00:11:20.200 --> 00:11:26.960 of it. And and again, through my therapy and through my healing, 138 00:11:26.039 --> 00:11:31.480 what I've learned is that a lot of us in that victim or survivor mode, 139 00:11:31.000 --> 00:11:35.309 we don't feel worthy of success and we start to self sabotage when things 140 00:11:35.350 --> 00:11:39.710 are going well. We were kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop 141 00:11:39.789 --> 00:11:43.149 the whole time because nothing good can happen for us, because we don't have 142 00:11:43.350 --> 00:11:50.220 good, positive lives, because horrible things happen and so I've learned that. 143 00:11:50.700 --> 00:11:54.299 What I did not know at the time I thought I just got bored with 144 00:11:54.379 --> 00:11:56.220 it and I was done. But what I have since learned is I definitely 145 00:11:56.259 --> 00:12:01.769 self sabotage that business. I had an amazing career, I had a fantastic, 146 00:12:03.129 --> 00:12:09.090 thriving business and I just completely let it go and I couldn't explain to 147 00:12:09.129 --> 00:12:11.049 anybody why I just made it didn't make sense to me or anybody else. 148 00:12:11.169 --> 00:12:16.399 And it does now. I get it and I know that I'm absolutely worthy 149 00:12:16.440 --> 00:12:20.279 of success and I'm absolutely worthy of good things and everything in my life is 150 00:12:20.360 --> 00:12:24.200 not going to turn into the dumpster. You know. Fair enough, I 151 00:12:24.600 --> 00:12:31.870 think a lot of people follow into that, you know, self sabotaging kind 152 00:12:31.909 --> 00:12:37.230 of world. We don't know that we're doing it, though. It is 153 00:12:37.830 --> 00:12:41.909 and you just can't. Everybody wants to know why did you quit? Why 154 00:12:41.950 --> 00:12:46.059 did you stop doing that? I just I wasn't having fun anymore and and 155 00:12:46.299 --> 00:12:50.740 the truth is it I probably you know, I was still enjoying the business, 156 00:12:50.779 --> 00:12:56.820 I just didn't feel worthy of it. Now a lot of people struggle 157 00:12:56.860 --> 00:13:03.330 with selfstobotage, sitting like a lot of things in their life. How is 158 00:13:03.409 --> 00:13:07.730 this impacted your dating life when you were dating. I know you've been married 159 00:13:07.730 --> 00:13:15.240 for a while. So yeah, so I'm forty three. I have essentially 160 00:13:15.279 --> 00:13:18.080 been married since I was nineteen, just not to the same person. I 161 00:13:20.840 --> 00:13:26.000 left one marriage and kind of entered straight into another one without a lot of 162 00:13:26.080 --> 00:13:30.870 time in between. My husband and I, Jeff, he is he is 163 00:13:30.950 --> 00:13:35.429 my rock. We have an absolutely amazing relationship. We have a great marriage 164 00:13:35.870 --> 00:13:39.509 and I think that it's because our foundation is based on communication, where my 165 00:13:39.710 --> 00:13:46.100 first marriage was not. It was based on lies and and deceit on my 166 00:13:46.259 --> 00:13:52.340 part. I won't put anything negative on him. My first husband was a 167 00:13:52.620 --> 00:13:58.610 nice man who had a nice job and he was a nice father, and 168 00:13:58.769 --> 00:14:03.210 I mean for for all intents and purposes we probably had a nice life. 169 00:14:03.250 --> 00:14:07.250 But again, I didn't feel worthy of that and I allowed that to self 170 00:14:07.289 --> 00:14:13.320 sabotage as well. I do jokingly say that I waited until I got married 171 00:14:13.399 --> 00:14:20.559 to start dating because I I was young and I didn't know what a good 172 00:14:20.600 --> 00:14:24.080 marriage looked like and I never had a good example of what a healthy relationship 173 00:14:24.159 --> 00:14:28.509 look like. I never saw one. You know, all of the examples 174 00:14:28.590 --> 00:14:31.190 that were set for me were bad and I just kind of followed suit with 175 00:14:31.269 --> 00:14:37.190 it. But then also in my healing journey, I've learned that a lot 176 00:14:37.269 --> 00:14:43.980 of survivors, that's what we do. We tend to have very unhealthy relationships 177 00:14:45.059 --> 00:14:50.980 and that's what my first marriage was and you know, I'm sorry. I'm 178 00:14:50.059 --> 00:14:52.730 sorry that. I'm sorry that that's who I was at that time in my 179 00:14:52.850 --> 00:14:58.610 life and I'm sorry that I hurt him. However, I learned. I 180 00:14:58.690 --> 00:15:03.929 learned about myself, I learned about relationships and you know where I am today. 181 00:15:03.970 --> 00:15:05.970 I wouldn't trade a second of that. I wouldn't go back and do 182 00:15:07.679 --> 00:15:11.600 a single thing different because it's brought me to where I am today. It's 183 00:15:11.639 --> 00:15:16.200 put Jeff and I together and there's nobody else that I want to spend my 184 00:15:16.360 --> 00:15:24.710 forever with then then my husband. So we just learned. We learn and 185 00:15:24.789 --> 00:15:28.950 we grow and we do better. That's awesome that you have an amazing marriage. 186 00:15:30.710 --> 00:15:35.259 You've that's a that's a gift. I'm very, very thankful. I'm 187 00:15:35.340 --> 00:15:39.820 thankful that he was placed in my life at the time that he was, 188 00:15:39.059 --> 00:15:45.179 because I just couldn't imagine where I would be right now without Jeff. How 189 00:15:45.220 --> 00:15:52.009 has this impacted your marriage? So, yeah, communication, it's definitely open 190 00:15:52.129 --> 00:15:56.370 to that up, you know, going into our relationship, when Jeff and 191 00:15:56.409 --> 00:16:00.809 I first met, you know, and when we were newly with its. 192 00:16:00.809 --> 00:16:07.080 I mean he's always known about my sexual trauma, even though the world did 193 00:16:07.200 --> 00:16:11.120 not know. I was not openly speaking about it. You know, my 194 00:16:11.519 --> 00:16:15.399 my family did not know. It was it was a secret, but I 195 00:16:15.600 --> 00:16:18.110 think that one thing that I've learned in my life is if you're going to 196 00:16:18.149 --> 00:16:22.509 have an intimate relationship with somebody, they have to know these things about you 197 00:16:22.269 --> 00:16:26.190 because, I mean, there's going to be triggers. There's going to be 198 00:16:26.230 --> 00:16:32.190 triggers and big red flags that go off, and so he's always known and 199 00:16:32.309 --> 00:16:37.340 he's always been supportive. He never really understood, though, why, why 200 00:16:37.940 --> 00:16:41.940 something like that would happen to me, but I would continue to try and 201 00:16:42.179 --> 00:16:48.889 keep my abuser in my life. You know why we still had that sibling 202 00:16:49.169 --> 00:16:53.730 somewhat of a bond. We were never close, but, you know, 203 00:16:53.850 --> 00:16:59.370 we were around each other at the holidays or you know, I was very 204 00:16:59.649 --> 00:17:04.680 involved in his children's lives. I've always been a very protective aunt and Jeff 205 00:17:04.759 --> 00:17:11.279 never understood why why we did things with them as a family, knowing what 206 00:17:11.400 --> 00:17:15.710 I went through and I think that, you know, as as victims and 207 00:17:15.829 --> 00:17:23.190 survivors, we are trying to find some sense of normalcy. I've heard the 208 00:17:23.269 --> 00:17:26.829 word trauma bond. I don't think that I had a trauma bond with my 209 00:17:26.950 --> 00:17:30.779 abuser. I think that I just tried to pretend like the trauma didn't exist 210 00:17:32.819 --> 00:17:37.099 so that we could be normal. For my mom, do you think you 211 00:17:37.259 --> 00:17:45.369 were such a protective aunt because of your abuse? Maybe? I don't know. 212 00:17:49.049 --> 00:17:53.009 I don't think. I don't think that my abuser is a sexual Predator 213 00:17:53.130 --> 00:17:57.569 today, he is definitely no longer in my life since, since I broke 214 00:17:57.599 --> 00:18:03.039 my silence, we've ended that that relationship completely. So I have no contact 215 00:18:03.079 --> 00:18:07.799 with him and unfortunately, as a result, I also have no contact with 216 00:18:08.119 --> 00:18:15.950 some of his children. That's very hard. That's very hard. He has 217 00:18:17.029 --> 00:18:21.390 not always made the best choices, obviously, not only what he did to 218 00:18:21.470 --> 00:18:23.589 me as a child, but then, you know, as he grew up 219 00:18:23.589 --> 00:18:30.619 through life, he continued to make poor choices, abusing. He abused his 220 00:18:30.700 --> 00:18:33.779 first wife, and so I was very protective over his son, who, 221 00:18:34.180 --> 00:18:37.299 you know, was a baby at that time. I wanted to nurture and 222 00:18:37.380 --> 00:18:45.049 protect my nephew because his parents were physically fighting all the time. You know, 223 00:18:45.130 --> 00:18:48.569 he has another child that he didn't really have a whole lot to do 224 00:18:48.730 --> 00:18:55.569 with in her young life. It was she was she was a product of, 225 00:18:55.720 --> 00:18:57.319 I guess, kind of a one night stay ender, you know, 226 00:18:57.720 --> 00:19:02.160 a teenage party, whatever you want to call it. He never really dated 227 00:19:02.200 --> 00:19:04.960 the mother and so he didn't have a relationship with the mother. Therefore he 228 00:19:06.000 --> 00:19:08.640 didn't have a relationship with the child and I always wanted to have a bond 229 00:19:08.680 --> 00:19:15.349 with her. So I don't I don't know that it's necessarily related to my 230 00:19:15.430 --> 00:19:18.990 abuse. It could. Maybe it's just related to who the person that I 231 00:19:18.109 --> 00:19:22.309 know that he is. I know that he's not a good person. Again, 232 00:19:22.390 --> 00:19:23.859 I don't think that he's a sexual Predator today. I think that what 233 00:19:23.980 --> 00:19:30.019 happened to me thirty six years ago isn't. I'd like to believe that that 234 00:19:32.059 --> 00:19:34.099 that's not who he grew up to become, but I do know that he 235 00:19:34.220 --> 00:19:37.299 never acknowledged it, he never got help for it and he has grown up 236 00:19:37.569 --> 00:19:44.609 to have other narcissistic or sociopath behaviors and so I definitely do tend to want 237 00:19:44.609 --> 00:19:49.170 to protect people from that. Yes, how has this affected your parenting? 238 00:19:52.240 --> 00:19:59.839 Um Hmm, I don't know that this necessarily affected my parenting as much as 239 00:19:59.839 --> 00:20:03.920 it just did. I had a very free schedule, so to speak, 240 00:20:06.400 --> 00:20:08.349 when I when I did own my own business, I owned and operated. 241 00:20:10.990 --> 00:20:15.549 I had I had freedom that I could I didn't have to set an alarm 242 00:20:15.589 --> 00:20:17.670 in the morning, I could sleep late, and so, you know, 243 00:20:17.789 --> 00:20:22.619 a lot of that was during my son's probably between like the ages of like 244 00:20:22.980 --> 00:20:27.940 ten and maybe like a senior year of high school. So later in life, 245 00:20:27.980 --> 00:20:30.259 not when he was a toddler and a baby obviously, but when he 246 00:20:30.339 --> 00:20:33.059 was old enough to kind of take care of himself. I kind of just 247 00:20:33.140 --> 00:20:36.769 let him take care of himself. I would sleep in, he would get 248 00:20:36.769 --> 00:20:41.890 himself up for school. Looking back now, I realize that that was probably 249 00:20:41.009 --> 00:20:45.930 depressive behavior on my part where I would rather just hibernate in bed than get 250 00:20:45.930 --> 00:20:51.279 up and deal with anything. But I also had a different type of a 251 00:20:51.359 --> 00:20:55.759 schedule at that time. I worked more in the evening or on the weekends 252 00:20:55.799 --> 00:21:00.640 and so I stayed in bed, I slept a lot. My son is 253 00:21:00.799 --> 00:21:04.789 very independent, but now, of course, at He's twenty years old, 254 00:21:06.150 --> 00:21:11.509 he's an amazingly independent adult. So I think to be such a young adult 255 00:21:11.589 --> 00:21:14.789 and to be so responsible. You know, maybe I can pat myself on 256 00:21:14.829 --> 00:21:19.180 the back a little bit. Everything wasn't, you know, horrible upbringing, 257 00:21:19.380 --> 00:21:25.099 but I don't I don't think that there was enough nurturing that took place when 258 00:21:25.140 --> 00:21:30.220 he was growing up. He I'm a standoff kind of person, like I'm 259 00:21:30.220 --> 00:21:33.410 not really a touchy feeling person and my son isn't either, and it kind 260 00:21:33.410 --> 00:21:37.009 of makes me sad because I'm like, is that my fault, like that 261 00:21:37.089 --> 00:21:40.690 I make him that way? That, I is a learned behavior like it? 262 00:21:40.809 --> 00:21:45.769 Does he not like touch because I didn't hug him enough for I don't 263 00:21:45.809 --> 00:21:51.400 know it. I will tell you that I just spent an amazing eleven days 264 00:21:51.400 --> 00:21:56.519 with him through the holiday is that he came from South Carolina and stayed with 265 00:21:56.559 --> 00:22:00.799 me here in Kentucky and we had the absolute best visit and I miss him 266 00:22:00.799 --> 00:22:04.029 so much already and he's just been gone for two days, so I already 267 00:22:04.029 --> 00:22:07.269 can't wait to see him again. Yeah, that's always nice to get to 268 00:22:07.390 --> 00:22:15.339 spend holidays with family, right now, especially with covid how did this impact 269 00:22:15.420 --> 00:22:23.059 our finances? HMM, you know, I don't really think that it has, 270 00:22:26.819 --> 00:22:32.930 but I definitely spend a lot of fun that I probably shouldn't. You 271 00:22:33.009 --> 00:22:36.849 know, retail therapies fun, it is, but it like you're you're not 272 00:22:36.970 --> 00:22:40.609 the first person to say, Hey, I use retail therapy for my my 273 00:22:40.809 --> 00:22:45.359 trauma. Definitely, definitely did that, but again, I didn't know that 274 00:22:45.440 --> 00:22:49.720 I was doing these behaviors. Are doing these things as a result of trauma 275 00:22:51.480 --> 00:22:55.400 most of my life. Everything that I look back on now it's like, 276 00:22:56.680 --> 00:23:00.390 Oh, I probably did that because I'm my trauma, but I didn't know 277 00:23:00.589 --> 00:23:03.670 that I was doing that because of my trauma at the time. So it's 278 00:23:03.710 --> 00:23:07.950 all really weird the way it starts connecting together as you learn more about trauma 279 00:23:08.069 --> 00:23:11.109 in the brain and trauma in our bodies and you know, just kind of 280 00:23:11.150 --> 00:23:15.259 go through the healing process. So, you know, everything that I've done 281 00:23:15.420 --> 00:23:19.500 is cost money in some way. You know, therapy is not for I 282 00:23:19.579 --> 00:23:25.180 am fortunate that it only cost me a minimal copey to see a therapist. 283 00:23:25.460 --> 00:23:27.650 However, I still do have to pay. Have to have health insurance. 284 00:23:30.250 --> 00:23:33.970 You know, things that I like to do for selfcare. I like massages. 285 00:23:33.609 --> 00:23:41.519 Those aren't free. You know, the shamanic practitioner or the reiky sessions, 286 00:23:41.759 --> 00:23:45.200 Yoga classes. Any of those things that I do for myself cost money. 287 00:23:45.680 --> 00:23:48.880 So what I'm trying to do right now is just focus on more home 288 00:23:49.000 --> 00:23:55.319 based type of things that I can do for myself here to be mindful without 289 00:23:55.440 --> 00:23:57.750 having to always go out and spend money. You know, when I when 290 00:23:57.750 --> 00:24:00.589 I've said earlier that I was just throwing a bunch of things at the wall 291 00:24:00.670 --> 00:24:04.190 to see what would stick, it got to where my husband would ask how 292 00:24:04.230 --> 00:24:07.589 much did that cost? You know, because I would tell him something like, 293 00:24:07.789 --> 00:24:11.299 you know, I went to the shamanic healer and she journeyed into the 294 00:24:11.339 --> 00:24:14.980 other realm to found pieces of fine pieces of my soul, and he just 295 00:24:15.059 --> 00:24:21.299 kind of looked at me. I was like how much was that? I'm 296 00:24:21.339 --> 00:24:26.569 like, can you really put a price on my happiness? But no, 297 00:24:26.089 --> 00:24:29.650 I've created a zen den here in my house, so I have my own 298 00:24:29.690 --> 00:24:36.089 meditation room. I've got a very inexpensive waterfall, so I get the sounds 299 00:24:36.130 --> 00:24:38.400 of the you know, the sounds of like the stream in the water running. 300 00:24:38.880 --> 00:24:44.160 I've got salt lamps and there, because of the healing qualities of Himalayan 301 00:24:44.279 --> 00:24:47.119 salt lamps, I think that all of that is wonderful. I've got an 302 00:24:47.119 --> 00:24:49.519 oil diffuser in there and incense and just all of the things that can make 303 00:24:49.599 --> 00:24:56.789 me feel good. And I like to listen to guided meditation and so I'll 304 00:24:56.829 --> 00:25:00.710 do that on through like Amazon music or like a youtube video. So just 305 00:25:00.829 --> 00:25:03.069 things that I can pull up and stream for free and just quietly listen to 306 00:25:03.390 --> 00:25:07.299 and sit and meditate and it doesn't have to cost me anything. So I'm 307 00:25:07.339 --> 00:25:11.900 learning. I'm learning. I do still spend money, but I'm learning enough. 308 00:25:12.539 --> 00:25:18.779 How is this impact at your overall health long term? I have CELIAC 309 00:25:18.900 --> 00:25:25.730 disease, which is an autoimmune disease that affects the Gut. I did not 310 00:25:25.890 --> 00:25:30.289 know that CELIAC disease. Typically, most people with CELIAC have it because somebody 311 00:25:30.329 --> 00:25:33.609 else in their family does. Nobody else in my family that were aware of 312 00:25:33.809 --> 00:25:38.319 has CELIAC disease. I'm the only one. I'm the only person with an 313 00:25:38.319 --> 00:25:42.039 autoimmune disease at all, and so, you know, we did a lot 314 00:25:42.119 --> 00:25:45.799 of you know why? Why? Why does Timmy have this? And you 315 00:25:45.880 --> 00:25:48.440 know why is Timmy, you know, always sick? Or why does she 316 00:25:48.519 --> 00:25:52.349 have the worst immune system? And it turns out again, you know, 317 00:25:52.470 --> 00:25:56.150 trauma and the brain and trauma and the body, that all of these things 318 00:25:56.150 --> 00:26:00.910 are tied together, and so it's not uncommon for trauma to trigger CELIAC. 319 00:26:02.269 --> 00:26:03.190 Now, once you have it, you can't get rid of it. So 320 00:26:03.269 --> 00:26:07.700 it's not like I can heal my trauma and then my gut be completely normal 321 00:26:07.740 --> 00:26:10.819 again. I have to be gluten free now for the rest of my life. 322 00:26:11.740 --> 00:26:15.059 There's just no other way around that. But you know, I'm gonna 323 00:26:15.099 --> 00:26:19.609 have to carry this autoimmune disease now and there's a strong likelihood that it is 324 00:26:19.650 --> 00:26:23.410 a direct result of trauma. Yeah, that I I mean, there's a 325 00:26:23.450 --> 00:26:33.400 huge correlation to autoimmune diseases and trauma. It's especially with the GETA. Yeah, 326 00:26:33.440 --> 00:26:38.880 I know, I've got asthma and currently diabetes due to the trauma I 327 00:26:40.000 --> 00:26:45.880 have experienced. So I feel you I have die. I have type to 328 00:26:45.000 --> 00:26:51.390 diabetes, but that's just because I have a poor diet. There's no one 329 00:26:51.470 --> 00:26:53.589 else to say about that. It is just that's just poor diet control for 330 00:26:53.710 --> 00:26:57.029 me. I don't think that has anything to do with my trauma. However, 331 00:26:57.069 --> 00:27:03.299 I do one tho percent, believe that my autoimmune disease, my CELIAC 332 00:27:03.420 --> 00:27:07.779 disease, is directly related to trauma. But I think what we eat is 333 00:27:08.140 --> 00:27:17.289 especially for emotional eaters. Then that is tried to our trauma. So yeah, 334 00:27:18.170 --> 00:27:26.769 it's huge. How has this impacted your social life? So there's definitely 335 00:27:26.849 --> 00:27:33.240 been times in my life where I've been less than social people who knew me. 336 00:27:33.359 --> 00:27:38.240 I call it my former life. When I was when I was a 337 00:27:38.319 --> 00:27:44.309 business owner, it was like I was always I was always in performance mode. 338 00:27:45.670 --> 00:27:48.470 So, you know, I hosted parties for women. It was like 339 00:27:48.549 --> 00:27:52.509 an inhome party plan. Think of like Tupperware Mary K type of work. 340 00:27:52.589 --> 00:27:56.190 Right, you know you're hosting parties, and so I was always in performance 341 00:27:56.269 --> 00:27:59.700 mode. I felt like any time I was in a group environment, I 342 00:28:00.059 --> 00:28:04.660 like had to be selling all the time, and so when I was detached 343 00:28:04.740 --> 00:28:08.660 from those situations, all I wanted to do was just lay in bed quietly 344 00:28:08.900 --> 00:28:11.700 and not really have to do anything. I don't want to talk to anybody, 345 00:28:11.700 --> 00:28:14.930 I want to go anywhere. I didn't want to. I want to 346 00:28:14.930 --> 00:28:17.490 put on makeup, like please, just leave me alone and let me lay 347 00:28:17.490 --> 00:28:19.049 down because I need to rest. I need to rest before it's time to 348 00:28:19.089 --> 00:28:23.289 perform again. So a lot of people thought that I was an extrovert because 349 00:28:23.329 --> 00:28:27.880 I was very just, energetic and and always having a good time, but 350 00:28:29.839 --> 00:28:33.559 man, I was performing. That was a performance, because when I shut 351 00:28:33.599 --> 00:28:36.000 it off, I shut it all off and I was really an introvert. 352 00:28:37.599 --> 00:28:42.390 I don't have much of a social life outside of probably social media, and 353 00:28:42.670 --> 00:28:52.990 even that I have scaled back and removed, unfriended, blocked, just taken 354 00:28:53.069 --> 00:28:57.500 myself out of so many circles that I just don't really fit in anymore. 355 00:29:00.180 --> 00:29:03.420 So you know even that it's not like I'm a social media influencer by any 356 00:29:03.460 --> 00:29:07.140 means. I went from having, you know, maxed out on facebook over 357 00:29:07.299 --> 00:29:11.849 fivezero friends. That's like the limit. So I used to have to tell 358 00:29:11.849 --> 00:29:15.410 people don't send me a friend's request. I can't accept anymore. Just follow 359 00:29:15.450 --> 00:29:18.289 me. You have to follow me on facebook. I probably have less than 360 00:29:18.289 --> 00:29:21.730 three hundred facebook friends now, which is because I've scaled that back. So 361 00:29:21.930 --> 00:29:25.960 I'm not trying to be a social media influence Er. I'm I don't care 362 00:29:26.000 --> 00:29:32.200 if I'm the most popular person I have. I have a small circle of 363 00:29:32.319 --> 00:29:40.869 amazing friends and I don't need a large group of people who don't really care 364 00:29:41.029 --> 00:29:44.069 what's going on in my life. You know what I mean. I mean 365 00:29:44.109 --> 00:29:48.990 I think statistically speaking, you can only recognize about five hundred people and like 366 00:29:49.269 --> 00:29:56.779 and have relationships with more than a hundred people. I mean, that's that's 367 00:29:56.980 --> 00:30:03.740 really that sounds fair. You know, realistically, you know, after your 368 00:30:03.819 --> 00:30:12.529 database is bull I mean, there's no room left. But no, how 369 00:30:12.690 --> 00:30:22.359 is this affected your long term mental health? We're getting there. It's still 370 00:30:22.400 --> 00:30:30.160 it's a beautiful work in progress. I see two victims out there. What 371 00:30:30.279 --> 00:30:37.190 advice would you want to give them? Find Your Voice, let people know. 372 00:30:37.869 --> 00:30:41.910 It's important for you to know that you're not alone. There's no reason 373 00:30:41.950 --> 00:30:48.829 to keep this a secret. If you haven't found your voice yet, reach 374 00:30:48.910 --> 00:30:53.299 out to somebody. You don't have to use a public platform and and announce 375 00:30:53.339 --> 00:30:56.140 it to the world like I did. I mean, I'll shout it from 376 00:30:56.140 --> 00:31:00.059 a mountain top. I don't care anymore, because that's who I am. 377 00:31:00.140 --> 00:31:03.019 If that's not who you are, that's okay, but find somebody and tell 378 00:31:03.140 --> 00:31:07.970 somebody, because you can't keep this you have to you have to acknowledge it, 379 00:31:07.130 --> 00:31:10.410 you have to own it and then you can heal from it. And 380 00:31:10.529 --> 00:31:15.569 we can't start healing until until you acknowledge it. So just reach out to 381 00:31:15.690 --> 00:31:19.559 somebody. Reach out to somebody. There's there's free resources out there, y'all. 382 00:31:19.640 --> 00:31:25.640 The haven retreat through the unique foundation is one hundred percent free. If 383 00:31:25.680 --> 00:31:30.440 you are a female over the age of eighteen and you were sexually assaulted prior 384 00:31:30.519 --> 00:31:34.269 to the age of eighteen, this program is for you and it's a really 385 00:31:34.309 --> 00:31:40.990 good program I went and it's amazing, absolute life change, life changing. 386 00:31:41.029 --> 00:31:49.500 How is this impact in your faith? Sure? Not sure. I've always 387 00:31:49.579 --> 00:32:00.299 struggled with faith. I wasn't raised in a church, you know. I, 388 00:32:00.970 --> 00:32:04.529 like I said, I I throw things at the wall to see what 389 00:32:04.529 --> 00:32:07.609 would Dick and you know some of that was was, you know, talking 390 00:32:07.730 --> 00:32:13.809 to God. I don't know. I don't know where I stand with that 391 00:32:13.970 --> 00:32:22.119 yet and I think that that's okay. I I'm trying, I'm open to 392 00:32:22.240 --> 00:32:29.960 learning, I'm receptive to learning, but I for me, I don't know 393 00:32:30.069 --> 00:32:35.269 that my faith is going to fall into a religious belief right now. My 394 00:32:35.470 --> 00:32:45.940 faith is definitely more just spiritual and earth grounded, scientific even. Maybe Fair 395 00:32:45.980 --> 00:32:51.460 enough. I think that's it. Thanks for hat coming on our show, 396 00:32:51.539 --> 00:32:57.660 Tammy, and telling us a little bit about yourself and sharing your journey of 397 00:32:57.740 --> 00:33:04.049 recovery and helping others out as they learned to find their voice. Thank you, 398 00:33:04.329 --> 00:33:06.170 well, thank you so much for having me. I think it's a 399 00:33:06.170 --> 00:33:08.289 beautiful thing what you do. Thank you all right, guys, thanks for 400 00:33:08.410 --> 00:33:14.000 listening. We've got a next episode's coming out, hopefully Thursday of next week. 401 00:33:14.720 --> 00:33:20.200 So keep listening and follow us on Facebook, twitter or Linkedin, and 402 00:33:20.400 --> 00:33:24.720 you can always come to our website at ww w Rachel and RECOVERYCOM. Thanks 403 00:33:24.799 --> 00:33:25.319 for listening.

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